blob: 2521a4e0e95f6f54dd4a2ca2c1df09b24c5078c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.logger/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/internal/transport_channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/socket.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace fml {
// Class for holding the global connection to the Fuchsia LogSink service.
class LogState {
// Connects to the Fuchsia LogSink service.
// Get the socket for sending log messages.
const zx::socket& socket() const { return socket_; }
// Get the current list of tags.
std::shared_ptr<const std::vector<std::string>> tags() const {
return std::atomic_load(&tags_);
// Take ownership of the log sink channel (e.g. for LogInterestListener).
// This is thread-safe.
fidl::ClientEnd<::fuchsia_logger::LogSink> TakeClientEnd();
// Updates the default tags.
// This is thread-safe.
void SetTags(const std::initializer_list<std::string>& tags);
// Get the default instance of LogState.
static LogState& Default();
std::mutex mutex_;
fidl::ClientEnd<::fuchsia_logger::LogSink> client_end_;
zx::socket socket_;
std::shared_ptr<const std::vector<std::string>> tags_;
} // namespace fml