blob: 5b08d1a53125786cec3235c9841814224667887c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "impeller/core/buffer_view.h"
#include "impeller/core/formats.h"
#include "impeller/core/resource_binder.h"
#include "impeller/core/sampler.h"
#include "impeller/core/shader_types.h"
#include "impeller/core/texture.h"
#include "impeller/core/vertex_buffer.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/rect.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/pipeline.h"
namespace impeller {
#define DEBUG_COMMAND_INFO(obj, arg) obj.label = arg;
#define DEBUG_COMMAND_INFO(obj, arg)
template <class T>
struct Resource {
using ResourceType = T;
ResourceType resource;
Resource() {}
Resource(const ShaderMetadata* metadata, ResourceType p_resource)
: resource(p_resource), metadata_(metadata) {}
Resource(std::shared_ptr<const ShaderMetadata>& metadata,
ResourceType p_resource)
: resource(p_resource), dynamic_metadata_(metadata) {}
const ShaderMetadata* GetMetadata() const {
return dynamic_metadata_ ? dynamic_metadata_.get() : metadata_;
// Static shader metadata (typically generated by ImpellerC).
const ShaderMetadata* metadata_ = nullptr;
// Dynamically generated shader metadata.
std::shared_ptr<const ShaderMetadata> dynamic_metadata_;
using BufferResource = Resource<BufferView>;
using TextureResource = Resource<std::shared_ptr<const Texture>>;
/// @brief combines the texture, sampler and sampler slot information.
struct TextureAndSampler {
SampledImageSlot slot;
TextureResource texture;
const std::unique_ptr<const Sampler>& sampler;
/// @brief combines the buffer resource and its uniform slot information.
struct BufferAndUniformSlot {
ShaderUniformSlot slot;
BufferResource view;
struct Bindings {
std::vector<TextureAndSampler> sampled_images;
std::vector<BufferAndUniformSlot> buffers;
/// @brief An object used to specify work to the GPU along with references
/// to resources the GPU will used when doing said work.
/// To construct a valid command, follow these steps:
/// * Specify a valid pipeline.
/// * Specify vertex information via a call `BindVertices`
/// * Specify any stage bindings.
/// * (Optional) Specify a debug label.
/// Command can be created frequently and on demand. The resources
/// referenced in commands views into buffers managed by other
/// allocators and resource managers.
struct Command : public ResourceBinder {
/// The pipeline to use for this command.
std::shared_ptr<Pipeline<PipelineDescriptor>> pipeline;
/// The buffer, texture, and sampler bindings used by the vertex pipeline
/// stage.
Bindings vertex_bindings;
/// The buffer, texture, and sampler bindings used by the fragment pipeline
/// stage.
Bindings fragment_bindings;
/// The debugging label to use for the command.
std::string label;
/// The reference value to use in stenciling operations. Stencil configuration
/// is part of pipeline setup and can be read from the pipelines descriptor.
/// @see `Pipeline`
/// @see `PipelineDescriptor`
uint32_t stencil_reference = 0u;
/// The offset used when indexing into the vertex buffer.
uint64_t base_vertex = 0u;
/// The viewport coordinates that the rasterizer linearly maps normalized
/// device coordinates to.
/// If unset, the viewport is the size of the render target with a zero
/// origin, znear=0, and zfar=1.
std::optional<Viewport> viewport;
/// The scissor rect to use for clipping writes to the render target. The
/// scissor rect must lie entirely within the render target.
/// If unset, no scissor is applied.
std::optional<IRect> scissor;
/// The number of instances of the given set of vertices to render. Not all
/// backends support rendering more than one instance at a time.
/// @warning Setting this to more than one will limit the availability of
/// backends to use with this command.
size_t instance_count = 1u;
/// The bound per-vertex data and optional index buffer.
VertexBuffer vertex_buffer;
/// @brief Specify the vertex and index buffer to use for this command.
/// @param[in] buffer The vertex and index buffer definition. If possible,
/// this value should be moved and not copied.
/// @return returns if the binding was updated.
bool BindVertices(VertexBuffer buffer);
// |ResourceBinder|
bool BindResource(ShaderStage stage,
DescriptorType type,
const ShaderUniformSlot& slot,
const ShaderMetadata& metadata,
BufferView view) override;
bool BindResource(ShaderStage stage,
DescriptorType type,
const ShaderUniformSlot& slot,
const std::shared_ptr<const ShaderMetadata>& metadata,
BufferView view);
// |ResourceBinder|
bool BindResource(ShaderStage stage,
DescriptorType type,
const SampledImageSlot& slot,
const ShaderMetadata& metadata,
std::shared_ptr<const Texture> texture,
const std::unique_ptr<const Sampler>& sampler) override;
bool IsValid() const { return pipeline && pipeline->IsValid(); }
template <class T>
bool DoBindResource(ShaderStage stage,
const ShaderUniformSlot& slot,
T metadata,
BufferView view);
} // namespace impeller