blob: 773ce08c40e7890c4b1a5d770518142253ae202f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/command.h"
#include <utility>
#include "impeller/base/validation.h"
#include "impeller/core/formats.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/vertex_descriptor.h"
namespace impeller {
bool Command::BindVertices(VertexBuffer buffer) {
if (buffer.index_type == IndexType::kUnknown) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Cannot bind vertex buffer with an unknown index type.";
return false;
vertex_buffer = std::move(buffer);
return true;
bool Command::BindResource(ShaderStage stage,
DescriptorType type,
const ShaderUniformSlot& slot,
const ShaderMetadata& metadata,
BufferView view) {
return DoBindResource(stage, slot, &metadata, std::move(view));
bool Command::BindResource(
ShaderStage stage,
DescriptorType type,
const ShaderUniformSlot& slot,
const std::shared_ptr<const ShaderMetadata>& metadata,
BufferView view) {
return DoBindResource(stage, slot, metadata, std::move(view));
template <class T>
bool Command::DoBindResource(ShaderStage stage,
const ShaderUniformSlot& slot,
const T metadata,
BufferView view) {
FML_DCHECK(slot.ext_res_0 != VertexDescriptor::kReservedVertexBufferIndex);
if (!view) {
return false;
switch (stage) {
case ShaderStage::kVertex:
.slot = slot, .view = BufferResource(metadata, std::move(view))});
return true;
case ShaderStage::kFragment:
.slot = slot, .view = BufferResource(metadata, std::move(view))});
return true;
case ShaderStage::kCompute:
VALIDATION_LOG << "Use ComputeCommands for compute shader stages.";
case ShaderStage::kUnknown:
return false;
return false;
bool Command::BindResource(ShaderStage stage,
DescriptorType type,
const SampledImageSlot& slot,
const ShaderMetadata& metadata,
std::shared_ptr<const Texture> texture,
const std::unique_ptr<const Sampler>& sampler) {
if (!sampler) {
return false;
if (!texture || !texture->IsValid()) {
return false;
switch (stage) {
case ShaderStage::kVertex:
.slot = slot,
.texture = {&metadata, std::move(texture)},
.sampler = sampler,
return true;
case ShaderStage::kFragment:
.slot = slot,
.texture = {&metadata, std::move(texture)},
.sampler = sampler,
return true;
case ShaderStage::kCompute:
VALIDATION_LOG << "Use ComputeCommands for compute shader stages.";
case ShaderStage::kUnknown:
return false;
return false;
} // namespace impeller