blob: b6f8c176e5c8a9c5a0f7d0434343f09dcad0db73 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui_web/src/ui_web.dart' as ui_web;
class FakeAssetManager implements ui_web.AssetManager {
String get assetsDir => 'assets';
String getAssetUrl(String asset) => asset;
Future<ByteData> load(String assetKey) async {
final ByteData? assetData = await _currentScope?.getAssetData(assetKey);
if (assetData == null) {
throw HttpFetchNoPayloadError(assetKey, status: 404);
return assetData;
Future<HttpFetchResponse> loadAsset(String asset) async {
final ByteData? assetData = await _currentScope?.getAssetData(asset);
if (assetData != null) {
return MockHttpFetchResponse(
url: asset,
status: 200,
payload: MockHttpFetchPayload(
byteBuffer: assetData.buffer,
} else {
return MockHttpFetchResponse(
url: asset,
status: 404,
FakeAssetScope pushAssetScope() {
final FakeAssetScope scope = FakeAssetScope._(_currentScope);
_currentScope = scope;
return scope;
void popAssetScope(FakeAssetScope scope) {
assert(_currentScope == scope);
_currentScope = scope._parent;
FakeAssetScope? _currentScope;
class FakeAssetScope {
final FakeAssetScope? _parent;
final Map<String, Future<ByteData> Function()> _assetFetcherMap = <String, Future<ByteData> Function()>{};
void setAsset(String assetKey, ByteData assetData) {
_assetFetcherMap[assetKey] = () async => assetData;
void setAssetPassthrough(String assetKey) {
_assetFetcherMap[assetKey] = () async {
return ByteData.view(await httpFetchByteBuffer(assetKey));
Future<ByteData>? getAssetData(String assetKey) {
final Future<ByteData> Function()? fetcher = _assetFetcherMap[assetKey];
if (fetcher != null) {
return fetcher();
if (_parent != null) {
return _parent.getAssetData(assetKey);
return null;
FakeAssetManager fakeAssetManager = FakeAssetManager();
ByteData stringAsUtf8Data(String string) {
return ByteData.sublistView(utf8.encode(string));
const String ahemFontFamily = 'Ahem';
const String ahemFontUrl = '/assets/fonts/ahem.ttf';
const String robotoFontFamily = 'Roboto';
const String robotoTestFontUrl = '/assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf';
const String robotoVariableFontFamily = 'RobotoVariable';
const String robotoVariableFontUrl = '/assets/fonts/RobotoSlab-VariableFont_wght.ttf';
/// The list of test fonts, in the form of font family name - font file url pairs.
/// This list does not include embedded test fonts, which need to be loaded and
/// registered separately in [FontCollection.debugDownloadTestFonts].
const Map<String, String> testFontUrls = <String, String>{
ahemFontFamily: ahemFontUrl,
robotoFontFamily: robotoTestFontUrl,
robotoVariableFontFamily: robotoVariableFontUrl,
FakeAssetScope configureDebugFontsAssetScope(FakeAssetManager manager) {
final FakeAssetScope scope = manager.pushAssetScope();
scope.setAsset('AssetManifest.json', stringAsUtf8Data('{}'));
scope.setAsset('FontManifest.json', stringAsUtf8Data('''
return scope;