blob: 03c34830115e417df570464b8ae9f641151ddf9e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Runs the Android scenario tests on a connected device.
# To run the test on a x64 emulator, build `android_debug_unopt_x64`, and then run
# `./ android_debug_unopt_x64`.
set -e
# Check number of args.
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <variant> [flags*]"
exit 1
# Needed because if it is set, cd may print the path it changed to.
unset CDPATH
# On Mac OS, readlink -f doesn't work, so follow_links traverses the path one
# link at a time, and then cds into the link destination and find out where it
# ends up.
# The function is enclosed in a subshell to avoid changing the working directory
# of the caller.
function follow_links() (
cd -P "$(dirname -- "$1")"
file="$PWD/$(basename -- "$1")"
while [[ -L "$file" ]]; do
cd -P "$(dirname -- "$file")"
file="$(readlink -- "$file")"
cd -P "$(dirname -- "$file")"
file="$PWD/$(basename -- "$file")"
echo "$file"
SCRIPT_DIR=$(follow_links "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")
cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/../../.."
pwd -P
# TODO(matanlurey): If the test runner was purely in Dart, this would not have
# been necesesary to repeat. However my best guess is the Dart script was seen
# as potentially crashing, so it was wrapped in a shell script. If we can change
# this, we should.
# Define a logs directory for ADB and screenshots.
# By default, it should be the environment variable FLUTTER_LOGS_DIR, but if
# it's not set, use the output directory and append "scenario_app/logs".
# Create the logs directory if it doesn't exist.
mkdir -p "$LOGS_DIR"
# Dump the logcat and symbolize stack traces before exiting.
function dumpLogcat {
if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then
# Get the expected location of logcat.txt.
echo "-> Symbolize stack traces"
"$SRC_DIR"/third_party/android_tools/ndk/prebuilt/"$ndkstack"/bin/ndk-stack \
-sym "$OUT_DIR" \
-dump "$logcat_file"
echo "<- Done"
echo "-> Dump full logcat"
cat "$logcat_file"
echo "<- Done"
# Output the directory for the logs.
echo "TIP: Full logs are in $LOGS_DIR"
# On error, dump the logcat and symbolize stack traces.
trap dumpLogcat ERR
"$SRC_DIR"/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin/dart pub get
"$SRC_DIR"/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin/dart run \
"$SCRIPT_DIR"/bin/android_integration_tests.dart \
--out-dir="$OUT_DIR" \
--logs-dir="$LOGS_DIR" \
--output-contents-golden="$CONTENTS_GOLDEN" \