blob: 39c4d86fb85d45cf27ca318d707da20eb40db66f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:licenses/formatter.dart';
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
void main() {
test('Block comments', () {
expect(reformat('/* test */'), 'test');
expect(reformat('/*\ntest\n*/'), 'test');
expect(reformat('/*\ntest\n */'), 'test');
expect(reformat('/*\n * test\n*/'), 'test');
expect(reformat('/*\n * test\n */'), 'test');
expect(reformat('/*\n * test\n * test\n */'), 'test\ntest');
expect(reformat('/*\n * test\n + test\n */'), '* test\n+ test');
expect(reformat('test */'), 'test');
test('Indenting blocks', () {
expect(reformat(' a\nb\n c'), 'a\nb\n c'); // strips leading indents
expect(reformat(' a\n b\n c'), 'a\nb\nc'); // strips common one-space indent, then strips stray one-space indents
expect(reformat(' a\n b\n c'), 'a\nb\nc'); // strips common two-space indent
expect(reformat(' a\n b\n c'), 'a\nb\nc'); // strips common two-space indent, then strips stray one-space indent
expect(reformat(' a\n b\n c'), 'a\n b\nc'); // streps common two-space indent
expect(reformat(' a\n b\n c'), 'a\n b\nc'); // streps common two-space indent
test('Leading blocks', () {
expect(reformat('#; a\n#; b\n#; c'), 'a\nb\nc');
expect(reformat('#; a\nb\nc'), '#; a\nb\nc');
expect(reformat('#; a\n b\n c'), '#; a\n b\n c');
test('Leading indented lines', () {
expect(reformat(' a\nb\nc'), 'a\nb\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n b\nc'), 'a\nb\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n b\nc'), 'a\nb\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n b\nc'), 'a\nb\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n b\nc'), 'a\n b\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n b\nc'), 'a\n b\nc');
test('Leading indented blocks', () {
expect(reformat(' a\n a\nb\nc'), 'a\na\nb\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n a\n b\nc'), 'a\na\nb\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n a\n b\nc'), 'a\na\nb\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n a\n b\nc'), 'a\na\nb\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n a\n b\nc'), 'a\na\n b\nc');
expect(reformat(' a\n a\n b\nc'), 'a\na\n b\nc');
test('Specific cases', () {
expect(reformat(' Apache\n Version\n Bla bla\n\nBla bla bla'), 'Apache\nVersion\nBla bla\n\nBla bla bla');
'/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2012. All rights reserved. */\n'
'/* */\n'
'/* This software is made available under the terms of the */\n'
'/* ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later. */\n'
'Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2012. All rights reserved.\n'
'This software is made available under the terms of the\n'
'ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later.'
'/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2012. All rights reserved. */\n'
'/* */\n'
'/* This software is made available under the terms of the */\n'
'/* ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later. */'
'Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2012. All rights reserved.\n'
'This software is made available under the terms of the\n'
'ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later.'
'/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2012. All rights reserved. */\n'
'/* */\n'
'/* This software is made available under the terms of the */\n'
'/* ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later.'
'Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2012. All rights reserved.\n'
'This software is made available under the terms of the\n'
'ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later.'