blob: eb996613f5a5ce8953b0023ade04d6e7509df995 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/gles/pipeline_gles.h"
namespace impeller {
PipelineGLES::PipelineGLES(ReactorGLES::Ref reactor,
std::weak_ptr<PipelineLibrary> library,
const PipelineDescriptor& desc)
: Pipeline(std::move(library), desc),
handle_(reactor_ ? reactor_->CreateHandle(HandleType::kProgram)
: HandleGLES::DeadHandle()),
is_valid_(!handle_.IsDead()) {
if (is_valid_) {
reactor_->SetDebugLabel(handle_, GetDescriptor().GetLabel());
// |Pipeline|
PipelineGLES::~PipelineGLES() {
if (!handle_.IsDead()) {
// |Pipeline|
bool PipelineGLES::IsValid() const {
return is_valid_;
const HandleGLES& PipelineGLES::GetProgramHandle() const {
return handle_;
BufferBindingsGLES* PipelineGLES::GetBufferBindings() const {
return buffer_bindings_.get();
bool PipelineGLES::BuildVertexDescriptor(const ProcTableGLES& gl,
GLuint program) {
if (buffer_bindings_) {
return false;
auto vtx_desc = std::make_unique<BufferBindingsGLES>();
if (!vtx_desc->RegisterVertexStageInput(
gl, GetDescriptor().GetVertexDescriptor()->GetStageInputs(),
GetDescriptor().GetVertexDescriptor()->GetStageLayouts())) {
return false;
if (!vtx_desc->ReadUniformsBindings(gl, program)) {
return false;
buffer_bindings_ = std::move(vtx_desc);
return true;
[[nodiscard]] bool PipelineGLES::BindProgram() const {
if (handle_.IsDead()) {
return false;
auto handle = reactor_->GetGLHandle(handle_);
if (!handle.has_value()) {
return false;
return true;
[[nodiscard]] bool PipelineGLES::UnbindProgram() const {
if (reactor_) {
return true;
} // namespace impeller