blob: 9a9ea86609184dca0e981ff89d06107a8edb2929 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "impeller/core/sampler_descriptor.h"
#include "impeller/core/texture.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/color.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/rect.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/snapshot.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/lazy_glyph_atlas.h"
namespace impeller {
class ContentContext;
struct ContentContextOptions;
class Entity;
class Surface;
class RenderPass;
class FilterContents;
ContentContextOptions OptionsFromPass(const RenderPass& pass);
ContentContextOptions OptionsFromPassAndEntity(const RenderPass& pass,
const Entity& entity);
class Contents {
/// A procedure that filters a given unpremultiplied color to produce a new
/// unpremultiplied color.
using ColorFilterProc = std::function<Color(Color)>;
struct ClipCoverage {
enum class Type { kNoChange, kAppend, kRestore };
Type type = Type::kNoChange;
std::optional<Rect> coverage = std::nullopt;
using RenderProc = std::function<bool(const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass)>;
using CoverageProc = std::function<std::optional<Rect>(const Entity& entity)>;
static std::shared_ptr<Contents> MakeAnonymous(RenderProc render_proc,
CoverageProc coverage_proc);
virtual ~Contents();
/// @brief Add any text data to the specified lazy atlas. The scale parameter
/// must be used again later when drawing the text.
virtual void PopulateGlyphAtlas(
const std::shared_ptr<LazyGlyphAtlas>& lazy_glyph_atlas,
Scalar scale) {}
virtual bool Render(const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass) const = 0;
/// @brief Get the area of the render pass that will be affected when this
/// contents is rendered.
/// During rendering, coverage coordinates count pixels from the top
/// left corner of the framebuffer.
/// @return The coverage rectangle. An `std::nullopt` result means that
/// rendering this contents has no effect on the output color.
virtual std::optional<Rect> GetCoverage(const Entity& entity) const = 0;
/// @brief Hint that specifies the coverage area of this Contents that will
/// actually be used during rendering. This is for optimization
/// purposes only and can not be relied on as a clip. May optionally
/// affect the result of `GetCoverage()`.
void SetCoverageHint(std::optional<Rect> coverage_hint);
const std::optional<Rect>& GetCoverageHint() const;
/// @brief Whether this Contents only emits opaque source colors from the
/// fragment stage. This value does not account for any entity
/// properties (e.g. the blend mode), clips/visibility culling, or
/// inherited opacity.
virtual bool IsOpaque() const;
/// @brief Given the current pass space bounding rectangle of the clip
/// buffer, return the expected clip coverage after this draw call.
/// This should only be implemented for contents that may write to the
/// clip buffer.
/// During rendering, coverage coordinates count pixels from the top
/// left corner of the framebuffer.
virtual ClipCoverage GetClipCoverage(
const Entity& entity,
const std::optional<Rect>& current_clip_coverage) const;
/// @brief Render this contents to a snapshot, respecting the entity's
/// transform, path, clip depth, and blend mode.
/// The result texture size is always the size of
/// `GetCoverage(entity)`.
virtual std::optional<Snapshot> RenderToSnapshot(
const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
std::optional<Rect> coverage_limit = std::nullopt,
const std::optional<SamplerDescriptor>& sampler_descriptor = std::nullopt,
bool msaa_enabled = true,
const std::string& label = "Snapshot") const;
virtual bool ShouldRender(const Entity& entity,
const std::optional<Rect> clip_coverage) const;
/// @brief Return the color source's intrinsic size, if available.
/// For example, a gradient has a size based on its end and beginning
/// points, ignoring any tiling. Solid colors and runtime effects have
/// no size.
std::optional<Size> GetColorSourceSize() const;
void SetColorSourceSize(Size size);
/// @brief Whether or not this contents can accept the opacity peephole
/// optimization.
/// By default all contents return false. Contents are responsible
/// for determining whether or not their own geometries intersect in
/// a way that makes accepting opacity impossible. It is always safe
/// to return false, especially if computing overlap would be
/// computationally expensive.
virtual bool CanInheritOpacity(const Entity& entity) const;
/// @brief Inherit the provided opacity.
/// Use of this method is invalid if CanAcceptOpacity returns false.
virtual void SetInheritedOpacity(Scalar opacity);
/// @brief Returns a color if this Contents will flood the given `target_size`
/// with a color. This output color is the "Source" color that will be
/// used for the Entity's blend operation.
/// This is useful for absorbing full screen solid color draws into
/// subpass clear colors.
virtual std::optional<Color> AsBackgroundColor(const Entity& entity,
ISize target_size) const;
/// @brief Cast to a filter. Returns `nullptr` if this Contents is not a
/// filter.
virtual const FilterContents* AsFilter() const;
/// @brief If possible, applies a color filter to this contents inputs on
/// the CPU.
/// This method will either fully apply the color filter or
/// perform no action. Partial/incorrect application of the color
/// filter will never occur.
/// @param[in] color_filter_proc A function that filters a given
/// unpremultiplied color to produce a new
/// unpremultiplied color.
/// @return True if the color filter was able to be fully applied to all
/// all relevant inputs. Otherwise, this operation is a no-op and
/// false is returned.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool ApplyColorFilter(
const ColorFilterProc& color_filter_proc);
std::optional<Rect> coverage_hint_;
std::optional<Size> color_source_size_;
Contents(const Contents&) = delete;
Contents& operator=(const Contents&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller