blob: 55c487e0cdf6a095ccb2e99ed5f8f6fc78469ea2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "impeller/base/comparable.h"
#include "impeller/core/shader_types.h"
namespace impeller {
/// @brief Describes the format and layout of vertices expected by the
/// pipeline. While it is possible to construct these descriptors
/// manually, it would be tedious to do so. These are usually
/// constructed using shader information reflected using
/// `impellerc`. The usage of this class is indirectly via
/// `PipelineBuilder<VS, FS>`.
class VertexDescriptor final : public Comparable<VertexDescriptor> {
static constexpr size_t kReservedVertexBufferIndex =
30u; // The final slot available. Regular buffer indices go up from 0.
// |Comparable<PipelineVertexDescriptor>|
virtual ~VertexDescriptor();
template <size_t Size, size_t LayoutSize>
void SetStageInputs(
const std::array<const ShaderStageIOSlot*, Size>& inputs,
const std::array<const ShaderStageBufferLayout*, LayoutSize>& layout) {
return SetStageInputs(, inputs.size(),,
void SetStageInputs(const std::vector<ShaderStageIOSlot>& inputs,
const std::vector<ShaderStageBufferLayout>& layout);
template <size_t Size>
void RegisterDescriptorSetLayouts(
const std::array<DescriptorSetLayout, Size>& inputs) {
return RegisterDescriptorSetLayouts(, inputs.size());
void SetStageInputs(const ShaderStageIOSlot* const stage_inputs[],
size_t count,
const ShaderStageBufferLayout* const stage_layout[],
size_t layout_count);
void RegisterDescriptorSetLayouts(const DescriptorSetLayout desc_set_layout[],
size_t count);
const std::vector<ShaderStageIOSlot>& GetStageInputs() const;
const std::vector<ShaderStageBufferLayout>& GetStageLayouts() const;
const std::vector<DescriptorSetLayout>& GetDescriptorSetLayouts() const;
// |Comparable<VertexDescriptor>|
std::size_t GetHash() const override;
// |Comparable<VertexDescriptor>|
bool IsEqual(const VertexDescriptor& other) const override;
bool UsesInputAttacments() const;
std::vector<ShaderStageIOSlot> inputs_;
std::vector<ShaderStageBufferLayout> layouts_;
std::vector<DescriptorSetLayout> desc_set_layouts_;
bool uses_input_attachments_ = false;
VertexDescriptor(const VertexDescriptor&) = delete;
VertexDescriptor& operator=(const VertexDescriptor&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller