blob: 0c7885758d6a50ab4a3acccd77be0fa352bb0e07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/fml/native_library.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/android/jni_util.h"
#include "flutter/impeller/toolkit/egl/egl.h"
#include <android/hardware_buffer.h>
namespace flutter {
using HardwareBufferKey = uint64_t;
// A collection of NDK functions that are available depending on the version of
// the Android SDK we are linked with at runtime.
class NDKHelpers {
// API Version 26
static bool HardwareBufferSupported();
static AHardwareBuffer* AHardwareBuffer_fromHardwareBuffer(
JNIEnv* env,
jobject hardwareBufferObj);
static void AHardwareBuffer_acquire(AHardwareBuffer* buffer);
static void AHardwareBuffer_release(AHardwareBuffer* buffer);
static void AHardwareBuffer_describe(AHardwareBuffer* buffer,
AHardwareBuffer_Desc* desc);
static EGLClientBuffer eglGetNativeClientBufferANDROID(
AHardwareBuffer* buffer);
// API Version 31
// Returns std::nullopt on API version 26 - 30.
static std::optional<HardwareBufferKey> AHardwareBuffer_getId(
AHardwareBuffer* buffer);
static void Init();
} // namespace flutter