blob: 219ae36af5ad14ea5cc09dcdefd3178a8176e1e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dom.dart';
DomElement? _logElement;
late DomElement _logContainer;
List<_LogMessage> _logBuffer = <_LogMessage>[];
class _LogMessage {
int duplicateCount = 1;
final String message;
String toString() {
if (duplicateCount == 1) {
return message;
return '${duplicateCount}x $message';
/// A drop-in replacement for [print] that prints on the screen into a
/// fixed-positioned element.
/// This is useful, for example, for print-debugging on iOS when debugging over
/// USB is not available.
void printOnScreen(Object object) {
if (_logElement == null) {
final String message = '$object';
if (_logBuffer.isNotEmpty && _logBuffer.last.message == message) {
_logBuffer.last.duplicateCount += 1;
} else {
if (_logBuffer.length > 80) {
_logBuffer = _logBuffer.sublist(_logBuffer.length - 50);
_logContainer.text = _logBuffer.join('\n');
// Also log to console for browsers that give you access to it.
void _initialize() {
_logElement = createDomElement('flt-onscreen-log');
_logElement!.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
..position = 'fixed'
..left = '0'
..right = '0'
..bottom = '0'
..height = '25%'
..backgroundColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)'
..color = 'white'
..fontSize = '8px'
..whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap'
..overflow = 'hidden'
..zIndex = '1000';
_logContainer = createDomElement('flt-log-container');
_logContainer.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
..position = 'absolute'
..bottom = '0';
/// Dump the current stack to the console using [print] and
/// [defaultStackFilter].
/// The current stack is obtained using [StackTrace.current].
/// The `maxFrames` argument can be given to limit the stack to the given number
/// of lines. By default, all non-filtered stack lines are shown.
/// The `label` argument, if present, will be printed before the stack.
void debugPrintStack({String? label, int? maxFrames}) {
if (label != null) {
Iterable<String> lines =
if (maxFrames != null) {
lines = lines.take(maxFrames);
/// Converts a stack to a string that is more readable by omitting stack
/// frames that correspond to Dart internals.
/// This function expects its input to be in the format used by
/// [StackTrace.toString()]. The output of this function is similar to that
/// format but the frame numbers will not be consecutive (frames are elided)
/// and the final line may be prose rather than a stack frame.
Iterable<String> defaultStackFilter(Iterable<String> frames) {
const List<String> filteredPackages = <String>[
final RegExp stackParser =
RegExp(r'^#[0-9]+ +([^.]+).* \(([^/\\]*)[/\\].+:[0-9]+(?::[0-9]+)?\)$');
final RegExp packageParser = RegExp(r'^([^:]+):(.+)$');
final List<String> result = <String>[];
final List<String> skipped = <String>[];
for (final String line in frames) {
final Match? match = stackParser.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
assert(match.groupCount == 2);
if (filteredPackages.contains( {
final Match? packageMatch = packageParser.firstMatch(!);
if (packageMatch != null && == 'package') {
'package ${}'); // avoid "package package:foo"
} else {
skipped.add('package ${}');
if (skipped.length == 1) {
result.add('(elided one frame from ${skipped.single})');
} else if (skipped.length > 1) {
final List<String> where = Set<String>.from(skipped).toList()..sort();
if (where.length > 1) {
where[where.length - 1] = 'and ${where.last}';
if (where.length > 2) {
result.add('(elided ${skipped.length} frames from ${where.join(", ")})');
} else {
result.add('(elided ${skipped.length} frames from ${where.join(" ")})');
return result;
String debugIdentify(Object? object) {
return '${object!.runtimeType}(@${object.hashCode})';