blob: 220405cbfdba03cba12770d3a42376521995888a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/typographer/backends/stb/typographer_context_stb.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
#include "impeller/base/allocation.h"
#include "impeller/core/allocator.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/backends/stb/glyph_atlas_context_stb.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/font_glyph_pair.h"
#include "typeface_stb.h"
constexpr auto kColorFontBitsPerPixel = 1;
constexpr auto kColorFontBitsPerPixel = 4;
namespace impeller {
constexpr size_t kPadding = 1;
std::unique_ptr<TypographerContext> TypographerContextSTB::Make() {
return std::make_unique<TypographerContextSTB>();
TypographerContextSTB::TypographerContextSTB() : TypographerContext() {}
TypographerContextSTB::~TypographerContextSTB() = default;
TypographerContextSTB::CreateGlyphAtlasContext() const {
return std::make_shared<GlyphAtlasContextSTB>();
// Function returns the count of "remaining pairs" not packed into rect of given
// size.
static size_t PairsFitInAtlasOfSize(
const std::vector<FontGlyphPair>& pairs,
const ISize& atlas_size,
std::vector<Rect>& glyph_positions,
const std::shared_ptr<RectanglePacker>& rect_packer) {
if (atlas_size.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
size_t i = 0;
for (auto it = pairs.begin(); it != pairs.end(); ++i, ++it) {
const auto& pair = *it;
const Font& font = pair.scaled_font.font;
// We downcast to the correct typeface type to access `stb` specific
// methods.
std::shared_ptr<TypefaceSTB> typeface_stb =
// Conversion factor to scale font size in Points to pixels.
// Note this assumes typical DPI.
float text_size_pixels =
font.GetMetrics().point_size * TypefaceSTB::kPointsToPixels;
ISize glyph_size;
int x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 0, y1 = 0;
// NOTE: We increase the size of the glyph by one pixel in all dimensions
// to allow us to cut out padding later.
float scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(typeface_stb->GetFontInfo(),
stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(typeface_stb->GetFontInfo(), pair.glyph.index,
scale, scale, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1);
glyph_size = ISize(x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
IPoint16 location_in_atlas;
if (!rect_packer->addRect(glyph_size.width + kPadding, //
glyph_size.height + kPadding, //
&location_in_atlas //
)) {
return pairs.size() - i;
glyph_positions.emplace_back(Rect::MakeXYWH(location_in_atlas.x(), //
location_in_atlas.y(), //
glyph_size.width, //
glyph_size.height //
return 0;
static bool CanAppendToExistingAtlas(
const std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas>& atlas,
const std::vector<FontGlyphPair>& extra_pairs,
std::vector<Rect>& glyph_positions,
ISize atlas_size,
const std::shared_ptr<RectanglePacker>& rect_packer) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
if (!rect_packer || atlas_size.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
// We assume that all existing glyphs will fit. After all, they fit before.
// The glyph_positions only contains the values for the additional glyphs
// from extra_pairs.
FML_DCHECK(glyph_positions.size() == 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < extra_pairs.size(); i++) {
const FontGlyphPair& pair = extra_pairs[i];
const Font& font = pair.scaled_font.font;
// We downcast to the correct typeface type to access `stb` specific methods
std::shared_ptr<TypefaceSTB> typeface_stb =
// Conversion factor to scale font size in Points to pixels.
// Note this assumes typical DPI.
float text_size_pixels =
font.GetMetrics().point_size * TypefaceSTB::kPointsToPixels;
ISize glyph_size;
int x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 0, y1 = 0;
// NOTE: We increase the size of the glyph by one pixel in all dimensions
// to allow us to cut out padding later.
float scale_y = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(typeface_stb->GetFontInfo(),
float scale_x = scale_y;
stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(typeface_stb->GetFontInfo(), pair.glyph.index,
scale_x, scale_y, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1);
glyph_size = ISize(x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
IPoint16 location_in_atlas;
if (!rect_packer->addRect(glyph_size.width + kPadding, //
glyph_size.height + kPadding, //
&location_in_atlas //
)) {
return false;
glyph_positions.emplace_back(Rect::MakeXYWH(location_in_atlas.x(), //
location_in_atlas.y(), //
glyph_size.width, //
glyph_size.height //
return true;
static ISize OptimumAtlasSizeForFontGlyphPairs(
const std::vector<FontGlyphPair>& pairs,
std::vector<Rect>& glyph_positions,
const std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlasContext>& atlas_context,
GlyphAtlas::Type type,
const ISize& max_texture_size) {
static constexpr auto kMinAtlasSize = 8u;
static constexpr auto kMinAlphaBitmapSize = 1024u;
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
ISize current_size = type == GlyphAtlas::Type::kAlphaBitmap
? ISize(kMinAlphaBitmapSize, kMinAlphaBitmapSize)
: ISize(kMinAtlasSize, kMinAtlasSize);
size_t total_pairs = pairs.size() + 1;
do {
auto rect_packer = std::shared_ptr<RectanglePacker>(
RectanglePacker::Factory(current_size.width, current_size.height));
auto remaining_pairs = PairsFitInAtlasOfSize(pairs, current_size,
glyph_positions, rect_packer);
if (remaining_pairs == 0) {
return current_size;
} else if (remaining_pairs < std::ceil(total_pairs / 2)) {
current_size = ISize::MakeWH(
std::max(current_size.width, current_size.height),
std::min(current_size.width, current_size.height) + 1));
} else {
current_size = ISize::MakeWH(
Allocation::NextPowerOfTwoSize(current_size.width + 1),
Allocation::NextPowerOfTwoSize(current_size.height + 1));
} while (current_size.width <= max_texture_size.width &&
current_size.height <= max_texture_size.height);
return ISize{0, 0};
static void DrawGlyph(BitmapSTB* bitmap,
const ScaledFont& scaled_font,
const Glyph& glyph,
const Rect& location,
bool has_color) {
const auto& metrics = scaled_font.font.GetMetrics();
const impeller::Font& font = scaled_font.font;
auto typeface = font.GetTypeface();
// We downcast to the correct typeface type to access `stb` specific methods
std::shared_ptr<TypefaceSTB> typeface_stb =
// Conversion factor to scale font size in Points to pixels.
// Note this assumes typical DPI.
float text_size_pixels = metrics.point_size * TypefaceSTB::kPointsToPixels;
float scale_y =
stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(typeface_stb->GetFontInfo(), text_size_pixels);
float scale_x = scale_y;
auto output = bitmap->GetPixelAddress({static_cast<size_t>(location.GetX()),
// For Alpha and Signed Distance field bitmaps we can use STB to draw the
// Glyph in place
if (!has_color || DISABLE_COLOR_FONT_SUPPORT) {
stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap(typeface_stb->GetFontInfo(), output,
location.GetWidth() - kPadding,
location.GetHeight() - kPadding,
bitmap->GetRowBytes(), scale_x, scale_y, glyph.index);
} else {
// But for color bitmaps we need to get the glyph pixels and then carry all
// channels into the atlas bitmap. This may not be performant but I'm unsure
// of any other approach currently.
int glyph_bitmap_width = 0;
int glyph_bitmap_height = 0;
int glyph_bitmap_xoff = 0;
int glyph_bitmap_yoff = 0;
auto glyph_pixels = stbtt_GetGlyphBitmap(
typeface_stb->GetFontInfo(), scale_x, scale_y, glyph.index,
&glyph_bitmap_width, &glyph_bitmap_height, &glyph_bitmap_xoff,
uint8_t* write_pos = output;
for (auto y = 0; y < glyph_bitmap_height; ++y) {
for (auto x = 0; x < glyph_bitmap_width; ++x) {
// Color bitmaps write as White (i.e. what is 0 in an alpha bitmap is
// 255 in a color bitmap) But not alpha. Alpha still carries
// transparency info in the normal way.
// There's some issue with color fonts, in that if the pixel color is
// nonzero, the alpha is ignored during rendering. That is, partially
// (or fully) transparent pixels with nonzero color are rendered as
// fully opaque.
uint8_t a = glyph_pixels[x + y * glyph_bitmap_width];
uint8_t c = 255 - a;
// Red channel
*write_pos = c;
// Green channel
*write_pos = c;
// Blue channel
*write_pos = c;
// Alpha channel
*write_pos = a;
// next row
write_pos = output + (y * bitmap->GetRowBytes());
stbtt_FreeBitmap(glyph_pixels, nullptr);
static bool UpdateAtlasBitmap(const GlyphAtlas& atlas,
const std::shared_ptr<BitmapSTB>& bitmap,
const std::vector<FontGlyphPair>& new_pairs) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
FML_DCHECK(bitmap != nullptr);
bool has_color = atlas.GetType() == GlyphAtlas::Type::kColorBitmap;
for (const FontGlyphPair& pair : new_pairs) {
auto pos = atlas.FindFontGlyphBounds(pair);
if (!pos.has_value()) {
DrawGlyph(bitmap.get(), pair.scaled_font, pair.glyph, pos.value(),
return true;
static std::shared_ptr<BitmapSTB> CreateAtlasBitmap(const GlyphAtlas& atlas,
const ISize& atlas_size) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
size_t bytes_per_pixel = 1;
if (atlas.GetType() == GlyphAtlas::Type::kColorBitmap &&
bytes_per_pixel = kColorFontBitsPerPixel;
auto bitmap = std::make_shared<BitmapSTB>(atlas_size.width, atlas_size.height,
bool has_color = atlas.GetType() == GlyphAtlas::Type::kColorBitmap;
atlas.IterateGlyphs([&bitmap, has_color](const ScaledFont& scaled_font,
const Glyph& glyph,
const Rect& location) -> bool {
DrawGlyph(bitmap.get(), scaled_font, glyph, location, has_color);
return true;
return bitmap;
// static bool UpdateGlyphTextureAtlas(std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> bitmap,
static bool UpdateGlyphTextureAtlas(std::shared_ptr<BitmapSTB>& bitmap,
const std::shared_ptr<Texture>& texture) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
FML_DCHECK(bitmap != nullptr);
auto texture_descriptor = texture->GetTextureDescriptor();
auto mapping = std::make_shared<fml::NonOwnedMapping>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(bitmap->GetPixels()), // data
texture_descriptor.GetByteSizeOfBaseMipLevel() // size
// As the bitmap is static in this module I believe we don't need to
// specify a release proc.
return texture->SetContents(mapping);
static std::shared_ptr<Texture> UploadGlyphTextureAtlas(
const std::shared_ptr<Allocator>& allocator,
std::shared_ptr<BitmapSTB>& bitmap,
const ISize& atlas_size,
PixelFormat format) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
if (!allocator) {
return nullptr;
FML_DCHECK(bitmap != nullptr);
TextureDescriptor texture_descriptor;
texture_descriptor.storage_mode = StorageMode::kHostVisible;
texture_descriptor.format = format;
texture_descriptor.size = atlas_size;
if (bitmap->GetRowBytes() * bitmap->GetHeight() !=
texture_descriptor.GetByteSizeOfBaseMipLevel()) {
return nullptr;
auto texture = allocator->CreateTexture(texture_descriptor);
if (!texture || !texture->IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
auto mapping = std::make_shared<fml::NonOwnedMapping>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(bitmap->GetPixels()), // data
texture_descriptor.GetByteSizeOfBaseMipLevel() // size
// As the bitmap is static in this module I believe we don't need to
// specify a release proc.
if (!texture->SetContents(mapping)) {
return nullptr;
return texture;
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> TypographerContextSTB::CreateGlyphAtlas(
Context& context,
GlyphAtlas::Type type,
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlasContext> atlas_context,
const FontGlyphMap& font_glyph_map) const {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
if (!IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
auto& atlas_context_stb = GlyphAtlasContextSTB::Cast(*atlas_context);
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> last_atlas = atlas_context->GetGlyphAtlas();
if (font_glyph_map.empty()) {
return last_atlas;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 1: Determine if the atlas type and font glyph pairs are compatible
// with the current atlas and reuse if possible.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::vector<FontGlyphPair> new_glyphs;
for (const auto& font_value : font_glyph_map) {
const ScaledFont& scaled_font = font_value.first;
const FontGlyphAtlas* font_glyph_atlas =
last_atlas->GetFontGlyphAtlas(scaled_font.font, scaled_font.scale);
if (font_glyph_atlas) {
for (const Glyph& glyph : font_value.second) {
if (!font_glyph_atlas->FindGlyphBounds(glyph)) {
new_glyphs.emplace_back(scaled_font, glyph);
} else {
for (const Glyph& glyph : font_value.second) {
new_glyphs.emplace_back(scaled_font, glyph);
if (last_atlas->GetType() == type && new_glyphs.size() == 0) {
return last_atlas;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 2: Determine if the additional missing glyphs can be appended to the
// existing bitmap without recreating the atlas. This requires that
// the type is identical.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::vector<Rect> glyph_positions;
if (last_atlas->GetType() == type &&
CanAppendToExistingAtlas(last_atlas, new_glyphs, glyph_positions,
atlas_context->GetRectPacker())) {
// The old bitmap will be reused and only the additional glyphs will be
// added.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 3a: Record the positions in the glyph atlas of the newly added
// glyphs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
for (size_t i = 0, count = glyph_positions.size(); i < count; i++) {
last_atlas->AddTypefaceGlyphPosition(new_glyphs[i], glyph_positions[i]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 4a: Draw new font-glyph pairs into the existing bitmap.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// auto bitmap = atlas_context->GetBitmap();
auto bitmap = atlas_context_stb.GetBitmap();
if (!UpdateAtlasBitmap(*last_atlas, bitmap, new_glyphs)) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 5a: Update the existing texture with the updated bitmap.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!UpdateGlyphTextureAtlas(bitmap, last_atlas->GetTexture())) {
return nullptr;
return last_atlas;
// A new glyph atlas must be created.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 3b: Get the optimum size of the texture atlas.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::vector<FontGlyphPair> font_glyph_pairs;
font_glyph_map.begin(), font_glyph_map.end(), 0,
[](const int a, const auto& b) { return a + b.second.size(); }));
for (const auto& font_value : font_glyph_map) {
const ScaledFont& scaled_font = font_value.first;
for (const Glyph& glyph : font_value.second) {
font_glyph_pairs.push_back({scaled_font, glyph});
auto glyph_atlas = std::make_shared<GlyphAtlas>(type);
auto atlas_size = OptimumAtlasSizeForFontGlyphPairs(
font_glyph_pairs, //
glyph_positions, //
atlas_context, //
type, //
context.GetResourceAllocator()->GetMaxTextureSizeSupported() //
atlas_context->UpdateGlyphAtlas(glyph_atlas, atlas_size);
if (atlas_size.IsEmpty()) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 4b: Find location of font-glyph pairs in the atlas. We have this from
// the last step. So no need to do create another rect packer. But just do a
// sanity check of counts. This could also be just an assertion as only a
// construction issue would cause such a failure.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (glyph_positions.size() != font_glyph_pairs.size()) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 5b: Record the positions in the glyph atlas.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t i = 0;
for (auto it = font_glyph_pairs.begin(); it != font_glyph_pairs.end();
++i, ++it) {
glyph_atlas->AddTypefaceGlyphPosition(*it, glyph_positions[i]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 6b: Draw font-glyph pairs in the correct spot in the atlas.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
auto bitmap = CreateAtlasBitmap(*glyph_atlas, atlas_size);
if (!bitmap) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 7b: Upload the atlas as a texture.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PixelFormat format;
switch (type) {
case GlyphAtlas::Type::kAlphaBitmap:
format = PixelFormat::kA8UNormInt;
case GlyphAtlas::Type::kColorBitmap:
format = DISABLE_COLOR_FONT_SUPPORT ? PixelFormat::kA8UNormInt
: PixelFormat::kR8G8B8A8UNormInt;
auto texture = UploadGlyphTextureAtlas(context.GetResourceAllocator(), bitmap,
atlas_size, format);
if (!texture) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 8b: Record the texture in the glyph atlas.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
return glyph_atlas;
} // namespace impeller