blob: 0981cdd2538b19d01b92b31f2190b1100767a440 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "flutter/common/graphics/texture.h"
#include "flutter/flow/diff_context.h"
#include "flutter/flow/embedded_views.h"
#include "flutter/flow/instrumentation.h"
#include "flutter/flow/layer_snapshot_store.h"
#include "flutter/flow/raster_cache.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/raster_thread_merger.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
namespace flutter {
class LayerTree;
enum class RasterStatus {
// Frame has been successfully rasterized.
// Frame is submitted twice. This is only used on Android when
// switching the background surface to FlutterImageView.
// On Android, the first frame doesn't make the image available
// to the ImageReader right away. The second frame does.
// TODO(egarciad):
// Frame is dropped and a new frame with the same layer tree is
// attempted.
// This is currently used to wait for the thread merger to merge
// the raster and platform threads.
// Since the thread merger may be disabled,
// Frame has been successfully rasterized, but "there are additional items in
// the pipeline waiting to be consumed. This is currently
// only used when thread configuration change occurs.
// Failed to rasterize the frame.
// Layer tree was discarded due to LayerTreeDiscardCallback or inability to
// access the GPU.
// Drawing was yielded to allow the correct thread to draw as a result of the
// RasterThreadMerger.
class FrameDamage {
// Sets previous layer tree for calculating frame damage. If not set, entire
// frame will be repainted.
void SetPreviousLayerTree(const LayerTree* prev_layer_tree) {
prev_layer_tree_ = prev_layer_tree;
// Adds additional damage (accumulated for double / triple buffering).
// This is area that will be repainted alongside any changed part.
void AddAdditonalDamage(const SkIRect& damage) {
// Specifies clip rect alignment.
void SetClipAlignment(int horizontal, int vertical) {
horizontal_clip_alignment_ = horizontal;
vertical_clip_alignment_ = vertical;
// Calculates clip rect for current rasterization. This is diff of layer tree
// and previous layer tree + any additional provided damage.
// If previous layer tree is not specified, clip rect will be nullopt,
// but the paint region of layer_tree will be calculated so that it can be
// used for diffing of subsequent frames.
std::optional<SkRect> ComputeClipRect(flutter::LayerTree& layer_tree);
// See Damage::frame_damage.
std::optional<SkIRect> GetFrameDamage() const {
return damage_ ? std::make_optional(damage_->frame_damage) : std::nullopt;
// See Damage::buffer_damage.
std::optional<SkIRect> GetBufferDamage() {
return damage_ ? std::make_optional(damage_->buffer_damage) : std::nullopt;
SkIRect additional_damage_ = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
std::optional<Damage> damage_;
const LayerTree* prev_layer_tree_ = nullptr;
int vertical_clip_alignment_ = 1;
int horizontal_clip_alignment_ = 1;
class CompositorContext {
class ScopedFrame {
ScopedFrame(CompositorContext& context,
GrDirectContext* gr_context,
SkCanvas* canvas,
ExternalViewEmbedder* view_embedder,
const SkMatrix& root_surface_transformation,
bool instrumentation_enabled,
bool surface_supports_readback,
fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> raster_thread_merger,
DisplayListBuilder* display_list_builder);
virtual ~ScopedFrame();
SkCanvas* canvas() { return canvas_; }
DisplayListBuilder* display_list_builder() const {
return display_list_builder_;
ExternalViewEmbedder* view_embedder() { return view_embedder_; }
CompositorContext& context() const { return context_; }
const SkMatrix& root_surface_transformation() const {
return root_surface_transformation_;
bool surface_supports_readback() { return surface_supports_readback_; }
GrDirectContext* gr_context() const { return gr_context_; }
virtual RasterStatus Raster(LayerTree& layer_tree,
bool ignore_raster_cache,
FrameDamage* frame_damage);
CompositorContext& context_;
GrDirectContext* gr_context_;
SkCanvas* canvas_;
DisplayListBuilder* display_list_builder_;
ExternalViewEmbedder* view_embedder_;
const SkMatrix& root_surface_transformation_;
const bool instrumentation_enabled_;
const bool surface_supports_readback_;
fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> raster_thread_merger_;
explicit CompositorContext(Stopwatch::RefreshRateUpdater& updater);
virtual ~CompositorContext();
virtual std::unique_ptr<ScopedFrame> AcquireFrame(
GrDirectContext* gr_context,
SkCanvas* canvas,
ExternalViewEmbedder* view_embedder,
const SkMatrix& root_surface_transformation,
bool instrumentation_enabled,
bool surface_supports_readback,
fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> raster_thread_merger,
DisplayListBuilder* display_list_builder);
void OnGrContextCreated();
void OnGrContextDestroyed();
RasterCache& raster_cache() { return raster_cache_; }
TextureRegistry& texture_registry() { return texture_registry_; }
const Stopwatch& raster_time() const { return raster_time_; }
Stopwatch& ui_time() { return ui_time_; }
LayerSnapshotStore& snapshot_store() { return layer_snapshot_store_; }
RasterCache raster_cache_;
TextureRegistry texture_registry_;
Stopwatch raster_time_;
Stopwatch ui_time_;
LayerSnapshotStore layer_snapshot_store_;
/// Only used by default constructor of `CompositorContext`.
FixedRefreshRateUpdater fixed_refresh_rate_updater_;
void BeginFrame(ScopedFrame& frame, bool enable_instrumentation);
void EndFrame(ScopedFrame& frame, bool enable_instrumentation);
} // namespace flutter