blob: 8f5367a28726b2f742f8c229d57c5a1063e4a302 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of ui;
typedef VoidCallback = void Function();
typedef FrameCallback = void Function(Duration duration);
typedef TimingsCallback = void Function(List<FrameTiming> timings);
typedef PointerDataPacketCallback = void Function(PointerDataPacket packet);
typedef KeyDataCallback = bool Function(KeyData data);
typedef SemanticsActionCallback = void Function(int id, SemanticsAction action, ByteData? args);
typedef PlatformMessageResponseCallback = void Function(ByteData? data);
typedef PlatformMessageCallback = void Function(
String name, ByteData? data, PlatformMessageResponseCallback? callback);
typedef PlatformConfigurationChangedCallback = void Function(PlatformConfiguration configuration);
typedef ErrorCallback = bool Function(Object exception, StackTrace stackTrace);
abstract class PlatformDispatcher {
static PlatformDispatcher get instance => engine.EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance;
PlatformConfiguration get configuration;
VoidCallback? get onPlatformConfigurationChanged;
set onPlatformConfigurationChanged(VoidCallback? callback);
Iterable<FlutterView> get views;
VoidCallback? get onMetricsChanged;
set onMetricsChanged(VoidCallback? callback);
FrameCallback? get onBeginFrame;
set onBeginFrame(FrameCallback? callback);
VoidCallback? get onDrawFrame;
set onDrawFrame(VoidCallback? callback);
PointerDataPacketCallback? get onPointerDataPacket;
set onPointerDataPacket(PointerDataPacketCallback? callback);
KeyDataCallback? get onKeyData;
set onKeyData(KeyDataCallback? callback);
TimingsCallback? get onReportTimings;
set onReportTimings(TimingsCallback? callback);
void sendPlatformMessage(
String name,
ByteData? data,
PlatformMessageResponseCallback? callback,
PlatformMessageCallback? get onPlatformMessage;
set onPlatformMessage(PlatformMessageCallback? callback);
void setIsolateDebugName(String name) {}
ByteData? getPersistentIsolateData() => null;
void scheduleFrame();
void render(Scene scene, [FlutterView view]);
AccessibilityFeatures get accessibilityFeatures;
VoidCallback? get onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged;
set onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged(VoidCallback? callback);
void updateSemantics(SemanticsUpdate update);
Locale get locale;
List<Locale> get locales => configuration.locales;
Locale? computePlatformResolvedLocale(List<Locale> supportedLocales);
VoidCallback? get onLocaleChanged;
set onLocaleChanged(VoidCallback? callback);
String get initialLifecycleState => 'AppLifecycleState.resumed';
bool get alwaysUse24HourFormat => configuration.alwaysUse24HourFormat;
double get textScaleFactor => configuration.textScaleFactor;
bool get nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined => false;
bool get brieflyShowPassword => true;
VoidCallback? get onTextScaleFactorChanged;
set onTextScaleFactorChanged(VoidCallback? callback);
Brightness get platformBrightness => configuration.platformBrightness;
VoidCallback? get onPlatformBrightnessChanged;
set onPlatformBrightnessChanged(VoidCallback? callback);
String? get systemFontFamily => configuration.systemFontFamily;
VoidCallback? get onSystemFontFamilyChanged;
set onSystemFontFamilyChanged(VoidCallback? callback);
bool get semanticsEnabled => configuration.semanticsEnabled;
VoidCallback? get onSemanticsEnabledChanged;
set onSemanticsEnabledChanged(VoidCallback? callback);
SemanticsActionCallback? get onSemanticsAction;
set onSemanticsAction(SemanticsActionCallback? callback);
ErrorCallback? get onError;
set onError(ErrorCallback? callback);
String get defaultRouteName;
FrameData get frameData;
VoidCallback? get onFrameDataChanged => null;
set onFrameDataChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {}
class PlatformConfiguration {
const PlatformConfiguration({
this.accessibilityFeatures = const engine.EngineAccessibilityFeatures(0),
this.alwaysUse24HourFormat = false,
this.semanticsEnabled = false,
this.platformBrightness = Brightness.light,
this.textScaleFactor = 1.0,
this.locales = const <Locale>[],
this.defaultRouteName = '/',
PlatformConfiguration copyWith({
AccessibilityFeatures? accessibilityFeatures,
bool? alwaysUse24HourFormat,
bool? semanticsEnabled,
Brightness? platformBrightness,
double? textScaleFactor,
List<Locale>? locales,
String? defaultRouteName,
String? systemFontFamily,
}) {
return PlatformConfiguration(
accessibilityFeatures: accessibilityFeatures ?? this.accessibilityFeatures,
alwaysUse24HourFormat: alwaysUse24HourFormat ?? this.alwaysUse24HourFormat,
semanticsEnabled: semanticsEnabled ?? this.semanticsEnabled,
platformBrightness: platformBrightness ?? this.platformBrightness,
textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor ?? this.textScaleFactor,
locales: locales ?? this.locales,
defaultRouteName: defaultRouteName ?? this.defaultRouteName,
systemFontFamily: systemFontFamily ?? this.systemFontFamily,
final AccessibilityFeatures accessibilityFeatures;
final bool alwaysUse24HourFormat;
final bool semanticsEnabled;
final Brightness platformBrightness;
final double textScaleFactor;
final List<Locale> locales;
final String defaultRouteName;
final String? systemFontFamily;
class ViewConfiguration {
const ViewConfiguration({
this.devicePixelRatio = 1.0,
this.geometry =,
this.visible = false,
this.viewInsets =,
this.viewPadding =,
this.systemGestureInsets =,
this.padding =,
this.gestureSettings = const GestureSettings(),
this.displayFeatures = const <DisplayFeature>[],
ViewConfiguration copyWith({
FlutterWindow? window,
double? devicePixelRatio,
Rect? geometry,
bool? visible,
WindowPadding? viewInsets,
WindowPadding? viewPadding,
WindowPadding? systemGestureInsets,
WindowPadding? padding,
GestureSettings? gestureSettings,
List<DisplayFeature>? displayFeatures,
}) {
return ViewConfiguration(
window: window ?? this.window,
devicePixelRatio: devicePixelRatio ?? this.devicePixelRatio,
geometry: geometry ?? this.geometry,
visible: visible ?? this.visible,
viewInsets: viewInsets ?? this.viewInsets,
viewPadding: viewPadding ?? this.viewPadding,
systemGestureInsets: systemGestureInsets ?? this.systemGestureInsets,
padding: padding ?? this.padding,
gestureSettings: gestureSettings ?? this.gestureSettings,
displayFeatures: displayFeatures ?? this.displayFeatures,
final FlutterWindow? window;
final double devicePixelRatio;
final Rect geometry;
final bool visible;
final WindowPadding viewInsets;
final WindowPadding viewPadding;
final WindowPadding systemGestureInsets;
final WindowPadding padding;
final GestureSettings gestureSettings;
final List<DisplayFeature> displayFeatures;
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType[window: $window, geometry: $geometry]';
enum FramePhase {
enum _FrameTimingInfo {
class FrameTiming {
factory FrameTiming({
required int vsyncStart,
required int buildStart,
required int buildFinish,
required int rasterStart,
required int rasterFinish,
required int rasterFinishWallTime,
int layerCacheCount = 0,
int layerCacheBytes = 0,
int pictureCacheCount = 0,
int pictureCacheBytes = 0,
int frameNumber = 1,
}) {
return FrameTiming._(<int>[
static final int _dataLength = FramePhase.values.length + _FrameTimingInfo.values.length;
: assert(_data.length == _dataLength);
int timestampInMicroseconds(FramePhase phase) => _data[phase.index];
Duration _rawDuration(FramePhase phase) => Duration(microseconds: _data[phase.index]);
int _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo info) => _data[FramePhase.values.length + info.index];
Duration get buildDuration =>
_rawDuration(FramePhase.buildFinish) - _rawDuration(FramePhase.buildStart);
Duration get rasterDuration =>
_rawDuration(FramePhase.rasterFinish) - _rawDuration(FramePhase.rasterStart);
Duration get vsyncOverhead => _rawDuration(FramePhase.buildStart) - _rawDuration(FramePhase.vsyncStart);
Duration get totalSpan =>
_rawDuration(FramePhase.rasterFinish) - _rawDuration(FramePhase.vsyncStart);
int get layerCacheCount => _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo.layerCacheCount);
int get layerCacheBytes => _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo.layerCacheBytes);
double get layerCacheMegabytes => layerCacheBytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
int get pictureCacheCount => _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo.pictureCacheCount);
int get pictureCacheBytes => _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo.pictureCacheBytes);
double get pictureCacheMegabytes => pictureCacheBytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
int get frameNumber => _data.last;
final List<int> _data; // some elements in microseconds, some in bytes, some are counts
String _formatMS(Duration duration) => '${duration.inMicroseconds * 0.001}ms';
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType(buildDuration: ${_formatMS(buildDuration)}, '
'rasterDuration: ${_formatMS(rasterDuration)}, '
'vsyncOverhead: ${_formatMS(vsyncOverhead)}, '
'totalSpan: ${_formatMS(totalSpan)}, '
'layerCacheCount: $layerCacheCount, '
'layerCacheBytes: $layerCacheBytes, '
'pictureCacheCount: $pictureCacheCount, '
'pictureCacheBytes: $pictureCacheBytes, '
'frameNumber: ${_data.last})';
enum AppLifecycleState {
abstract class WindowPadding {
const factory WindowPadding._(
{required double left,
required double top,
required double right,
required double bottom}) = engine.WindowPadding;
double get left;
double get top;
double get right;
double get bottom;
static const WindowPadding zero = WindowPadding._(left: 0.0, top: 0.0, right: 0.0, bottom: 0.0);
String toString() {
return 'WindowPadding(left: $left, top: $top, right: $right, bottom: $bottom)';
class DisplayFeature {
const DisplayFeature({
required this.bounds,
required this.type,
required this.state,
final Rect bounds;
final DisplayFeatureType type;
final DisplayFeatureState state;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is DisplayFeature && bounds == other.bounds &&
type == other.type && state == other.state;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(bounds, type, state);
String toString() {
return 'DisplayFeature(rect: $bounds, type: $type, state: $state)';
enum DisplayFeatureType {
enum DisplayFeatureState {
class Locale {
const Locale(
this._languageCode, [
]) : assert(_languageCode != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(_languageCode != ''),
scriptCode = null;
const Locale.fromSubtags({
String languageCode = 'und',
String? countryCode,
}) : assert(languageCode != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(languageCode != ''),
_languageCode = languageCode,
assert(scriptCode != ''),
assert(countryCode != ''),
_countryCode = countryCode;
String get languageCode => _deprecatedLanguageSubtagMap[_languageCode] ?? _languageCode;
final String _languageCode;
// This map is generated by //flutter/tools/gen_locale.dart
// Mappings generated for language subtag registry as of 2019-02-27.
static const Map<String, String> _deprecatedLanguageSubtagMap = <String, String>{
'in': 'id', // Indonesian; deprecated 1989-01-01
'iw': 'he', // Hebrew; deprecated 1989-01-01
'ji': 'yi', // Yiddish; deprecated 1989-01-01
'jw': 'jv', // Javanese; deprecated 2001-08-13
'mo': 'ro', // Moldavian, Moldovan; deprecated 2008-11-22
'aam': 'aas', // Aramanik; deprecated 2015-02-12
'adp': 'dz', // Adap; deprecated 2015-02-12
'aue': 'ktz', // ǂKxʼauǁʼein; deprecated 2015-02-12
'ayx': 'nun', // Ayi (China); deprecated 2011-08-16
'bgm': 'bcg', // Baga Mboteni; deprecated 2016-05-30
'bjd': 'drl', // Bandjigali; deprecated 2012-08-12
'ccq': 'rki', // Chaungtha; deprecated 2012-08-12
'cjr': 'mom', // Chorotega; deprecated 2010-03-11
'cka': 'cmr', // Khumi Awa Chin; deprecated 2012-08-12
'cmk': 'xch', // Chimakum; deprecated 2010-03-11
'coy': 'pij', // Coyaima; deprecated 2016-05-30
'cqu': 'quh', // Chilean Quechua; deprecated 2016-05-30
'drh': 'khk', // Darkhat; deprecated 2010-03-11
'drw': 'prs', // Darwazi; deprecated 2010-03-11
'gav': 'dev', // Gabutamon; deprecated 2010-03-11
'gfx': 'vaj', // Mangetti Dune ǃXung; deprecated 2015-02-12
'ggn': 'gvr', // Eastern Gurung; deprecated 2016-05-30
'gti': 'nyc', // Gbati-ri; deprecated 2015-02-12
'guv': 'duz', // Gey; deprecated 2016-05-30
'hrr': 'jal', // Horuru; deprecated 2012-08-12
'ibi': 'opa', // Ibilo; deprecated 2012-08-12
'ilw': 'gal', // Talur; deprecated 2013-09-10
'jeg': 'oyb', // Jeng; deprecated 2017-02-23
'kgc': 'tdf', // Kasseng; deprecated 2016-05-30
'kgh': 'kml', // Upper Tanudan Kalinga; deprecated 2012-08-12
'koj': 'kwv', // Sara Dunjo; deprecated 2015-02-12
'krm': 'bmf', // Krim; deprecated 2017-02-23
'ktr': 'dtp', // Kota Marudu Tinagas; deprecated 2016-05-30
'kvs': 'gdj', // Kunggara; deprecated 2016-05-30
'kwq': 'yam', // Kwak; deprecated 2015-02-12
'kxe': 'tvd', // Kakihum; deprecated 2015-02-12
'kzj': 'dtp', // Coastal Kadazan; deprecated 2016-05-30
'kzt': 'dtp', // Tambunan Dusun; deprecated 2016-05-30
'lii': 'raq', // Lingkhim; deprecated 2015-02-12
'lmm': 'rmx', // Lamam; deprecated 2014-02-28
'meg': 'cir', // Mea; deprecated 2013-09-10
'mst': 'mry', // Cataelano Mandaya; deprecated 2010-03-11
'mwj': 'vaj', // Maligo; deprecated 2015-02-12
'myt': 'mry', // Sangab Mandaya; deprecated 2010-03-11
'nad': 'xny', // Nijadali; deprecated 2016-05-30
'ncp': 'kdz', // Ndaktup; deprecated 2018-03-08
'nnx': 'ngv', // Ngong; deprecated 2015-02-12
'nts': 'pij', // Natagaimas; deprecated 2016-05-30
'oun': 'vaj', // ǃOǃung; deprecated 2015-02-12
'pcr': 'adx', // Panang; deprecated 2013-09-10
'pmc': 'huw', // Palumata; deprecated 2016-05-30
'pmu': 'phr', // Mirpur Panjabi; deprecated 2015-02-12
'ppa': 'bfy', // Pao; deprecated 2016-05-30
'ppr': 'lcq', // Piru; deprecated 2013-09-10
'pry': 'prt', // Pray 3; deprecated 2016-05-30
'puz': 'pub', // Purum Naga; deprecated 2014-02-28
'sca': 'hle', // Sansu; deprecated 2012-08-12
'skk': 'oyb', // Sok; deprecated 2017-02-23
'tdu': 'dtp', // Tempasuk Dusun; deprecated 2016-05-30
'thc': 'tpo', // Tai Hang Tong; deprecated 2016-05-30
'thx': 'oyb', // The; deprecated 2015-02-12
'tie': 'ras', // Tingal; deprecated 2011-08-16
'tkk': 'twm', // Takpa; deprecated 2011-08-16
'tlw': 'weo', // South Wemale; deprecated 2012-08-12
'tmp': 'tyj', // Tai Mène; deprecated 2016-05-30
'tne': 'kak', // Tinoc Kallahan; deprecated 2016-05-30
'tnf': 'prs', // Tangshewi; deprecated 2010-03-11
'tsf': 'taj', // Southwestern Tamang; deprecated 2015-02-12
'uok': 'ema', // Uokha; deprecated 2015-02-12
'xba': 'cax', // Kamba (Brazil); deprecated 2016-05-30
'xia': 'acn', // Xiandao; deprecated 2013-09-10
'xkh': 'waw', // Karahawyana; deprecated 2016-05-30
'xsj': 'suj', // Subi; deprecated 2015-02-12
'ybd': 'rki', // Yangbye; deprecated 2012-08-12
'yma': 'lrr', // Yamphe; deprecated 2012-08-12
'ymt': 'mtm', // Mator-Taygi-Karagas; deprecated 2015-02-12
'yos': 'zom', // Yos; deprecated 2013-09-10
'yuu': 'yug', // Yugh; deprecated 2014-02-28
final String? scriptCode;
String? get countryCode => _deprecatedRegionSubtagMap[_countryCode] ?? _countryCode;
final String? _countryCode;
// This map is generated by //flutter/tools/gen_locale.dart
// Mappings generated for language subtag registry as of 2019-02-27.
static const Map<String, String> _deprecatedRegionSubtagMap = <String, String>{
'BU': 'MM', // Burma; deprecated 1989-12-05
'DD': 'DE', // German Democratic Republic; deprecated 1990-10-30
'FX': 'FR', // Metropolitan France; deprecated 1997-07-14
'TP': 'TL', // East Timor; deprecated 2002-05-20
'YD': 'YE', // Democratic Yemen; deprecated 1990-08-14
'ZR': 'CD', // Zaire; deprecated 1997-07-14
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
return other is Locale
&& other.languageCode == languageCode
&& other.scriptCode == scriptCode
&& other.countryCode == countryCode;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(languageCode, scriptCode, countryCode);
String toString() => _rawToString('_');
// TODO(yjbanov): implement to match flutter native.
String toLanguageTag() => _rawToString('-');
String _rawToString(String separator) {
final StringBuffer out = StringBuffer(languageCode);
if (scriptCode != null) {
if (_countryCode != null) {
return out.toString();