blob: cf657d0b5d9e88d06684112dd346ac9521b5123e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <utility>
#include "flutter/fml/compiler_specific.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/fml/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "flutter/fml/memory/ref_ptr.h"
#include "flutter/fml/memory/thread_checker.h"
namespace debug {
struct DebugThreadChecker {
} // namespace debug
// WeakNSObject<> is patterned after scoped_nsobject<>, but instead of
// maintaining ownership of an NSObject subclass object, it will nil itself out
// when the object is deallocated.
// WeakNSProtocol<> has the same behavior as WeakNSObject, but can be used
// with protocols.
// Example usage (fml::WeakNSObject<T>):
// WeakNSObjectFactory factory([[Foo alloc] init]);
// WeakNSObject<Foo> weak_foo; // No pointer
// weak_foo = factory.GetWeakNSObject() // Now a weak reference is kept.
// [weak_foo description]; // Returns [foo description].
// foo.reset(); // The reference is released.
// [weak_foo description]; // Returns nil, as weak_foo is pointing to nil.
// Implementation wise a WeakNSObject keeps a reference to a refcounted
// WeakContainer. There is one unique instance of a WeakContainer per watched
// NSObject, this relationship is maintained via the ObjectiveC associated
// object API, indirectly via an ObjectiveC CRBWeakNSProtocolSentinel class.
// Threading restrictions:
// - Several WeakNSObject pointing to the same underlying object must all be
// created and dereferenced on the same thread;
// - thread safety is enforced by the implementation, except:
// - it is allowed to destroy a WeakNSObject on any thread;
// - the implementation assumes that the tracked object will be released on the
// same thread that the WeakNSObject is created on.
// fml specifics:
// WeakNSObjects can only originate from a |WeakNSObjectFactory| (see below), though WeakNSObjects
// are copyable and movable.
// WeakNSObjects are not in general thread-safe. They may only be *used* on
// a single thread, namely the same thread as the "originating"
// |WeakNSObjectFactory| (which can invalidate the WeakNSObjects that it
// generates).
// However, WeakNSObject may be passed to other threads, reset on other
// threads, or destroyed on other threads. They may also be reassigned on
// other threads (in which case they should then only be used on the thread
// corresponding to the new "originating" |WeakNSObjectFactory|).
namespace fml {
// Forward declaration, so |WeakNSObject<NST>| can friend it.
template <typename NST>
class WeakNSObjectFactory;
// WeakContainer keeps a weak pointer to an object and clears it when it
// receives nullify() from the object's sentinel.
class WeakContainer : public fml::RefCountedThreadSafe<WeakContainer> {
explicit WeakContainer(id object, const debug::DebugThreadChecker& checker);
id object() {
return object_;
void nullify() { object_ = nil; }
friend fml::RefCountedThreadSafe<WeakContainer>;
__unsafe_unretained id object_;
void CheckThreadSafety() const { FML_DCHECK_CREATION_THREAD_IS_CURRENT(checker_.checker); }
// checker_ is unused in non-unopt mode.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-private-field"
debug::DebugThreadChecker checker_;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
} // namespace fml
// Sentinel for observing the object contained in the weak pointer. The object
// will be deleted when the weak object is deleted and will notify its
// container.
@interface CRBWeakNSProtocolSentinel : NSObject
// Return the only associated container for this object. There can be only one.
// Will return null if object is nil .
+ (fml::RefPtr<fml::WeakContainer>)containerForObject:(id)object
namespace fml {
// Base class for all WeakNSObject derivatives.
template <typename NST>
class WeakNSProtocol {
WeakNSProtocol() = default;
// A WeakNSProtocol object can be copied on one thread and used on
// another.
WeakNSProtocol(const WeakNSProtocol<NST>& that)
: container_(that.container_), checker_(that.checker_) {}
~WeakNSProtocol() = default;
void reset() {
container_ = [CRBWeakNSProtocolSentinel containerForObject:nil threadChecker:checker_];
NST get() const {
if (!container_.get()) {
return nil;
return container_->object();
WeakNSProtocol& operator=(const WeakNSProtocol<NST>& that) {
// A WeakNSProtocol object can be copied on one thread and used on
// another.
container_ = that.container_;
checker_ = that.checker_;
return *this;
bool operator==(NST that) const {
return get() == that;
bool operator!=(NST that) const {
return get() != that;
// This appears to be intentional to allow truthiness?
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator NST() const {
return get();
friend class WeakNSObjectFactory<NST>;
explicit WeakNSProtocol(RefPtr<fml::WeakContainer> container,
const debug::DebugThreadChecker& checker)
: container_(std::move(container)), checker_(checker) {}
// Refecounted reference to the container tracking the ObjectiveC object this
// class encapsulates.
RefPtr<fml::WeakContainer> container_;
void CheckThreadSafety() const { FML_DCHECK_CREATION_THREAD_IS_CURRENT(checker_.checker); }
debug::DebugThreadChecker checker_;
// Free functions
template <class NST>
bool operator==(NST p1, const WeakNSProtocol<NST>& p2) {
return p1 == p2.get();
template <class NST>
bool operator!=(NST p1, const WeakNSProtocol<NST>& p2) {
return p1 != p2.get();
template <typename NST>
class WeakNSObject : public WeakNSProtocol<NST*> {
WeakNSObject() = default;
WeakNSObject(const WeakNSObject<NST>& that) : WeakNSProtocol<NST*>(that) {}
WeakNSObject& operator=(const WeakNSObject<NST>& that) {
return *this;
friend class WeakNSObjectFactory<NST>;
explicit WeakNSObject(RefPtr<fml::WeakContainer> container, debug::DebugThreadChecker checker)
: WeakNSProtocol<NST*>(container, checker) {}
// Specialization to make WeakNSObject<id> work.
template <>
class WeakNSObject<id> : public WeakNSProtocol<id> {
WeakNSObject() = default;
WeakNSObject(const WeakNSObject<id>& that) : WeakNSProtocol<id>(that) {}
WeakNSObject& operator=(const WeakNSObject<id>& that) {
return *this;
friend class WeakNSObjectFactory<id>;
explicit WeakNSObject(const RefPtr<fml::WeakContainer>& container,
const debug::DebugThreadChecker& checker)
: WeakNSProtocol<id>(container, checker) {}
// Class that produces (valid) |WeakNSObject<NST>|s. Typically, this is used as a
// member variable of |NST| (preferably the last one -- see below), and |NST|'s
// methods control how WeakNSObjects to it are vended. This class is not
// thread-safe, and should only be created, destroyed and used on a single
// thread.
// Example:
// ```objc
// @implementation Controller {
// std::unique_ptr<fml::WeakNSObjectFactory<Controller>> _weakFactory;
// }
// - (instancetype)init {
// self = [super init];
// _weakFactory = std::make_unique<fml::WeakNSObjectFactory<Controller>>(self)
// }
// - (fml::WeakNSObject<Controller>) {
// return _weakFactory->GetWeakNSObject()
// }
// @end
// ```
template <typename NST>
class WeakNSObjectFactory {
explicit WeakNSObjectFactory(NST* object) {
container_ = [CRBWeakNSProtocolSentinel containerForObject:object threadChecker:checker_];
~WeakNSObjectFactory() { CheckThreadSafety(); }
// Gets a new weak pointer, which will be valid until this object is
// destroyed.e
WeakNSObject<NST> GetWeakNSObject() const { return WeakNSObject<NST>(container_, checker_); }
// Refecounted reference to the container tracking the ObjectiveC object this
// class encapsulates.
RefPtr<fml::WeakContainer> container_;
void CheckThreadSafety() const { FML_DCHECK_CREATION_THREAD_IS_CURRENT(checker_.checker); }
debug::DebugThreadChecker checker_;
} // namespace fml