blob: 949402257f4a145fd557e23ec9a727e1a4991cff [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "flutter/common/settings.h"
#include "flutter/common/task_runners.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/image/dl_image.h"
#include "flutter/flow/compositor_context.h"
#include "flutter/flow/embedded_views.h"
#include "flutter/flow/frame_timings.h"
#include "flutter/flow/layers/layer_tree.h"
#include "flutter/flow/surface.h"
#include "flutter/fml/closure.h"
#include "flutter/fml/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "flutter/fml/raster_thread_merger.h"
#include "flutter/fml/synchronization/sync_switch.h"
#include "flutter/fml/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "flutter/fml/time/time_delta.h"
#include "flutter/fml/time/time_point.h"
#include "impeller/aiks/aiks_context.h" // nogncheck
#include "impeller/core/formats.h" // nogncheck
#include "impeller/renderer/context.h" // nogncheck
#include "impeller/typographer/backends/skia/typographer_context_skia.h" // nogncheck
#include "flutter/lib/ui/snapshot_delegate.h"
#include "flutter/shell/common/pipeline.h"
#include "flutter/shell/common/snapshot_controller.h"
#include "flutter/shell/common/snapshot_surface_producer.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkData.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImage.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
namespace impeller {
class Context;
class AiksContext;
} // namespace impeller
namespace flutter {
// The result status of Rasterizer::Draw. This is only used for unit tests.
enum class DrawStatus {
// The drawing was done without any specified status.
// Failed to rasterize the frame because the Rasterizer is not set up.
// Nothing was done, because the call was not on the raster thread. Yielded to
// let this frame be serviced on the right thread.
// Nothing was done, because the pipeline was empty.
// Nothing was done, because the GPU was unavailable.
// The result status of drawing to a view. This is only used for unit tests.
enum class DrawSurfaceStatus {
// The layer tree was successfully rasterized.
// The layer tree must be submitted again.
// This can occur on Android when switching the background surface to
// FlutterImageView. On Android, the first frame doesn't make the image
// available to the ImageReader right away. The second frame does.
// TODO(egarciad):
// This can also occur when the frame is dropped to wait for the thread
// merger to merge the raster and platform threads.
// Failed to rasterize the frame.
// Layer tree was discarded because its size does not match the view size.
// This typically occurs during resizing.
// The information to draw to all views of a frame.
struct FrameItem {
FrameItem(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeTask>> tasks,
std::unique_ptr<FrameTimingsRecorder> frame_timings_recorder)
: layer_tree_tasks(std::move(tasks)),
frame_timings_recorder(std::move(frame_timings_recorder)) {}
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeTask>> layer_tree_tasks;
std::unique_ptr<FrameTimingsRecorder> frame_timings_recorder;
using FramePipeline = Pipeline<FrameItem>;
/// The rasterizer is a component owned by the shell that resides on the raster
/// task runner. Each shell owns exactly one instance of a rasterizer. The
/// rasterizer may only be created, used and collected on the raster task
/// runner.
/// The rasterizer owns the instance of the currently active on-screen render
/// surface. On this surface, it renders the contents of layer trees submitted
/// to it by the `Engine` (which lives on the UI task runner).
/// The primary components owned by the rasterizer are the compositor context
/// and the on-screen render surface. The compositor context has all the GPU
/// state necessary to render frames to the render surface.
class Rasterizer final : public SnapshotDelegate,
public Stopwatch::RefreshRateUpdater,
public SnapshotController::Delegate {
/// @brief Used to forward events from the rasterizer to interested
/// subsystems. Currently, the shell sets itself up as the
/// rasterizer delegate to listen for frame rasterization events.
/// It can then forward these events to the engine.
/// Like all rasterizer operation, the rasterizer delegate call
/// are made on the raster task runner. Any delegate must ensure
/// that they can handle the threading implications.
class Delegate {
/// @brief Notifies the delegate that a frame has been rendered. The
/// rasterizer collects profiling information for each part of
/// the frame workload. This profiling information is made
/// available to the delegate for forwarding to subsystems
/// interested in collecting such profiles. Currently, the shell
/// (the delegate) forwards this to the engine where Dart code
/// can react to this information.
/// @see `FrameTiming`
/// @param[in] frame_timing Instrumentation information for each phase of
/// the frame workload.
virtual void OnFrameRasterized(const FrameTiming& frame_timing) = 0;
/// Time limit for a smooth frame.
/// See: `DisplayManager::GetMainDisplayRefreshRate`.
virtual fml::Milliseconds GetFrameBudget() = 0;
/// Target time for the latest frame. See also `Shell::OnAnimatorBeginFrame`
/// for when this time gets updated.
virtual fml::TimePoint GetLatestFrameTargetTime() const = 0;
/// Task runners used by the shell.
virtual const TaskRunners& GetTaskRunners() const = 0;
/// The raster thread merger from parent shell's rasterizer.
virtual const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>
GetParentRasterThreadMerger() const = 0;
/// Accessor for the shell's GPU sync switch, which determines whether GPU
/// operations are allowed on the current thread.
/// For example, on some platforms when the application is backgrounded it
/// is critical that GPU operations are not processed.
virtual std::shared_ptr<const fml::SyncSwitch> GetIsGpuDisabledSyncSwitch()
const = 0;
virtual const Settings& GetSettings() const = 0;
virtual bool ShouldDiscardLayerTree(int64_t view_id,
const flutter::LayerTree& tree) = 0;
/// @brief How to handle calls to MakeSkiaGpuImage.
enum class MakeGpuImageBehavior {
/// MakeSkiaGpuImage returns a GPU resident image, if possible.
/// MakeSkiaGpuImage returns a checkerboard bitmap. This is useful in test
/// contexts where no GPU surface is available.
/// @brief Creates a new instance of a rasterizer. Rasterizers may only
/// be created on the raster task runner. Rasterizers are
/// currently only created by the shell (which also sets itself up
/// as the rasterizer delegate).
/// @param[in] delegate The rasterizer delegate.
/// @param[in] gpu_image_behavior How to handle calls to
/// MakeSkiaGpuImage.
explicit Rasterizer(
Delegate& delegate,
MakeGpuImageBehavior gpu_image_behavior = MakeGpuImageBehavior::kGpu);
/// @brief Destroys the rasterizer. This must happen on the raster task
/// runner. All GPU resources are collected before this call
/// returns. Any context set up by the embedder to hold these
/// resources can be immediately collected as well.
void SetImpellerContext(std::weak_ptr<impeller::Context> impeller_context);
/// @brief Rasterizers may be created well before an on-screen surface is
/// available for rendering. Shells usually create a rasterizer in
/// their constructors. Once an on-screen surface is available
/// however, one may be provided to the rasterizer using this
/// call. No rendering may occur before this call. The surface is
/// held till the balancing call to `Rasterizer::Teardown` is
/// made. Calling a setup before tearing down the previous surface
/// (if this is not the first time the surface has been set up) is
/// user error.
/// @see `Rasterizer::Teardown`
/// @param[in] surface The on-screen render surface.
void Setup(std::unique_ptr<Surface> surface);
/// @brief Releases the previously set up on-screen render surface and
/// collects associated resources. No more rendering may occur
/// till the next call to `Rasterizer::Setup` with a new render
/// surface. Calling a teardown without a setup is user error.
/// Calling this method multiple times is safe.
void Teardown();
/// @brief Releases any resource used by the external view embedder.
/// For example, overlay surfaces or Android views.
/// On Android, this method post a task to the platform thread,
/// and waits until it completes.
void TeardownExternalViewEmbedder();
/// @brief Notifies the rasterizer that there is a low memory situation
/// and it must purge as many unnecessary resources as possible.
/// Currently, the Skia context associated with onscreen rendering
/// is told to free GPU resources.
void NotifyLowMemoryWarning() const;
/// @brief Gets a weak pointer to the rasterizer. The rasterizer may only
/// be accessed on the raster task runner.
/// @return The weak pointer to the rasterizer.
fml::TaskRunnerAffineWeakPtr<Rasterizer> GetWeakPtr() const;
fml::TaskRunnerAffineWeakPtr<SnapshotDelegate> GetSnapshotDelegate() const;
/// @brief Deallocate the resources for displaying a view.
/// This method must be called on the raster task runner when a
/// view is removed from the engine.
/// When the rasterizer is requested to draw an unrecognized view,
/// it implicitly allocates necessary resources. These resources
/// must be explicitly deallocated.
/// @param[in] view_id The ID of the view.
void CollectView(int64_t view_id);
/// @brief Returns the last successfully drawn layer tree for the given
/// view, or nullptr if there isn't any. This is useful during
/// `DrawLastLayerTrees` and computing frame damage.
/// @bug
/// @return A pointer to the last layer or `nullptr` if this rasterizer
/// has never rendered a frame to the given view.
flutter::LayerTree* GetLastLayerTree(int64_t view_id);
/// @brief Draws the last layer trees with their last configuration. This
/// may seem entirely redundant at first glance. After all, on
/// surface loss and re-acquisition, the framework generates a new
/// layer tree. Otherwise, why render the same contents to the
/// screen again? This is used as an optimization in cases where
/// there are external textures (video or camera streams for
/// example) in referenced in the layer tree. These textures may
/// be updated at a cadence different from that of the Flutter
/// application. Flutter can re-render the layer tree with just
/// the updated textures instead of waiting for the framework to
/// do the work to generate the layer tree describing the same
/// contents.
/// Calling this method clears all last layer trees
/// (GetLastLayerTree).
void DrawLastLayerTrees(
std::unique_ptr<FrameTimingsRecorder> frame_timings_recorder);
// |SnapshotDelegate|
GrDirectContext* GetGrContext() override;
std::shared_ptr<flutter::TextureRegistry> GetTextureRegistry() override;
/// @brief Takes the next item from the layer tree pipeline and executes
/// the raster thread frame workload for that pipeline item to
/// render a frame on the on-screen surface.
/// Why does the draw call take a layer tree pipeline and not the
/// layer tree directly?
/// The pipeline is the way book-keeping of frame workloads
/// distributed across the multiple threads is managed. The
/// rasterizer deals with the pipelines directly (instead of layer
/// trees which is what it actually renders) because the pipeline
/// consumer's workload must be accounted for within the pipeline
/// itself. If the rasterizer took the layer tree directly, it
/// would have to be taken out of the pipeline. That would signal
/// the end of the frame workload and the pipeline would be ready
/// for new frames. But the last frame has not been rendered by
/// the frame yet! On the other hand, the pipeline must own the
/// layer tree it renders because it keeps a reference to the last
/// layer tree around till a new frame is rendered. So a simple
/// reference wont work either. The `Rasterizer::DoDraw` method
/// actually performs the GPU operations within the layer tree
/// pipeline.
/// @see `Rasterizer::DoDraw`
/// @param[in] pipeline The layer tree pipeline to take the next layer tree
/// to render from.
DrawStatus Draw(const std::shared_ptr<FramePipeline>& pipeline);
/// @brief The type of the screenshot to obtain of the previously
/// rendered layer tree.
enum class ScreenshotType {
// NOLINTBEGIN(readability-identifier-naming)
/// A format used to denote a Skia picture. A Skia picture is a serialized
/// representation of an `SkPicture` that can be used to introspect the
/// series of commands used to draw that picture.
/// Skia pictures are typically stored as files with the .skp extension on
/// disk. These files may be viewed in an interactive debugger available at
/// A format used to denote uncompressed image data. For Skia, this format
/// is 32 bits per pixel, 8 bits per component and
/// denoted by the `kN32_SkColorType ` Skia color type. For Impeller, its
/// format is specified in Screenshot::pixel_format.
/// A format used to denote compressed image data. The PNG compressed
/// container is used.
/// Reads the data directly from the Rasterizer's surface. The pixel format
/// is determined from the surface. This is the only way to read wide gamut
/// color data, but isn't supported everywhere.
// NOLINTEND(readability-identifier-naming)
// Specifies the format of pixel data in a Screenshot.
enum class ScreenshotFormat {
// Unknown format, or Skia default.
// RGBA 8 bits per channel.
// BGRA 8 bits per channel.
// RGBA 16 bit floating point per channel.
/// @brief A POD type used to return the screenshot data along with the
/// size of the frame.
struct Screenshot {
/// The data used to describe the screenshot. The data format depends on the
/// type of screenshot taken and any further encoding done to the same.
/// @see `ScreenshotType`
sk_sp<SkData> data;
/// The size of the screenshot in texels.
SkISize frame_size = SkISize::MakeEmpty();
/// Characterization of the format of the data in `data`.
std::string format;
/// The pixel format of the data in `data`.
/// If the impeller backend is not used, this value is always kUnknown and
/// the data is in RGBA8888 format.
ScreenshotFormat pixel_format = ScreenshotFormat::kUnknown;
/// @brief Creates an empty screenshot
/// @brief Creates a screenshot with the specified data and size.
/// @param[in] p_data The screenshot data
/// @param[in] p_size The screenshot size.
/// @param[in] p_format The screenshot format.
/// @param[in] p_pixel_format The screenshot format.
Screenshot(sk_sp<SkData> p_data,
SkISize p_size,
const std::string& p_format,
ScreenshotFormat p_pixel_format);
/// @brief The copy constructor for a screenshot.
/// @param[in] other The screenshot to copy from.
Screenshot(const Screenshot& other);
/// @brief Destroys the screenshot object and releases underlying data.
/// @brief Screenshots the last layer tree to one of the supported
/// screenshot types and optionally Base 64 encodes that data for
/// easier transmission and packaging (usually over the service
/// protocol for instrumentation tools running on the host).
/// @param[in] type The type of the screenshot to gather.
/// @param[in] base64_encode Whether Base 64 encoding must be applied to the
/// data after a screenshot has been captured.
/// @return A non-empty screenshot if one could be captured. A screenshot
/// capture may fail if there were no layer trees previously
/// rendered by this rasterizer, or, due to an unspecified
/// internal error. Internal error will be logged to the console.
Screenshot ScreenshotLastLayerTree(ScreenshotType type, bool base64_encode);
/// @brief Sets a callback that will be executed when the next layer tree
/// in rendered to the on-screen surface. This is used by
/// embedders to listen for one time operations like listening for
/// when the first frame is rendered so that they may hide splash
/// screens.
/// The callback is only executed once and dropped on the GPU
/// thread when executed (lambda captures must be able to deal
/// with the threading repercussions of this behavior).
/// @param[in] callback The callback to execute when the next layer tree is
/// rendered on-screen.
void SetNextFrameCallback(const fml::closure& callback);
/// @brief Set the External View Embedder. This is done on shell
/// initialization. This is non-null on platforms that support
/// embedding externally composited views.
/// @param[in] view_embedder The external view embedder object.
void SetExternalViewEmbedder(
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalViewEmbedder>& view_embedder);
/// @brief Set the snapshot surface producer. This is done on shell
/// initialization. This is non-null on platforms that support taking
/// GPU accelerated raster snapshots in the background.
/// @param[in] producer A surface producer for raster snapshotting when the
/// onscreen surface is not available.
void SetSnapshotSurfaceProducer(
std::unique_ptr<SnapshotSurfaceProducer> producer);
/// @brief Returns a pointer to the compositor context used by this
/// rasterizer. This pointer will never be `nullptr`.
/// @return The compositor context used by this rasterizer.
flutter::CompositorContext* compositor_context() {
return compositor_context_.get();
/// @brief Returns the raster thread merger used by this rasterizer.
/// This may be `nullptr`.
/// @return The raster thread merger used by this rasterizer.
fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> GetRasterThreadMerger();
/// @brief Skia has no notion of time. To work around the performance
/// implications of this, it may cache GPU resources to reference
/// them from one frame to the next. Using this call, embedders
/// may set the maximum bytes cached by Skia in its caches
/// dedicated to on-screen rendering.
/// @attention This cache setting will be invalidated when the surface is
/// torn down via `Rasterizer::Teardown`. This call must be made
/// again with new limits after surface re-acquisition.
/// @attention This cache does not describe the entirety of GPU resources
/// that may be cached. The `RasterCache` also holds very large
/// GPU resources.
/// @see `RasterCache`
/// @param[in] max_bytes The maximum byte size of resource that may be
/// cached for GPU rendering.
/// @param[in] from_user Whether this request was from user code, e.g. via
/// the flutter/skia message channel, in which case
/// it should not be overridden by the platform.
void SetResourceCacheMaxBytes(size_t max_bytes, bool from_user);
/// @brief The current value of Skia's resource cache size, if a surface
/// is present.
/// @attention This cache does not describe the entirety of GPU resources
/// that may be cached. The `RasterCache` also holds very large
/// GPU resources.
/// @see `RasterCache`
/// @return The size of Skia's resource cache, if available.
std::optional<size_t> GetResourceCacheMaxBytes() const;
/// @brief Enables the thread merger if the external view embedder
/// supports dynamic thread merging.
/// @attention This method is thread-safe. When the thread merger is enabled,
/// the raster task queue can run in the platform thread at any
/// time.
/// @see `ExternalViewEmbedder`
void EnableThreadMergerIfNeeded();
/// @brief Disables the thread merger if the external view embedder
/// supports dynamic thread merging.
/// @attention This method is thread-safe. When the thread merger is
/// disabled, the raster task queue will continue to run in the
/// same thread until |EnableThreadMergerIfNeeded| is called.
/// @see `ExternalViewEmbedder`
void DisableThreadMergerIfNeeded();
/// @brief Returns whether TearDown has been called.
/// This method is used only in unit tests.
bool IsTornDown();
/// @brief Returns the last status of drawing the specific view.
/// This method is used only in unit tests.
std::optional<DrawSurfaceStatus> GetLastDrawStatus(int64_t view_id);
// The result status of DoDraw, DrawToSurfaces, and DrawToSurfacesUnsafe.
enum class DoDrawStatus {
// The drawing was done without any specified status.
// Frame has been successfully rasterized, but there are additional items
// in the pipeline waiting to be consumed. This is currently only used when
// thread configuration change occurs.
// Failed to rasterize the frame because the Rasterizer is not set up.
// Nothing was done, because GPU was unavailable.
// The result of DoDraw.
struct DoDrawResult {
// The overall status of the drawing process.
// The status of drawing a specific view is available at GetLastDrawStatus.
DoDrawStatus status = DoDrawStatus::kDone;
// The frame item that needs to be submitted again.
// See RasterStatus::kResubmit and kSkipAndRetry for when it happens.
// If `resubmitted_item` is not null, its `tasks` is guaranteed to be
// non-empty.
std::unique_ptr<FrameItem> resubmitted_item;
struct ViewRecord {
std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeTask> last_successful_task;
std::optional<DrawSurfaceStatus> last_draw_status;
// |SnapshotDelegate|
std::unique_ptr<GpuImageResult> MakeSkiaGpuImage(
sk_sp<DisplayList> display_list,
const SkImageInfo& image_info) override;
// |SnapshotDelegate|
sk_sp<DlImage> MakeRasterSnapshot(sk_sp<DisplayList> display_list,
SkISize picture_size) override;
// |SnapshotDelegate|
sk_sp<SkImage> ConvertToRasterImage(sk_sp<SkImage> image) override;
// |Stopwatch::Delegate|
/// Time limit for a smooth frame.
/// See: `DisplayManager::GetMainDisplayRefreshRate`.
fml::Milliseconds GetFrameBudget() const override;
// |SnapshotController::Delegate|
const std::unique_ptr<Surface>& GetSurface() const override {
return surface_;
// |SnapshotController::Delegate|
std::shared_ptr<impeller::AiksContext> GetAiksContext() const override {
if (surface_) {
return surface_->GetAiksContext();
if (auto context = impeller_context_.lock()) {
return std::make_shared<impeller::AiksContext>(
context, impeller::TypographerContextSkia::Make());
return nullptr;
// |SnapshotController::Delegate|
const std::unique_ptr<SnapshotSurfaceProducer>& GetSnapshotSurfaceProducer()
const override {
return snapshot_surface_producer_;
// |SnapshotController::Delegate|
std::shared_ptr<const fml::SyncSwitch> GetIsGpuDisabledSyncSwitch()
const override {
return delegate_.GetIsGpuDisabledSyncSwitch();
std::pair<sk_sp<SkData>, ScreenshotFormat> ScreenshotLayerTreeAsImage(
flutter::LayerTree* tree,
flutter::CompositorContext& compositor_context,
bool compressed);
// This method starts with the frame timing recorder at build end. This
// method might push it to raster end and get the recorded time, or abort in
// the middle and not get the recorded time.
DoDrawResult DoDraw(
std::unique_ptr<FrameTimingsRecorder> frame_timings_recorder,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeTask>> tasks);
// This method pushes the frame timing recorder from build end to raster end.
DoDrawResult DrawToSurfaces(
FrameTimingsRecorder& frame_timings_recorder,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeTask>> tasks);
// Draws the specified layer trees to views, assuming we have access to the
// GPU.
// If any layer trees need resubmitting, this method returns the frame item to
// be resubmitted. Otherwise, it returns nullptr.
// Unsafe because it assumes we have access to the GPU which isn't the case
// when iOS is backgrounded, for example.
// This method pushes the frame timing recorder from build end to raster end.
std::unique_ptr<FrameItem> DrawToSurfacesUnsafe(
FrameTimingsRecorder& frame_timings_recorder,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayerTreeTask>> tasks);
// Draws the layer tree to the specified view, assuming we have access to the
// GPU.
// This method is not affiliated with the frame timing recorder, but must be
// included between the RasterStart and RasterEnd.
DrawSurfaceStatus DrawToSurfaceUnsafe(
int64_t view_id,
flutter::LayerTree& layer_tree,
float device_pixel_ratio,
std::optional<fml::TimePoint> presentation_time);
ViewRecord& EnsureViewRecord(int64_t view_id);
void FireNextFrameCallbackIfPresent();
static bool ShouldResubmitFrame(const DoDrawResult& result);
static DrawStatus ToDrawStatus(DoDrawStatus status);
bool is_torn_down_ = false;
Delegate& delegate_;
MakeGpuImageBehavior gpu_image_behavior_;
std::weak_ptr<impeller::Context> impeller_context_;
std::unique_ptr<Surface> surface_;
std::unique_ptr<SnapshotSurfaceProducer> snapshot_surface_producer_;
std::unique_ptr<flutter::CompositorContext> compositor_context_;
std::unordered_map<int64_t, ViewRecord> view_records_;
fml::closure next_frame_callback_;
bool user_override_resource_cache_bytes_ = false;
std::optional<size_t> max_cache_bytes_;
fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> raster_thread_merger_;
std::shared_ptr<ExternalViewEmbedder> external_view_embedder_;
std::unique_ptr<SnapshotController> snapshot_controller_;
// WeakPtrFactory must be the last member.
fml::TaskRunnerAffineWeakPtrFactory<Rasterizer> weak_factory_;
} // namespace flutter