blob: e98cc23128f3529346e4db78dd5d7ebaf6a1900d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:ui/src/engine/dom.dart';
/// A class defined in content shell, used to control its behavior.
class _TestRunner {
external void waitUntilDone();
/// Returns the current content shell runner, or `null` if none exists.
external _TestRunner? get testRunner;
/// A class that exposes the test API to JS.
/// These are exposed so that tools like IDEs can interact with them via remote
/// debugging.
class _JSApi {
/// Causes the test runner to resume running, as though the user had clicked
/// the "play" button.
external Function get resume;
/// Causes the test runner to restart the current test once it finishes
/// running.
external Function get restartCurrent;
external factory _JSApi({void Function() resume, void Function() restartCurrent});
/// Sets the top-level `dartTest` object so that it's visible to JS.
external set _jsApi(_JSApi api);
/// The iframes created for each loaded test suite, indexed by the suite id.
final Map<int, DomHTMLIFrameElement> _iframes = <int, DomHTMLIFrameElement>{};
/// Subscriptions created for each loaded test suite, indexed by the suite id.
final Map<int, List<DomSubscription>> _domSubscriptions = <int, List<DomSubscription>>{};
final Map<int, List<StreamSubscription<dynamic>>> _streamSubscriptions =<int, List<StreamSubscription<dynamic>>>{};
/// The URL for the current page.
final Uri _currentUrl = Uri.parse(domWindow.location.href);
/// Code that runs in the browser and loads test suites at the server's behest.
/// One instance of this runs for each browser. When the server tells it to load
/// a test, it starts an iframe pointing at that test's code; from then on, it
/// just relays messages between the two.
/// The browser uses two layers of [MultiChannel]s when communicating with the
/// server:
/// server
/// │
/// (WebSocket)
/// │
/// ┏━ host.html ━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
/// ┃ │ ┃
/// ┃ ┌──────┬───MultiChannel─────┐ ┃
/// ┃ │ │ │ │ │ ┃
/// ┃ host suite suite suite suite ┃
/// ┃ │ │ │ │ ┃
/// ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━┿━━━━━━┿━━━━━━┿━━━━━┛
/// │ │ │ │
/// │ ... ... ...
/// │
/// (MessageChannel)
/// │
/// ┏━ suite.html (in iframe) ┿━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
/// ┃ │ ┃
/// ┃ ┌──────────MultiChannel┬─────────┐ ┃
/// ┃ │ │ │ │ │ ┃
/// ┃ IframeListener test test test running test ┃
/// ┃ ┃
/// ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
/// The host (this code) has a [MultiChannel] that splits the WebSocket
/// connection with the server. One connection is used for the host itself to
/// receive messages like "load a suite at this URL", and the rest are
/// connected to each test suite's iframe via a [MessageChannel].
/// Each iframe then has its own [MultiChannel] which takes its
/// [MessageChannel] connection and splits it again. One connection is used for
/// the [IframeListener], which sends messages like "here are all the tests in
/// this suite". The rest are used for each test, receiving messages like
/// "start running". A new connection is also created whenever a test begins
/// running to send status messages about its progress.
/// It's of particular note that the suite's [MultiChannel] connection uses the
/// host's purely as a transport layer; neither is aware that the other is also
/// using [MultiChannel]. This is necessary, since the host doesn't share memory
/// with the suites and thus can't share its [MultiChannel] with them, but it
/// does mean that the server needs to be sure to nest its [MultiChannel]s at
/// the same place the client does.
void main() {
// This tells content_shell not to close immediately after the page has
// rendered.
if (_currentUrl.queryParameters['debug'] == 'true') {
() {
final MultiChannel<dynamic> serverChannel = _connectToServer(); message) {
if (message['command'] == 'loadSuite') {
final int channelId = message['channel'] as int;
final String url = message['url'] as String;
final int messageId = message['id'] as int;
final VirtualChannel<dynamic> suiteChannel = serverChannel.virtualChannel(channelId);
final StreamChannel<dynamic> iframeChannel = _connectToIframe(url, messageId);
} else if (message['command'] == 'displayPause') {
} else if (message['command'] == 'resume') {
} else {
assert(message['command'] == 'closeSuite');
for (final DomSubscription subscription in _domSubscriptions.remove(message['id'])!) {
for (final StreamSubscription<dynamic> subscription in _streamSubscriptions.remove(message['id'])!) {
// Send periodic pings to the test runner so it can know when the browser is
// paused for debugging.
Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1),
(_) => serverChannel.sink.add(<String, String>{'command': 'ping'}));
_jsApi = _JSApi(resume: allowInterop(() {
if (!domDocument.body!.classList.contains('paused')) {
serverChannel.sink.add(<String, String>{'command': 'resume'});
}), restartCurrent: allowInterop(() {
serverChannel.sink.add(<String, String>{'command': 'restart'});
(dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
/// Creates a [MultiChannel] connection to the server, using a [WebSocket] as
/// the underlying protocol.
MultiChannel<dynamic> _connectToServer() {
// The `managerUrl` query parameter contains the WebSocket URL of the remote
// [BrowserManager] with which this communicates.
final DomWebSocket webSocket = createDomWebSocket(_currentUrl.queryParameters['managerUrl']!);
final StreamChannelController<dynamic> controller = StreamChannelController<dynamic>(sync: true);
webSocket.addEventListener('message', allowInterop((DomEvent message) {
final String data = (message as DomMessageEvent).data as String;
.listen((dynamic message) => webSocket.send(jsonEncode(message)));
return MultiChannel<dynamic>(controller.foreign);
/// Creates an iframe with `src` [url] and establishes a connection to it using
/// a [MessageChannel].
/// [id] identifies the suite loaded in this iframe.
StreamChannel<dynamic> _connectToIframe(String url, int id) {
final DomHTMLIFrameElement iframe = createDomHTMLIFrameElement();
_iframes[id] = iframe;
..src = url
..width = '1000'
..height = '1000';
// Use this to communicate securely with the iframe.
final DomMessageChannel channel = createDomMessageChannel();
final StreamChannelController<dynamic> controller = StreamChannelController<dynamic>(sync: true);
// Use this to avoid sending a message to the iframe before it's sent a
// message to us. This ensures that no messages get dropped on the floor.
final Completer<dynamic> readyCompleter = Completer<dynamic>();
final List<DomSubscription> domSubscriptions = <DomSubscription>[];
final List<StreamSubscription<dynamic>> streamSubscriptions = <StreamSubscription<dynamic>>[];
_domSubscriptions[id] = domSubscriptions;
_streamSubscriptions[id] = streamSubscriptions;
domSubscriptions.add(DomSubscription(domWindow, 'message',
allowInterop((DomEvent event) {
final DomMessageEvent message = event as DomMessageEvent;
// A message on the Window can theoretically come from any website. It's
// very unlikely that a malicious site would care about hacking someone's
// unit tests, let alone be able to find the test server while it's
// running, but it's good practice to check the origin anyway.
if (message.origin != domWindow.location.origin) {
if (['href'] != iframe.src) {
if (['ready'] == true) {
// This message indicates that the iframe is actively listening for
// events, so the message channel's second port can now be transferred.
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage('port', domWindow.location.origin,
} else if (['exception'] == true) {
// This message from `dart.js` indicates that an exception occurred
// loading the test.
domSubscriptions.add(DomSubscription(channel.port1, 'message',
allowInterop((DomEvent message) {
controller.local.sink.add((message as DomMessageEvent).data['data']);
streamSubscriptions.add( message) async {
await readyCompleter.future;
return controller.foreign;