blob: de9e5455a46ec2af63760b480a90704654c93468 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/flutter_windows_engine.h"
#include <chrono>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
namespace flutter {
// A test utility class providing the ability to access and alter various
// private fields in an Engine instance.
// This simply provides a way to access the normally-private embedder proc
// table, so the lifetime of any changes made to the proc table is that of the
// engine object, not this helper.
class EngineModifier {
explicit EngineModifier(FlutterWindowsEngine* engine) : engine_(engine) {}
// Returns the engine's embedder API proc table, allowing for modification.
// Modifications are to the engine, and will last for the lifetime of the
// engine unless overwritten again.
FlutterEngineProcTable& embedder_api() { return engine_->embedder_api_; }
// Override the EGL manager used by the engine.
// Modifications are to the engine, and will last for the lifetime of the
// engine unless overwritten again.
void SetEGLManager(std::unique_ptr<egl::Manager> egl_manager) {
engine_->egl_manager_ = std::move(egl_manager);
// Override the engine's implicit view. This is the "default" view
// that Flutter apps render to.
void SetImplicitView(FlutterWindowsView* view) {
engine_->views_[kImplicitViewId] = view;
/// Reset the start_time field that is used to align vsync events.
void SetStartTime(uint64_t start_time_nanos) {
engine_->start_time_ = std::chrono::nanoseconds(start_time_nanos);
/// Override the frame interval to the provided nanosecond interval.
/// This will prevent the windows engine from delegating to dwm to
/// discover the true frame interval, which can vary across machines.
void SetFrameInterval(uint64_t frame_interval_nanos) {
engine_->frame_interval_override_ =
// Explicitly releases the egl::Manager being used by the
// FlutterWindowsEngine instance. This should be used if SetEGLManager is
// used to explicitly set to a non-null value (but not a valid object) to test
// a successful ANGLE initialization.
// Modifications are to the engine, and will last for the lifetime of the
// engine unless overwritten again.
void ReleaseEGLManager() { engine_->egl_manager_.release(); }
// Run the FlutterWindowsEngine's handler that runs right before an engine
// restart. This resets the keyboard's state if it exists.
void Restart() { engine_->OnPreEngineRestart(); }
// Initialize they keyboard and text input subsystems or reset them them if
// they are already initialized.
void InitializeKeyboard() { engine_->InitializeKeyboard(); }
void SetLifecycleManager(std::unique_ptr<WindowsLifecycleManager>&& handler) {
engine_->lifecycle_manager_ = std::move(handler);
void SetPlatformViewPlugin(std::unique_ptr<PlatformViewPlugin>&& manager) {
engine_->platform_view_plugin_ = std::move(manager);
FlutterWindowsEngine* engine_;
} // namespace flutter