blob: d6f26f21ab262b137a1d2604aba31df47fed2423 [file] [log] [blame]
# Please refer to the "Upgrade Browser Version" section in the for
# more details on how to update browser version numbers.
# It seems Chrome can't always release from the same build for all operating
# systems, so we specify per-OS build number.
# Follow these instructions to find the correct build number for a specific
# Chromium version + OS combo:
# The OS names here must match what recipe Python expression
# `` evaluates to. See:
# recipe_modules/web_util/
Linux: 929514
Mac: 929514
Win: 929514
version: '96.2' # CIPD tag for the above Build IDs. Normally "ChromeMajorVersion.UploadAttempt". ;)
## Firefox does not use CIPD. To update the version, simply update it in this
## file.
version: '83.0'
launcher_version: ''
# Make sure this version is the same version supported by LUCI macOS bots.
# XCode on these bots will be updated once a year, do not forget to update
# `heightOfHeader` during this time.
major_version: 13
minor_version: 0
device: 'iPhone 11'
# `xcrun simctl` command is used to take screenshots. It takes the screenshot
# of the entire simulator. Therefore we need to crop all the parts other than
# the browsers' content. This file must be in sync with the local and LUCI
# versions of macOS, iOS Simulator, and Xcode.
# `heightOfHeader` is the number of pixels taken by the phone's header menu
# and the browsers address bar.
height_of_header: 189
# `heightOfFooter` is the number of pixels taken by the phone's navigation
# menu.
height_of_footer: 250
# Most of the time tests use a portion of the screen to compare goldens
# instead of the entire screen. This area is reprented by a rectangle
# when taking screenshots. However the rectangle dimensions are in logical
# coordinates. In order to convert these coordinates to coordinates on the
# phone screeen we enlarge or shrink the area by applying a linear
# transformation by a scale_factor (a.k.a. we perform isotropic scaling).
# This value will be differ depending on the phone.
scale_factor: 3.00