blob: b83c432bd10be222a6ff71b232ad5738e2d18e13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
void _appendTypeError(
Map<String, Object?> map,
String field,
String expected,
List<String> errors, {
Object? element,
}) {
if (element == null) {
final Type actual = map[field]!.runtimeType;
'For field "$field", expected type: $expected, actual type: $actual.',
} else {
final Type actual = element.runtimeType;
'For element "$element" of "$field", '
'expected type: $expected, actual type: $actual',
/// Type safe getter of a List<String> field from map.
List<String>? stringListOfJson(
Map<String, Object?> map,
String field,
List<String> errors,
) {
if (map[field] == null) {
return <String>[];
if (map[field]! is! List<Object?>) {
_appendTypeError(map, field, 'list', errors);
return null;
for (final Object? obj in map[field]! as List<Object?>) {
if (obj is! String) {
_appendTypeError(map, field, element: obj, 'string', errors);
return null;
return (map[field]! as List<Object?>).cast<String>();
/// Type safe getter of a String field from map.
String? stringOfJson(
Map<String, Object?> map,
String field,
List<String> errors,
) {
if (map[field] == null) {
return '<undef>';
if (map[field]! is! String) {
_appendTypeError(map, field, 'string', errors);
return null;
return map[field]! as String;
/// Type safe getter of an int field from map.
int? intOfJson(
Map<String, Object?> map,
String field,
List<String> errors, {
int fallback = 0,
}) {
if (map[field] == null) {
return fallback;
if (map[field]! is! int) {
_appendTypeError(map, field, 'int', errors);
return null;
return map[field]! as int;