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// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
#include "fml/logging.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/matrix.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/point.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/saturated_math.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/scalar.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/size.h"
namespace impeller {
#define ONLY_ON_FLOAT_M(Modifiers, Return) \
template <typename U = T> \
Modifiers std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<U>, Return>
#define ONLY_ON_FLOAT(Return) DL_ONLY_ON_FLOAT_M(, Return)
/// Templated struct for holding an axis-aligned rectangle.
/// Rectangles are defined as 4 axis-aligned edges that might contain
/// space. They can be viewed as 2 X coordinates that define the
/// left and right edges and 2 Y coordinates that define the top and
/// bottom edges; or they can be viewed as an origin and horizontal
/// and vertical dimensions (width and height).
/// When the left and right edges are equal or reversed (right <= left)
/// or the top and bottom edges are equal or reversed (bottom <= top),
/// the rectangle is considered empty. Considering the rectangle in XYWH
/// form, the width and/or the height would be negative or zero. Such
/// reversed/empty rectangles contain no space and act as such in the
/// methods that operate on them (Intersection, Union, IntersectsWithRect,
/// Contains, Cutout, etc.)
/// Rectangles cannot be modified by any method and a new value can only
/// be stored into an existing rect using assignment. This keeps the API
/// clean compared to implementations that might have similar methods
/// that produce the answer in place, or construct a new object with
/// the answer, or place the result in an indicated result object.
/// Methods that might fail to produce an answer will use |std::optional|
/// to indicate that success or failure (see |Intersection| and |CutOut|).
/// For convenience, |Intersection| and |Union| both have overloaded
/// variants that take |std::optional| arguments and treat them as if
/// the argument was an empty rect to allow chaining multiple such methods
/// and only needing to check the optional condition of the final result.
/// The primary methods also provide |...OrEmpty| overloaded variants that
/// translate an empty optional answer into a simple empty rectangle of the
/// same type.
/// Rounding instance methods are not provided as the return value might
/// be wanted as another floating point rectangle or sometimes as an integer
/// rectangle. Instead a |RoundOut| factory, defined only for floating point
/// input rectangles, is provided to provide control over the result type.
/// NaN and Infinity values
/// Constructing an LTRB rectangle using Infinity values should work as
/// expected with either 0 or +Infinity returned as dimensions depending on
/// which side the Infinity values are on and the sign.
/// Constructing an XYWH rectangle using Infinity values will usually
/// not work if the math requires the object to compute a right or bottom
/// edge from ([xy] -Infinity + [wh] +Infinity). Other combinations might
/// work.
/// The special factory |MakeMaximum| is provided to construct a rectangle
/// of the indicated coordinate type that covers all finite coordinates.
/// It does not use infinity values, but rather the largest finite values
/// to avoid math that might produce a NaN value from various getters.
/// Any rectangle that is constructed with, or computed to have a NaN value
/// will be considered the same as any empty rectangle.
/// Empty Rectangle canonical results summary:
/// Union will ignore any empty rects and return the other rect
/// Intersection will return nullopt if either rect is empty
/// IntersectsWithRect will return false if either rect is empty
/// Cutout will return the source rect if the argument is empty
/// Cutout will return nullopt if the source rectangle is empty
/// Contains(Point) will return false if the source rectangle is empty
/// Contains(Rect) will return false if the source rectangle is empty
/// Contains(Rect) will otherwise return true if the argument is empty
/// Specifically, EmptyRect.Contains(EmptyRect) returns false
/// ---------------
/// Special notes on problems using the XYWH form of specifying rectangles:
/// It is possible to have integer rectangles whose dimensions exceed
/// the maximum number that their coordinates can represent since
/// (MAX_INT - MIN_INT) overflows the representable positive numbers.
/// Floating point rectangles technically have a similar issue in that
/// overflow can occur, but it will be automatically converted into
/// either an infinity, or a finite-overflow value and still be
/// representable, just with little to no precision.
/// Secondly, specifying a rectangle using XYWH leads to cases where the
/// math for (x+w) and/or (y+h) are also beyond the maximum representable
/// coordinates. For N-bit integer rectangles declared as XYWH, the
/// maximum right coordinate will require N+1 signed bits which cannot be
/// stored in storage that uses N-bit integers.
/// Saturated math is used when constructing a rectangle from XYWH values
/// and when returning the dimensions of the rectangle. Constructing an
/// integer rectangle from values such that xy + wh is beyond the range
/// of the integer type will place the right or bottom edges at the maximum
/// value for the integer type. Similarly, constructing an integer rectangle
/// such that the distance from the left to the right (or top to bottom) is
/// greater than the range of the integer type will simply return the
/// maximum integer value as the dimension. Floating point rectangles are
/// naturally saturated by the rules of IEEE arithmetic.
template <class T>
struct TRect {
using Type = T;
constexpr TRect() : left_(0), top_(0), right_(0), bottom_(0) {}
constexpr static TRect MakeLTRB(Type left,
Type top,
Type right,
Type bottom) {
return TRect(left, top, right, bottom);
constexpr static TRect MakeXYWH(Type x, Type y, Type width, Type height) {
return TRect(x, y, saturated::Add(x, width), saturated::Add(y, height));
constexpr static TRect MakeOriginSize(const TPoint<Type>& origin,
const TSize<Type>& size) {
return MakeXYWH(origin.x, origin.y, size.width, size.height);
template <class U>
constexpr static TRect MakeSize(const TSize<U>& size) {
return TRect(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height);
template <typename U>
constexpr static std::optional<TRect> MakePointBounds(const U& value) {
return MakePointBounds(value.begin(), value.end());
template <typename PointIter>
constexpr static std::optional<TRect> MakePointBounds(const PointIter first,
const PointIter last) {
if (first == last) {
return std::nullopt;
auto left = first->x;
auto top = first->y;
auto right = first->x;
auto bottom = first->y;
for (auto it = first + 1; it < last; ++it) {
left = std::min(left, it->x);
top = std::min(top, it->y);
right = std::max(right, it->x);
bottom = std::max(bottom, it->y);
return TRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static TRect MakeMaximum() {
return TRect::MakeLTRB(std::numeric_limits<Type>::lowest(),
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const TRect& r) const {
return left_ == r.left_ && //
top_ == r.top_ && //
right_ == r.right_ && //
bottom_ == r.bottom_;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Scale(Type scale) const {
return TRect(left_ * scale, //
top_ * scale, //
right_ * scale, //
bottom_ * scale);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Scale(Type scale_x, Type scale_y) const {
return TRect(left_ * scale_x, //
top_ * scale_y, //
right_ * scale_x, //
bottom_ * scale_y);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Scale(TPoint<T> scale) const {
return Scale(scale.x, scale.y);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Scale(TSize<T> scale) const {
return Scale(scale.width, scale.height);
/// @brief Returns true iff the provided point |p| is inside the
/// half-open interior of this rectangle.
/// For purposes of containment, a rectangle contains points
/// along the top and left edges but not points along the
/// right and bottom edges so that a point is only ever
/// considered inside one of two abutting rectangles.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool Contains(const TPoint<Type>& p) const {
return !this->IsEmpty() && //
p.x >= left_ && //
p.y >= top_ && //
p.x < right_ && //
p.y < bottom_;
/// @brief Returns true iff this rectangle is not empty and it also
/// contains every point considered inside the provided
/// rectangle |o| (as determined by |Contains(TPoint)|).
/// This is similar to a definition where the result is true iff
/// the union of the two rectangles is equal to this rectangle,
/// ignoring precision issues with performing those operations
/// and assuming that empty rectangles are never equal.
/// An empty rectangle can contain no other rectangle.
/// An empty rectangle is, however, contained within any
/// other non-empy rectangle as the set of points it contains
/// is an empty set and so there are no points to fail the
/// containment criteria.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool Contains(const TRect& o) const {
return !this->IsEmpty() && //
(o.IsEmpty() || (o.left_ >= left_ && //
o.top_ >= top_ && //
o.right_ <= right_ && //
o.bottom_ <= bottom_));
/// @brief Returns true if all of the fields of this floating point
/// rectangle are finite.
/// Note that the results of |GetWidth()| and |GetHeight()| may
/// still be infinite due to overflow even if the fields themselves
/// are finite.
ONLY_ON_FLOAT_M([[nodiscard]] constexpr, bool)
IsFinite() const {
return std::isfinite(left_) && //
std::isfinite(top_) && //
std::isfinite(right_) && //
/// @brief Returns true if either of the width or height are 0, negative,
/// or NaN.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsEmpty() const {
// Computing the non-empty condition and negating the result causes any
// NaN value to return true - i.e. is considered empty.
return !(left_ < right_ && top_ < bottom_);
/// @brief Returns true if width and height are equal and neither is NaN.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsSquare() const {
// empty rectangles can technically be "square", but would be
// misleading to most callers. Using |IsEmpty| also prevents
// "non-empty and non-overflowing" computations from happening
// to be equal to "empty and overflowing" results.
// (Consider LTRB(10, 15, MAX-2, MIN+2) which is empty, but both
// w/h subtractions equal "5").
return !IsEmpty() && (right_ - left_) == (bottom_ - top_);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsMaximum() const {
return *this == MakeMaximum();
/// @brief Returns the upper left corner of the rectangle as specified
/// by the left/top or x/y values when it was constructed.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<Type> GetOrigin() const {
return {left_, top_};
/// @brief Returns the size of the rectangle which may be negative in
/// either width or height and may have been clipped to the
/// maximum integer values for integer rects whose size overflows.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TSize<Type> GetSize() const {
return {GetWidth(), GetHeight()};
/// @brief Returns the X coordinate of the upper left corner, equivalent
/// to |GetOrigin().x|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Type GetX() const { return left_; }
/// @brief Returns the Y coordinate of the upper left corner, equivalent
/// to |GetOrigin().y|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Type GetY() const { return top_; }
/// @brief Returns the width of the rectangle, equivalent to
/// |GetSize().width|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Type GetWidth() const {
return saturated::Sub(right_, left_);
/// @brief Returns the height of the rectangle, equivalent to
/// |GetSize().height|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Type GetHeight() const {
return saturated::Sub(bottom_, top_);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto GetLeft() const { return left_; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto GetTop() const { return top_; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto GetRight() const { return right_; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto GetBottom() const { return bottom_; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<T> GetLeftTop() const { //
return {left_, top_};
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<T> GetRightTop() const {
return {right_, top_};
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<T> GetLeftBottom() const {
return {left_, bottom_};
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<T> GetRightBottom() const {
return {right_, bottom_};
/// @brief Get the area of the rectangle, equivalent to |GetSize().Area()|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr T Area() const {
// TODO(flutter/flutter#141710) - Use saturated math to avoid overflow
return IsEmpty() ? 0 : (right_ - left_) * (bottom_ - top_);
/// @brief Get the center point as a |Point|.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Point GetCenter() const {
return {saturated::AverageScalar(left_, right_),
saturated::AverageScalar(top_, bottom_)};
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::array<T, 4> GetLTRB() const {
return {left_, top_, right_, bottom_};
/// @brief Get the x, y coordinates of the origin and the width and
/// height of the rectangle in an array.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::array<T, 4> GetXYWH() const {
return {left_, top_, GetWidth(), GetHeight()};
/// @brief Get a version of this rectangle that has a non-negative size.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect GetPositive() const {
if (!IsEmpty()) {
return *this;
return {
std::min(left_, right_),
std::min(top_, bottom_),
std::max(left_, right_),
std::max(top_, bottom_),
/// @brief Get the points that represent the 4 corners of this rectangle
/// in a Z order that is compatible with triangle strips or a set
/// of all zero points if the rectangle is empty.
/// The order is: Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::array<TPoint<T>, 4> GetPoints() const {
if (IsEmpty()) {
return {};
return {
TPoint{left_, top_},
TPoint{right_, top_},
TPoint{left_, bottom_},
TPoint{right_, bottom_},
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::array<TPoint<T>, 4> GetTransformedPoints(
const Matrix& transform) const {
auto points = GetPoints();
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
points[i] = transform * points[i];
return points;
/// @brief Creates a new bounding box that contains this transformed
/// rectangle.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect TransformBounds(const Matrix& transform) const {
if (IsEmpty()) {
return {};
auto points = GetTransformedPoints(transform);
auto bounds = TRect::MakePointBounds(points.begin(), points.end());
if (bounds.has_value()) {
return bounds.value();
/// @brief Constructs a Matrix that will map all points in the coordinate
/// space of the rectangle into a new normalized coordinate space
/// where the upper left corner of the rectangle maps to (0, 0)
/// and the lower right corner of the rectangle maps to (1, 1).
/// Empty and non-finite rectangles will return a zero-scaling
/// transform that maps all points to (0, 0).
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Matrix GetNormalizingTransform() const {
if (!IsEmpty()) {
Scalar sx = 1.0 / GetWidth();
Scalar sy = 1.0 / GetHeight();
Scalar tx = left_ * -sx;
Scalar ty = top_ * -sy;
// Exclude NaN and infinities and either scale underflowing to zero
if (sx != 0.0 && sy != 0.0 && 0.0 * sx * sy * tx * ty == 0.0) {
// clang-format off
return Matrix( sx, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, sy, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
tx, ty, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// clang-format on
// Map all coordinates to the origin.
return Matrix::MakeScale({0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f});
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Union(const TRect& o) const {
if (IsEmpty()) {
return o;
if (o.IsEmpty()) {
return *this;
return {
std::min(left_, o.left_),
std::min(top_, o.top_),
std::max(right_, o.right_),
std::max(bottom_, o.bottom_),
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::optional<TRect> Intersection(
const TRect& o) const {
if (IntersectsWithRect(o)) {
return TRect{
std::max(left_, o.left_),
std::max(top_, o.top_),
std::min(right_, o.right_),
std::min(bottom_, o.bottom_),
} else {
return std::nullopt;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IntersectsWithRect(const TRect& o) const {
return !IsEmpty() && //
!o.IsEmpty() && //
left_ < o.right_ && //
top_ < o.bottom_ && //
right_ > o.left_ && //
bottom_ > o.top_;
/// @brief Returns the new boundary rectangle that would result from this
/// rectangle being cut out by the specified rectangle.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::optional<TRect<T>> Cutout(const TRect& o) const {
if (IsEmpty()) {
// This test isn't just a short-circuit, it also prevents the concise
// math below from returning the wrong answer on empty rects.
// Once we know that this rectangle is not empty, the math below can
// only succeed in computing a value if o is also non-empty and non-nan.
// Otherwise, the method returns *this by default.
return std::nullopt;
const auto& [a_left, a_top, a_right, a_bottom] = GetLTRB(); // Source rect.
const auto& [b_left, b_top, b_right, b_bottom] = o.GetLTRB(); // Cutout.
if (b_left <= a_left && b_right >= a_right) {
if (b_top <= a_top && b_bottom >= a_bottom) {
// Full cutout.
return std::nullopt;
if (b_top <= a_top && b_bottom > a_top) {
// Cuts off the top.
return TRect::MakeLTRB(a_left, b_bottom, a_right, a_bottom);
if (b_bottom >= a_bottom && b_top < a_bottom) {
// Cuts off the bottom.
return TRect::MakeLTRB(a_left, a_top, a_right, b_top);
if (b_top <= a_top && b_bottom >= a_bottom) {
if (b_left <= a_left && b_right > a_left) {
// Cuts off the left.
return TRect::MakeLTRB(b_right, a_top, a_right, a_bottom);
if (b_right >= a_right && b_left < a_right) {
// Cuts off the right.
return TRect::MakeLTRB(a_left, a_top, b_left, a_bottom);
return *this;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect CutoutOrEmpty(const TRect& o) const {
return Cutout(o).value_or(TRect());
/// @brief Returns a new rectangle translated by the given offset.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Shift(T dx, T dy) const {
return {
saturated::Add(left_, dx), //
saturated::Add(top_, dy), //
saturated::Add(right_, dx), //
saturated::Add(bottom_, dy), //
/// @brief Returns a new rectangle translated by the given offset.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Shift(TPoint<T> offset) const {
return Shift(offset.x, offset.y);
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges. Negative expansion
/// results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(T left,
T top,
T right,
T bottom) const {
return {
saturated::Sub(left_, left), //
saturated::Sub(top_, top), //
saturated::Add(right_, right), //
saturated::Add(bottom_, bottom), //
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges in all directions.
/// Negative expansion results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(T amount) const {
return {
saturated::Sub(left_, amount), //
saturated::Sub(top_, amount), //
saturated::Add(right_, amount), //
saturated::Add(bottom_, amount), //
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges in all directions.
/// Negative expansion results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(T horizontal_amount,
T vertical_amount) const {
return {
saturated::Sub(left_, horizontal_amount), //
saturated::Sub(top_, vertical_amount), //
saturated::Add(right_, horizontal_amount), //
saturated::Add(bottom_, vertical_amount), //
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges in all directions.
/// Negative expansion results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(TPoint<T> amount) const {
return Expand(amount.x, amount.y);
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges in all directions.
/// Negative expansion results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(TSize<T> amount) const {
return Expand(amount.width, amount.height);
/// @brief Returns a new rectangle that represents the projection of the
/// source rectangle onto this rectangle. In other words, the source
/// rectangle is redefined in terms of the coordinate space of this
/// rectangle.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Project(TRect<T> source) const {
if (IsEmpty()) {
return {};
return source.Shift(-left_, -top_)
.Scale(1.0 / static_cast<Scalar>(GetWidth()),
1.0 / static_cast<Scalar>(GetHeight()));
ONLY_ON_FLOAT_M([[nodiscard]] constexpr static, TRect)
RoundOut(const TRect<U>& r) {
return TRect::MakeLTRB(saturated::Cast<U, Type>(floor(r.GetLeft())),
saturated::Cast<U, Type>(floor(r.GetTop())),
saturated::Cast<U, Type>(ceil(r.GetRight())),
saturated::Cast<U, Type>(ceil(r.GetBottom())));
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Union(
const TRect& a,
const std::optional<TRect> b) {
return b.has_value() ? a.Union(b.value()) : a;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Union(
const std::optional<TRect> a,
const TRect& b) {
return a.has_value() ? a->Union(b) : b;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Union(
const std::optional<TRect> a,
const std::optional<TRect> b) {
return a.has_value() ? Union(a.value(), b) : b;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Intersection(
const TRect& a,
const std::optional<TRect> b) {
return b.has_value() ? a.Intersection(b.value()) : a;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Intersection(
const std::optional<TRect> a,
const TRect& b) {
return a.has_value() ? a->Intersection(b) : b;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Intersection(
const std::optional<TRect> a,
const std::optional<TRect> b) {
return a.has_value() ? Intersection(a.value(), b) : b;
constexpr TRect(Type left, Type top, Type right, Type bottom)
: left_(left), top_(top), right_(right), bottom_(bottom) {}
Type left_;
Type top_;
Type right_;
Type bottom_;
using Rect = TRect<Scalar>;
using IRect = TRect<int64_t>;
} // namespace impeller
namespace std {
template <class T>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const impeller::TRect<T>& r) {
out << "(" << r.GetOrigin() << ", " << r.GetSize() << ")";
return out;
} // namespace std