blob: 0e6992af5b534ccdab6bbed59e8d6a25a6834b77 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <Metal/Metal.h>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "impeller/base/backend_cast.h"
#include "impeller/core/texture.h"
namespace impeller {
class TextureMTL final : public Texture,
public BackendCast<TextureMTL, Texture> {
/// @brief This callback needs to always return the same texture when called
/// multiple times.
using AcquireTextureProc = std::function<id<MTLTexture>()>;
TextureMTL(TextureDescriptor desc,
const AcquireTextureProc& aquire_proc,
bool wrapped = false,
bool drawable = false);
static std::shared_ptr<TextureMTL> Wrapper(
TextureDescriptor desc,
id<MTLTexture> texture,
std::function<void()> deletion_proc = nullptr);
static std::shared_ptr<TextureMTL> Create(TextureDescriptor desc,
id<MTLTexture> texture);
// |Texture|
~TextureMTL() override;
id<MTLTexture> GetMTLTexture() const;
bool IsWrapped() const;
/// @brief Whether or not this texture is wrapping a Metal drawable.
bool IsDrawable() const;
// |Texture|
bool IsValid() const override;
bool GenerateMipmap(id<MTLBlitCommandEncoder> encoder);
AcquireTextureProc aquire_proc_ = {};
bool is_valid_ = false;
bool is_wrapped_ = false;
bool is_drawable_ = false;
// |Texture|
void SetLabel(std::string_view label) override;
// |Texture|
bool OnSetContents(const uint8_t* contents,
size_t length,
size_t slice) override;
// |Texture|
bool OnSetContents(std::shared_ptr<const fml::Mapping> mapping,
size_t slice) override;
// |Texture|
ISize GetSize() const override;
TextureMTL(const TextureMTL&) = delete;
TextureMTL& operator=(const TextureMTL&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller