blob: b4a8571ecf9f34aefb746c926d09ec36469eab1a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathlib;
// TODO(yjbanov): remove hacks when this is fixed:
import 'package:skia_gold_client/skia_gold_client.dart';
import 'package:test_api/backend.dart' as hack;
// TODO(ditman): Fix ignores when is resolved.
import 'package:test_core/src/executable.dart' as test; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_core/src/runner/hack_register_platform.dart' as hack; // ignore: implementation_imports
import '../browser.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../environment.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../felt_config.dart';
import '../pipeline.dart';
import '../test_platform.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
/// Runs a test suite.
/// Assumes the artifacts from previous steps are available, either from
/// running them prior to this step locally, or by having the build graph copy
/// them from another bot.
class RunSuiteStep implements PipelineStep {
RunSuiteStep(this.suite, {
required this.startPaused,
required this.isVerbose,
required this.doUpdateScreenshotGoldens,
required this.requireSkiaGold,
required this.overridePathToCanvasKit,
required this.useDwarf,
final TestSuite suite;
final Set<FilePath>? testFiles;
final bool startPaused;
final bool isVerbose;
final bool doUpdateScreenshotGoldens;
final String? overridePathToCanvasKit;
final bool useDwarf;
/// Require Skia Gold to be available and reachable.
final bool requireSkiaGold;
String get description => 'run_suite';
bool get isSafeToInterrupt => true;
Future<void> interrupt() async {}
Future<void> run() async {
final BrowserEnvironment browserEnvironment = getBrowserEnvironment(
useDwarf: useDwarf,
await browserEnvironment.prepare();
final SkiaGoldClient? skiaClient = await _createSkiaClient();
final String configurationFilePath = pathlib.join(
final String bundleBuildPath = getBundleBuildDirectory(suite.testBundle).path;
final List<String> testArgs = <String>[
...<String>['-r', 'compact'],
// Disable concurrency. Running with concurrency proved to be flaky.
if (startPaused) '--pause-after-load',
if (AnsiColors.shouldEscape) '--color' else '--no-color',
// TODO(jacksongardner): Set the default timeout to five minutes when
// is fixed.
], () {
return BrowserPlatform.start(
browserEnvironment: browserEnvironment,
doUpdateScreenshotGoldens: doUpdateScreenshotGoldens,
skiaClient: skiaClient,
overridePathToCanvasKit: overridePathToCanvasKit,
isVerbose: isVerbose,
print('[${}] Running...');
// We want to run tests with the test set's directory as a working directory.
final io.Directory testSetDirectory = io.Directory(pathlib.join(
final dynamic originalCwd = io.Directory.current;
io.Directory.current = testSetDirectory;
try {
await test.main(testArgs);
} finally {
io.Directory.current = originalCwd;
await browserEnvironment.cleanup();
// Since we are just calling `main()` on the test executable, it will modify
// the exit code. We use this as a signal that there were some tests that failed.
if (io.exitCode != 0) {
print('[${}] ${'Some tests failed.'.ansiRed}');
// Change the exit code back to 0 when we're done. Failures will be bubbled up
// at the end of the pipeline and we'll exit abnormally if there were any
// failures in the pipeline.
io.exitCode = 0;
throw ToolExit('Some unit tests failed in suite ${}.');
} else {
print('[${}] ${'All tests passed!'.ansiGreen}');
io.Directory _prepareTestResultsDirectory() {
final io.Directory resultsDirectory = io.Directory(pathlib.join(
if (resultsDirectory.existsSync()) {
resultsDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
resultsDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
return resultsDirectory;
List<String> _collectTestPaths() {
final io.Directory bundleBuild = getBundleBuildDirectory(suite.testBundle);
final io.File resultsJsonFile = io.File(pathlib.join(
if (!resultsJsonFile.existsSync()) {
throw ToolExit('Could not find built bundle ${} for suite ${}.');
final String jsonString = resultsJsonFile.readAsStringSync();
final dynamic jsonContents = const JsonDecoder().convert(jsonString);
final dynamic results = jsonContents['results'];
final List<String> testPaths = <String>[];
results.forEach((dynamic k, dynamic v) {
final String result = v as String;
final String testPath = k as String;
if (testFiles != null) {
if (!testFiles!.contains(FilePath.fromTestSet(suite.testBundle.testSet, testPath))) {
if (result == 'success') {
return testPaths;
Future<SkiaGoldClient?> _createSkiaClient() async {
if (suite.testBundle.compileConfigs.length > 1) {
// Multiple compile configs are only used for our fallback tests, which
// do not collect goldens.
return null;
if (suite.runConfig.browser == BrowserName.safari) {
// Goldens from Safari produce too many diffs, disabled for now.
// See
return null;
final Renderer renderer = suite.testBundle.compileConfigs.first.renderer;
final CanvasKitVariant? variant = suite.runConfig.variant;
final io.Directory workDirectory = getSkiaGoldDirectoryForSuite(suite);
if (workDirectory.existsSync()) {
workDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
final bool isWasm = suite.testBundle.compileConfigs.first.compiler == Compiler.dart2wasm;
final SkiaGoldClient skiaClient = SkiaGoldClient(
dimensions: <String, String> {
if (isWasm) 'Wasm': 'true',
if (variant != null) 'CanvasKitVariant':,
if (await _checkSkiaClient(skiaClient)) {
return skiaClient;
if (requireSkiaGold) {
throw ToolExit('Skia Gold is required but is unavailable.');
return null;
/// Checks whether the Skia Client is usable in this environment.
Future<bool> _checkSkiaClient(SkiaGoldClient skiaClient) async {
// Now let's check whether Skia Gold is reachable or not.
if (isLuci) {
if (isSkiaGoldClientAvailable) {
try {
await skiaClient.auth();
return true;
} catch (e) {
} else {
try {
// Check if we can reach Gold.
await skiaClient.getExpectationForTest('');
return true;
} on io.OSError catch (_) {
print('OSError occurred, could not reach Gold.');
} on io.SocketException catch (_) {
print('SocketException occurred, could not reach Gold.');
return false;