blob: 074f90c2cbb5945641a8099b92fe5d013b83172a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.ui;
/// Runs [computation] on the platform thread and returns the result.
/// This may run the computation on a separate isolate. That isolate will be
/// reused for subsequent [runOnPlatformThread] calls. This means that global
/// state is maintained in that isolate between calls.
/// The [computation] and any state it captures may be sent to that isolate.
/// See [SendPort.send] for information about what types can be sent.
/// If [computation] is asynchronous (returns a `Future<R>`) then
/// that future is awaited in the new isolate, completing the entire
/// asynchronous computation, before returning the result.
/// If [computation] throws, the `Future` returned by this function completes
/// with that error.
/// The [computation] function and its result (or error) must be
/// sendable between isolates. Objects that cannot be sent include open
/// files and sockets (see [SendPort.send] for details).
/// This method can only be invoked from the main isolate.
/// This API is currently experimental.
Future<R> runOnPlatformThread<R>(FutureOr<R> Function() computation) {
if (isRunningOnPlatformThread) {
return Future<R>(computation);
final SendPort? sendPort = _platformRunnerSendPort;
if (sendPort != null) {
return _sendComputation(sendPort, computation);
} else {
return (_platformRunnerSendPortFuture ??= _spawnPlatformIsolate())
.then((SendPort port) => _sendComputation(port, computation));
SendPort? _platformRunnerSendPort;
Future<SendPort>? _platformRunnerSendPortFuture;
final Map<int, Completer<Object?>> _pending = <int, Completer<Object?>>{};
int _nextId = 0;
Future<SendPort> _spawnPlatformIsolate() {
final Completer<SendPort> sendPortCompleter = Completer<SendPort>();
final RawReceivePort receiver = RawReceivePort()..keepIsolateAlive = false;
receiver.handler = (Object? message) {
if (message == null) {
// This is the platform isolate's onExit handler.
// This shouldn't really happen, since Isolate.exit is disabled, the
// pause and terminate capabilities aren't provided to the parent
// isolate, and errors are fatal is false. But if the isolate does
// shutdown unexpectedly, clear the singleton so we can create another.
for (final Completer<Object?> completer in _pending.values) {
'PlatformIsolate shutdown unexpectedly',
_platformRunnerSendPort = null;
_platformRunnerSendPortFuture = null;
} else if (message is _PlatformIsolateReadyMessage) {
_platformRunnerSendPort = message.computationPort;
} else if (message is _ComputationResult) {
final Completer<Object?> resultCompleter = _pending.remove(!;
final Object? remoteStack = message.remoteStack;
final Object? remoteError = message.remoteError;
if (remoteStack != null) {
if (remoteStack is StackTrace) {
// Typed error.
resultCompleter.completeError(remoteError!, remoteStack);
} else {
// onError handler message, uncaught async error.
// Both values are strings, so calling `toString` is efficient.
final RemoteError error =
RemoteError(remoteError!.toString(), remoteStack.toString());
resultCompleter.completeError(error, error.stackTrace);
} else {
} else {
// We encountered an error while starting the new isolate.
if (!sendPortCompleter.isCompleted) {
IsolateSpawnException('Unable to spawn isolate: $message'));
// This shouldn't happen.
throw IsolateSpawnException(
"Internal error: unexpected message: '$message'");
final Isolate parentIsolate = Isolate.current;
final SendPort sendPort = receiver.sendPort;
try {
_nativeSpawn(() => _platformIsolateMain(parentIsolate, sendPort));
} on Object {
return sendPortCompleter.future;
Future<R> _sendComputation<R>(
SendPort port, FutureOr<R> Function() computation) {
final int id = ++_nextId;
final Completer<R> resultCompleter = Completer<R>();
_pending[id] = resultCompleter;
port.send(_ComputationRequest(id, computation));
return resultCompleter.future;
void _safeSend(SendPort sendPort, int id, Object? result, Object? error,
Object? stackTrace) {
try {
sendPort.send(_ComputationResult(id, result, error, stackTrace));
} catch (sendError, sendStack) {
sendPort.send(_ComputationResult(id, null, sendError, sendStack));
void _platformIsolateMain(Isolate parentIsolate, SendPort sendPort) {
final RawReceivePort computationPort = RawReceivePort();
computationPort.handler = (_ComputationRequest? message) {
if (message == null) {
// The parent isolate has shutdown. Allow this isolate to shutdown.
computationPort.keepIsolateAlive = false;
late final FutureOr<Object?> potentiallyAsyncResult;
try {
potentiallyAsyncResult = message.computation();
} catch (e, s) {
_safeSend(sendPort,, null, e, s);
if (potentiallyAsyncResult is Future<Object?>) {
potentiallyAsyncResult.then((Object? result) {
_safeSend(sendPort,, result, null, null);
}, onError: (Object? e, Object? s) {
_safeSend(sendPort,, null, e, s ?? StackTrace.empty);
} else {
_safeSend(sendPort,, potentiallyAsyncResult, null, null);
@Native<Void Function(Handle)>(symbol: 'PlatformIsolateNativeApi::Spawn')
external void _nativeSpawn(Function entryPoint);
/// Whether the current isolate is running on the platform thread.
final bool isRunningOnPlatformThread = _isRunningOnPlatformThread();
@Native<Bool Function()>(
symbol: 'PlatformIsolateNativeApi::IsRunningOnPlatformThread', isLeaf: true)
external bool _isRunningOnPlatformThread();
class _PlatformIsolateReadyMessage {
final SendPort computationPort;
class _ComputationRequest {
_ComputationRequest(, this.computation);
final int id;
final FutureOr<Object?> Function() computation;
class _ComputationResult {
_ComputationResult(, this.result, this.remoteError, this.remoteStack);
final int id;
final Object? result;
final Object? remoteError;
final Object? remoteStack;