blob: ee299ee2660ebd1f6c26d76428714f59dd360c84 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
impeller_shaders("shader_fixtures") {
name = "fixtures"
# 2.3 adds support for framebuffer fetch in Metal.
metal_version = "2.3"
# Not analyzing because they are not performance critical, and mipmap uses
# textureLod, which uses an extension that malioc does not support.
analyze = false
shaders = [
if (impeller_enable_opengles) {
gles_exclusions = [
scenec("scene_fixtures") {
geometry = [
type = "gltf"
impellerc("runtime_stages") {
shaders = [
sl_file_extension = "iplr"
shader_target_flags = [
iplr = true
test_fixtures("file_fixtures") {
fixtures = [
if (host_os == "mac") {
fixtures += [ "/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Color Emoji.ttc" ]
fixtures +=
filter_include(get_target_outputs(":runtime_stages"), [ "*.iplr" ]) +
filter_include(get_target_outputs(":scene_fixtures"), [ "*.ipscene" ])
deps = [
impellerc("flutter_gpu_shaders") {
shaders = [
# Temporarily build Flutter GPU test shaders as runtime stages.
fixtures = rebase_path("//flutter/impeller/fixtures")
shader_bundle = "{\"UnlitFragment\": {\"type\": \"fragment\", \"file\": \"${fixtures}/flutter_gpu_unlit.frag\"}, \"UnlitVertex\": {\"type\": \"vertex\", \"file\": \"${fixtures}/flutter_gpu_unlit.vert\"}, \"TextureFragment\": {\"type\": \"fragment\", \"file\": \"${fixtures}/flutter_gpu_texture.frag\"}, \"TextureVertex\": {\"type\": \"vertex\", \"file\": \"${fixtures}/flutter_gpu_texture.vert\"}}"
shader_bundle_output = "playground.shaderbundle"
test_fixtures("flutter_gpu_fixtures") {
dart_main = "dart_tests.dart"
fixtures = filter_include(get_target_outputs(":flutter_gpu_shaders"),
deps = [ ":flutter_gpu_shaders" ]
group("fixtures") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [