blob: a840680ab72e16eefb748975d95e38e6bedbf82b [file] [log] [blame]
# Web-specific analysis options.
# As of today the web code contains quite a few deviations from the repo-wide
# analysis options due to having been migrated from google3. The ultimate goal
# is to clean up our code and delete this file.
include: ../../analysis_options.yaml
# We need this in the web engine in order to prevent committing `solo: true`
# in tests.
deprecated_member_use: true
avoid_dynamic_calls: false
avoid_print: false
avoid_setters_without_getters: false
library_private_types_in_public_api: false
no_default_cases: false
prefer_relative_imports: false
public_member_api_docs: false
unawaited_futures: true
use_setters_to_change_properties: false