blob: dd3ba2a1e3d8215264821402163c8e790432cba8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.12
part of dart.ui;
class _HashEnd { const _HashEnd(); }
const _HashEnd _hashEnd = _HashEnd();
// ignore: avoid_classes_with_only_static_members
/// Jenkins hash function, optimized for small integers.
// Borrowed from the dart sdk: sdk/lib/math/jenkins_smi_hash.dart.
class _Jenkins {
static int combine(int hash, Object? o) {
assert(o is! Iterable);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + o.hashCode);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10));
return hash ^ (hash >> 6);
static int finish(int hash) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3));
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15));
/// Combine up to twenty objects' hash codes into one value.
/// If you only need to handle one object's hash code, then just refer to its
/// [Object.hashCode] getter directly.
/// If you need to combine an arbitrary number of objects from a [List] or other
/// [Iterable], use [hashList]. The output of [hashList] can be used as one of
/// the arguments to this function.
/// For example:
/// ```dart
/// int hashCode => hashValues(foo, bar, hashList(quux), baz);
/// ```
'Use Object.hash() instead. '
'This feature was deprecated in v3.1.0-0.0.pre.897'
int hashValues(
Object? arg01, Object? arg02, [ Object? arg03 = _hashEnd,
Object? arg04 = _hashEnd, Object? arg05 = _hashEnd, Object? arg06 = _hashEnd,
Object? arg07 = _hashEnd, Object? arg08 = _hashEnd, Object? arg09 = _hashEnd,
Object? arg10 = _hashEnd, Object? arg11 = _hashEnd, Object? arg12 = _hashEnd,
Object? arg13 = _hashEnd, Object? arg14 = _hashEnd, Object? arg15 = _hashEnd,
Object? arg16 = _hashEnd, Object? arg17 = _hashEnd, Object? arg18 = _hashEnd,
Object? arg19 = _hashEnd, Object? arg20 = _hashEnd ]) {
int result = 0;
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg01);
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg02);
if (!identical(arg03, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg03);
if (!identical(arg04, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg04);
if (!identical(arg05, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg05);
if (!identical(arg06, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg06);
if (!identical(arg07, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg07);
if (!identical(arg08, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg08);
if (!identical(arg09, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg09);
if (!identical(arg10, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg10);
if (!identical(arg11, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg11);
if (!identical(arg12, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg12);
if (!identical(arg13, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg13);
if (!identical(arg14, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg14);
if (!identical(arg15, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg15);
if (!identical(arg16, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg16);
if (!identical(arg17, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg17);
if (!identical(arg18, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg18);
if (!identical(arg19, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg19);
if (!identical(arg20, _hashEnd)) {
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, arg20);
// I can see my house from here!
return _Jenkins.finish(result);
/// Combine the [Object.hashCode] values of an arbitrary number of objects from
/// an [Iterable] into one value. This function will return the same value if
/// given null as if given an empty list.
'Use Object.hashAll() or Object.hashAllUnordered() instead. '
'This feature was deprecated in v3.1.0-0.0.pre.897'
int hashList(Iterable<Object?>? arguments) {
int result = 0;
if (arguments != null) {
for (final Object? argument in arguments)
result = _Jenkins.combine(result, argument);
return _Jenkins.finish(result);