blob: 4013ddbcec264baf9966dc582ed2c145982b38c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
type JSCompileTarget = "dart2js" | "dartdevc";
type WasmCompileTarget = "dart2wasm";
export type CompileTarget = JSCompileTarget | WasmCompileTarget;
export type WebRenderer =
"html" |
"canvaskit" |
interface ApplicationBuildBase {
renderer: WebRenderer;
export interface JSApplicationBuild extends ApplicationBuildBase {
compileTarget: JSCompileTarget;
mainJsPath: string;
export interface WasmApplicationBuild extends ApplicationBuildBase {
compileTarget: WasmCompileTarget;
mainWasmPath: string;
jsSupportRuntimePath: string;
export type ApplicationBuild = JSApplicationBuild | WasmApplicationBuild;
export interface BuildConfig {
serviceWorkerVersion: string;
engineRevision: string;
builds: ApplicationBuild[];
export interface BrowserEnvironment {
hasImageCodecs: boolean;
hasChromiumBreakIterators: boolean;
supportsWasmGC: boolean;
crossOriginIsolated: boolean;
type CanvasKitVariant =
"auto" |
"full" |
export interface FlutterConfiguration {
assetBase: string?;
canvasKitBaseUrl: string?;
canvasKitVariant: CanvasKitVariant?;
renderer: WebRenderer?;
hostElement: HtmlElement?;
fontFallbackBaseUrl: string?;
export interface ServiceWorkerSettings {
serviceWorkerVersion: string;
serviceWorkerUrl: string?;
timeoutMillis: number?;
export interface AppRunner {
runApp: () => void;
export interface EngineInitializer {
initializeEngine: () => Promise<AppRunner>;
export type OnEntrypointLoadedCallback =
(initializer: EngineInitializer) => void;