blob: 0b94bdc03bac52f2733345dec3c6322d9413960f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/skia/modules/skparagraph/include/Paragraph.h"
#include "../export.h"
#include "DartTypes.h"
#include "TextStyle.h"
#include "include/core/SkScalar.h"
using namespace skia::textlayout;
SKWASM_EXPORT void paragraph_dispose(Paragraph* paragraph) {
delete paragraph;
SKWASM_EXPORT SkScalar paragraph_getWidth(Paragraph* paragraph) {
return paragraph->getMaxWidth();
SKWASM_EXPORT SkScalar paragraph_getHeight(Paragraph* paragraph) {
return paragraph->getHeight();
SKWASM_EXPORT SkScalar paragraph_getLongestLine(Paragraph* paragraph) {
return paragraph->getLongestLine();
SKWASM_EXPORT SkScalar paragraph_getMinIntrinsicWidth(Paragraph* paragraph) {
return paragraph->getMinIntrinsicWidth();
SKWASM_EXPORT SkScalar paragraph_getMaxIntrinsicWidth(Paragraph* paragraph) {
return paragraph->getMaxIntrinsicWidth();
SKWASM_EXPORT SkScalar paragraph_getAlphabeticBaseline(Paragraph* paragraph) {
return paragraph->getAlphabeticBaseline();
SKWASM_EXPORT SkScalar paragraph_getIdeographicBaseline(Paragraph* paragraph) {
return paragraph->getIdeographicBaseline();
SKWASM_EXPORT bool paragraph_getDidExceedMaxLines(Paragraph* paragraph) {
return paragraph->didExceedMaxLines();
SKWASM_EXPORT void paragraph_layout(Paragraph* paragraph, SkScalar width) {
SKWASM_EXPORT int32_t paragraph_getPositionForOffset(Paragraph* paragraph,
SkScalar offsetX,
SkScalar offsetY,
Affinity* outAffinity) {
auto position = paragraph->getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate(offsetX, offsetY);
if (outAffinity) {
*outAffinity = position.affinity;
return position.position;
SKWASM_EXPORT bool paragraph_getClosestGlyphInfoAtCoordinate(
Paragraph* paragraph,
SkScalar offsetX,
SkScalar offsetY,
// Out parameters:
SkRect* graphemeLayoutBounds, // 1 SkRect
size_t* graphemeCodeUnitRange, // 2 size_ts: [start, end]
bool* booleanFlags) { // 1 boolean: isLTR
Paragraph::GlyphInfo glyphInfo;
if (!paragraph->getClosestUTF16GlyphInfoAt(offsetX, offsetY, &glyphInfo)) {
return false;
// This is more verbose than memcpying the whole struct but ideally we don't
// want to depend on the exact memory layout of the struct.
std::memcpy(graphemeLayoutBounds, &glyphInfo.fGraphemeLayoutBounds,
std::memcpy(graphemeCodeUnitRange, &glyphInfo.fGraphemeClusterTextRange,
2 * sizeof(size_t));
booleanFlags[0] =
glyphInfo.fDirection == skia::textlayout::TextDirection::kLtr;
return true;
SKWASM_EXPORT bool paragraph_getGlyphInfoAt(
Paragraph* paragraph,
size_t index,
// Out parameters:
SkRect* graphemeLayoutBounds, // 1 SkRect
size_t* graphemeCodeUnitRange, // 2 size_ts: [start, end]
bool* booleanFlags) { // 1 boolean: isLTR
Paragraph::GlyphInfo glyphInfo;
if (!paragraph->getGlyphInfoAtUTF16Offset(index, &glyphInfo)) {
return false;
std::memcpy(graphemeLayoutBounds, &glyphInfo.fGraphemeLayoutBounds,
std::memcpy(graphemeCodeUnitRange, &glyphInfo.fGraphemeClusterTextRange,
2 * sizeof(size_t));
booleanFlags[0] =
glyphInfo.fDirection == skia::textlayout::TextDirection::kLtr;
return true;
SKWASM_EXPORT void paragraph_getWordBoundary(
Paragraph* paragraph,
unsigned int position,
int32_t* outRange // Two `int32_t`s, start and end
) {
auto range = paragraph->getWordBoundary(position);
outRange[0] = range.start;
outRange[1] = range.end;
SKWASM_EXPORT size_t paragraph_getLineCount(Paragraph* paragraph) {
return paragraph->lineNumber();
SKWASM_EXPORT int paragraph_getLineNumberAt(Paragraph* paragraph,
size_t characterIndex) {
return paragraph->getLineNumberAtUTF16Offset(characterIndex);
SKWASM_EXPORT LineMetrics* paragraph_getLineMetricsAtIndex(Paragraph* paragraph,
size_t lineNumber) {
auto metrics = new LineMetrics();
if (paragraph->getLineMetricsAt(lineNumber, metrics)) {
return metrics;
} else {
delete metrics;
return nullptr;
struct TextBoxList {
std::vector<TextBox> boxes;
SKWASM_EXPORT void textBoxList_dispose(TextBoxList* list) {
delete list;
SKWASM_EXPORT size_t textBoxList_getLength(TextBoxList* list) {
return list->boxes.size();
SKWASM_EXPORT TextDirection textBoxList_getBoxAtIndex(TextBoxList* list,
size_t index,
SkRect* outRect) {
const auto& box = list->boxes[index];
*outRect = box.rect;
return box.direction;
SKWASM_EXPORT TextBoxList* paragraph_getBoxesForRange(
Paragraph* paragraph,
int start,
int end,
RectHeightStyle heightStyle,
RectWidthStyle widthStyle) {
return new TextBoxList{
paragraph->getRectsForRange(start, end, heightStyle, widthStyle)};
SKWASM_EXPORT TextBoxList* paragraph_getBoxesForPlaceholders(
Paragraph* paragraph) {
return new TextBoxList{paragraph->getRectsForPlaceholders()};
// Returns a list of the code points that were unable to be rendered with the
// selected fonts. The list is deduplicated, so each code point in the output
// is unique.
// If `nullptr` is passed in for `outCodePoints`, we simply return the count
// of the code points.
// Note: This must be called after the paragraph has been laid out at least
// once in order to get valid data.
SKWASM_EXPORT int paragraph_getUnresolvedCodePoints(Paragraph* paragraph,
SkUnichar* outCodePoints,
int outLength) {
if (!outCodePoints) {
return paragraph->unresolvedCodepoints().size();
int outIndex = 0;
for (SkUnichar character : paragraph->unresolvedCodepoints()) {
if (outIndex < outLength) {
outCodePoints[outIndex] = character;
} else {
return outIndex;