blob: 63d30c3bb5ebe345faedbc3bf100bb6f2c2ff3a3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "flutter/common/graphics/texture.h"
#include "flutter/flow/diff_context.h"
#include "flutter/flow/embedded_views.h"
#include "flutter/flow/instrumentation.h"
#include "flutter/flow/layer_snapshot_store.h"
#include "flutter/flow/raster_cache.h"
#include "flutter/fml/build_config.h"
#include "flutter/fml/compiler_specific.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorFilter.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPath.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRRect.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/utils/SkNWayCanvas.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
class MockLayer;
} // namespace testing
class ContainerLayer;
class DisplayListLayer;
class PerformanceOverlayLayer;
class TextureLayer;
class RasterCacheItem;
static constexpr SkRect kGiantRect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(-1E9F, -1E9F, 1E9F, 1E9F);
// This should be an exact copy of the Clip enum in painting.dart.
enum Clip { none, hardEdge, antiAlias, antiAliasWithSaveLayer };
struct PrerollContext {
RasterCache* raster_cache;
GrDirectContext* gr_context;
ExternalViewEmbedder* view_embedder;
MutatorsStack& mutators_stack;
SkColorSpace* dst_color_space;
SkRect cull_rect;
bool surface_needs_readback;
// These allow us to paint in the end of subtree Preroll.
const Stopwatch& raster_time;
const Stopwatch& ui_time;
TextureRegistry& texture_registry;
const bool checkerboard_offscreen_layers;
const float frame_device_pixel_ratio = 1.0f;
// These allow us to track properties like elevation, opacity, and the
// prescence of a platform view during Preroll.
bool has_platform_view = false;
// These allow us to track properties like elevation, opacity, and the
// prescence of a texture layer during Preroll.
bool has_texture_layer = false;
// This field indicates whether the subtree rooted at this layer can
// inherit an opacity value and modulate its visibility accordingly.
// Any layer is free to ignore this flag. Its value will be false upon
// entry into its Preroll method, it will remain false if it calls
// PrerollChildren on any children it might have, and it will remain
// false upon exit from the Preroll method unless it takes specific
// action compute if it should be true. Thus, this property is "opt-in".
// If the value is false when the Preroll method exits, then the
// |PaintContext::inherited_opacity| value should always be set to
// 1.0 when its |Paint| method is called.
// Leaf layers need only be concerned with their own rendering and
// can set the value according to whether they can apply the opacity.
// For containers, there are 3 ways to interact with this field:
// 1. If you need to know whether your children are compatible, then
// set the field to true before you call PrerollChildren. That
// method will then reset the field to false if it detects any
// incompatible children.
// 2. If your decision on whether to inherit the opacity depends on
// the answer from the children, then remember the value of the
// field when PrerollChildren returns. (eg. OpacityLayer remembers
// this value to control whether to set the opacity value into the
// |PaintContext::inherited_opacity| field in |Paint| before
// recursing to its children in Paint)
// 3. If you want to indicate to your parents that you can accept
// inherited opacity regardless of whether your children were
// compatible then set this field to true before returning
// from your Preroll method. (eg. layers that always apply a
// saveLayer when rendering anyway can apply the opacity there)
bool subtree_can_inherit_opacity = false;
std::vector<RasterCacheItem*>* raster_cached_entries;
struct PaintContext {
// When splitting the scene into multiple canvases (e.g when embedding
// a platform view on iOS) during the paint traversal we apply the non leaf
// flow layers to all canvases, and leaf layers just to the "current"
// canvas. Applying the non leaf layers to all canvases ensures that when
// we switch a canvas (when painting a PlatformViewLayer) the next canvas
// has the exact same state as the current canvas.
// The internal_nodes_canvas is a SkNWayCanvas which is used by non leaf
// and applies the operations to all canvases.
// The leaf_nodes_canvas is the "current" canvas and is used by leaf
// layers.
SkCanvas* internal_nodes_canvas;
SkCanvas* leaf_nodes_canvas;
GrDirectContext* gr_context;
SkColorSpace* dst_color_space;
ExternalViewEmbedder* view_embedder;
const Stopwatch& raster_time;
const Stopwatch& ui_time;
TextureRegistry& texture_registry;
const RasterCache* raster_cache;
const bool checkerboard_offscreen_layers;
const float frame_device_pixel_ratio = 1.0f;
// Snapshot store to collect leaf layer snapshots. The store is non-null
// only when leaf layer tracing is enabled.
LayerSnapshotStore* layer_snapshot_store = nullptr;
bool enable_leaf_layer_tracing = false;
// The following value should be used to modulate the opacity of the
// layer during |Paint|. If the layer does not set the corresponding
// |layer_can_inherit_opacity()| flag, then this value should always
// be |SK_Scalar1|. The value is to be applied as if by using a
// |saveLayer| with an |SkPaint| initialized to this alphaf value and
// a |kSrcOver| blend mode.
SkScalar inherited_opacity = SK_Scalar1;
DisplayListBuilder* leaf_nodes_builder = nullptr;
// Represents a single composited layer. Created on the UI thread but then
// subquently used on the Rasterizer thread.
class Layer {
virtual ~Layer();
void AssignOldLayer(Layer* old_layer) {
original_layer_id_ = old_layer->original_layer_id_;
// Used to establish link between old layer and new layer that replaces it.
// If this method returns true, it is assumed that this layer replaces the old
// layer in tree and is able to diff with it.
virtual bool IsReplacing(DiffContext* context, const Layer* old_layer) const {
return original_layer_id_ == old_layer->original_layer_id_;
// Performs diff with given layer
virtual void Diff(DiffContext* context, const Layer* old_layer) {}
// Used when diffing retained layer; In case the layer is identical, it
// doesn't need to be diffed, but the paint region needs to be stored in diff
// context so that it can be used in next frame
virtual void PreservePaintRegion(DiffContext* context) {
// retained layer means same instance so 'this' is used to index into both
// current and old region
context->SetLayerPaintRegion(this, context->GetOldLayerPaintRegion(this));
virtual void Preroll(PrerollContext* context, const SkMatrix& matrix);
// Used during Preroll by layers that employ a saveLayer to manage the
// PrerollContext settings with values affected by the saveLayer mechanism.
// This object must be created before calling Preroll on the children to
// set up the state for the children and then restore the state upon
// destruction.
class AutoPrerollSaveLayerState {
[[nodiscard]] static AutoPrerollSaveLayerState Create(
PrerollContext* preroll_context,
bool save_layer_is_active = true,
bool layer_itself_performs_readback = false);
AutoPrerollSaveLayerState(PrerollContext* preroll_context,
bool save_layer_is_active,
bool layer_itself_performs_readback);
PrerollContext* preroll_context_;
bool save_layer_is_active_;
bool layer_itself_performs_readback_;
bool prev_surface_needs_readback_;
class AutoCachePaint {
explicit AutoCachePaint(PaintContext& context) : context_(context) {
needs_paint_ = context.inherited_opacity < SK_Scalar1;
if (needs_paint_) {
dl_paint_.setAlpha(SkScalarRoundToInt(context.inherited_opacity * 255));
context.inherited_opacity = SK_Scalar1;
~AutoCachePaint() { context_.inherited_opacity = sk_paint_.getAlphaf(); }
void setImageFilter(sk_sp<SkImageFilter> filter) {
void setColorFilter(sk_sp<SkColorFilter> filter) {
void setBlendMode(DlBlendMode mode) {
const SkPaint* sk_paint() { return needs_paint_ ? &sk_paint_ : nullptr; }
const DlPaint* dl_paint() { return needs_paint_ ? &dl_paint_ : nullptr; }
PaintContext& context_;
SkPaint sk_paint_;
DlPaint dl_paint_;
bool needs_paint_;
void update_needs_paint() {
needs_paint_ = sk_paint_.getImageFilter() != nullptr ||
sk_paint_.getColorFilter() != nullptr ||
!sk_paint_.isSrcOver() ||
sk_paint_.getAlphaf() < SK_Scalar1;
// Calls SkCanvas::saveLayer and restores the layer upon destruction. Also
// draws a checkerboard over the layer if that is enabled in the PaintContext.
class AutoSaveLayer {
// Indicates which canvas the layer should be saved on.
// Usually layers are saved on the internal_nodes_canvas, so that all
// the canvas keep track of the current state of the layer tree.
// In some special cases, layers should only save on the leaf_nodes_canvas,
// See https::// for why
// it is the case for Backdrop filter layer.
enum SaveMode {
// The layer is saved on the internal_nodes_canvas.
// The layer is saved on the leaf_nodes_canvas.
// Create a layer and save it on the canvas.
// The layer is restored from the canvas in destructor.
// By default, the layer is saved on and restored from
// `internal_nodes_canvas`. The `save_mode` parameter can be modified to
// save the layer on other canvases.
[[nodiscard]] static AutoSaveLayer Create(
const PaintContext& paint_context,
const SkRect& bounds,
const SkPaint* paint,
SaveMode save_mode = SaveMode::kInternalNodesCanvas);
// Create a layer and save it on the canvas.
// The layer is restored from the canvas in destructor.
// By default, the layer is saved on and restored from
// `internal_nodes_canvas`. The `save_mode` parameter can be modified to
// save the layer on other canvases.
[[nodiscard]] static AutoSaveLayer Create(
const PaintContext& paint_context,
const SkCanvas::SaveLayerRec& layer_rec,
SaveMode save_mode = SaveMode::kInternalNodesCanvas);
AutoSaveLayer(const PaintContext& paint_context,
const SkRect& bounds,
const SkPaint* paint,
SaveMode save_mode = SaveMode::kInternalNodesCanvas);
AutoSaveLayer(const PaintContext& paint_context,
const SkCanvas::SaveLayerRec& layer_rec,
SaveMode save_mode = SaveMode::kInternalNodesCanvas);
const PaintContext& paint_context_;
const SkRect bounds_;
// The canvas that this layer is saved on and popped from.
SkCanvas& canvas_;
virtual void Paint(PaintContext& context) const = 0;
virtual void PaintChildren(PaintContext& context) const { FML_DCHECK(false); }
bool subtree_has_platform_view() const { return subtree_has_platform_view_; }
void set_subtree_has_platform_view(bool value) {
subtree_has_platform_view_ = value;
// Returns the paint bounds in the layer's local coordinate system
// as determined during Preroll(). The bounds should include any
// transform, clip or distortions performed by the layer itself,
// but not any similar modifications inherited from its ancestors.
const SkRect& paint_bounds() const { return paint_bounds_; }
// This must be set by the time Preroll() returns otherwise the layer will
// be assumed to have empty paint bounds (paints no content).
// The paint bounds should be independent of the context outside of this
// layer as the layer may be painted under different conditions than
// the Preroll context. The most common example of this condition is
// that we might Preroll the layer with a cull_rect established by a
// clip layer above it but then we might be asked to paint anyway if
// another layer above us needs to cache its children. During the
// paint operation that arises due to the caching, the clip will
// be the bounds of the layer needing caching, not the cull_rect
// that we saw in the overall Preroll operation.
void set_paint_bounds(const SkRect& paint_bounds) {
paint_bounds_ = paint_bounds;
// Determines if the layer has any content.
bool is_empty() const { return paint_bounds_.isEmpty(); }
// Determines if the Paint() method is necessary based on the properties
// of the indicated PaintContext object.
bool needs_painting(PaintContext& context) const {
if (subtree_has_platform_view_) {
// Workaround for the iOS embedder. The iOS embedder expects that
// if we preroll it, then we will later call its Paint() method.
// Now that we preroll all layers without any culling, we may
// call its Preroll() without calling its Paint(). For now, we
// will not perform paint culling on any subtree that has a
// platform view.
// See
return true;
if (context.inherited_opacity == 0) {
return false;
// Workaround for Skia bug (quickReject does not reject empty bounds).
if (paint_bounds_.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return !context.leaf_nodes_canvas->quickReject(paint_bounds_);
// Propagated unique_id of the first layer in "chain" of replacement layers
// that can be diffed.
uint64_t original_layer_id() const { return original_layer_id_; }
uint64_t unique_id() const { return unique_id_; }
virtual RasterCacheKeyID caching_key_id() const {
return RasterCacheKeyID(unique_id_, RasterCacheKeyType::kLayer);
virtual const ContainerLayer* as_container_layer() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const DisplayListLayer* as_display_list_layer() const {
return nullptr;
virtual const TextureLayer* as_texture_layer() const { return nullptr; }
virtual const PerformanceOverlayLayer* as_performance_overlay_layer() const {
return nullptr;
virtual const testing::MockLayer* as_mock_layer() const { return nullptr; }
SkRect paint_bounds_;
uint64_t unique_id_;
uint64_t original_layer_id_;
bool subtree_has_platform_view_;
static uint64_t NextUniqueID();
} // namespace flutter