blob: 5e9eaf614bc107979ef040640c49588ec646615f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of zircon;
// ignore_for_file: native_function_body_in_non_sdk_code
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
class _Namespace {
// No public constructor - this only has static methods.
// Library private variable set by the embedder used to cache the
// namespace (as an fdio_ns_t*).
static int? _namespace;
/// An exception representing an error returned as an zx_status_t.
class ZxStatusException implements Exception {
final String? message;
final int status;
ZxStatusException(this.status, [this.message]);
String toString() {
if (message == null)
return 'ZxStatusException: status = $status';
return 'ZxStatusException: status = $status, "$message"';
/// Users of the [_Result] subclasses should check the status before
/// trying to read any data. Attempting to use a value stored in a result
/// when the status in not OK will result in an exception.
class _Result {
final int status;
const _Result(this.status);
class HandleResult extends _Result {
final Handle? _handle;
Handle get handle => _handle!;
const HandleResult(final int status, [this._handle]) : super(status);
String toString() => 'HandleResult(status=$status, handle=$_handle)';
class HandlePairResult extends _Result {
final Handle? _first;
final Handle? _second;
Handle get first => _first!;
Handle get second => _second!;
const HandlePairResult(final int status, [this._first, this._second])
: super(status);
String toString() =>
'HandlePairResult(status=$status, first=$_first, second=$_second)';
class ReadResult extends _Result {
final ByteData? _bytes;
final int? _numBytes;
final List<Handle>? _handles;
ByteData get bytes => _bytes!;
int get numBytes => _numBytes!;
List<Handle> get handles => _handles!;
const ReadResult(final int status, [this._bytes, this._numBytes, this._handles])
: super(status);
/// Returns the bytes as a Uint8List. If status != OK this will throw
/// an exception.
Uint8List bytesAsUint8List() {
return _bytes!.buffer.asUint8List(_bytes!.offsetInBytes, _numBytes!);
/// Returns the bytes as a String. If status != OK this will throw
/// an exception.
String bytesAsUTF8String() => utf8.decode(bytesAsUint8List());
String toString() =>
'ReadResult(status=$status, bytes=$_bytes, numBytes=$_numBytes, handles=$_handles)';
class HandleInfo {
final Handle handle;
final int type;
final int rights;
const HandleInfo(this.handle, this.type, this.rights);
String toString() =>
'HandleInfo(handle=$handle, type=$type, rights=$rights)';
class ReadEtcResult extends _Result {
final ByteData? _bytes;
final int? _numBytes;
final List<HandleInfo>? _handleInfos;
ByteData get bytes => _bytes!;
int get numBytes => _numBytes!;
List<HandleInfo> get handleInfos => _handleInfos!;
const ReadEtcResult(final int status, [this._bytes, this._numBytes, this._handleInfos])
: super(status);
/// Returns the bytes as a Uint8List. If status != OK this will throw
/// an exception.
Uint8List bytesAsUint8List() {
return _bytes!.buffer.asUint8List(_bytes!.offsetInBytes, _numBytes!);
/// Returns the bytes as a String. If status != OK this will throw
/// an exception.
String bytesAsUTF8String() => utf8.decode(bytesAsUint8List());
String toString() =>
'ReadEtcResult(status=$status, bytes=$_bytes, numBytes=$_numBytes, handleInfos=$_handleInfos)';
class WriteResult extends _Result {
final int? _numBytes;
int get numBytes => _numBytes!;
const WriteResult(final int status, [this._numBytes]) : super(status);
String toString() => 'WriteResult(status=$status, numBytes=$_numBytes)';
class GetSizeResult extends _Result {
final int? _size;
int get size => _size!;
const GetSizeResult(final int status, [this._size]) : super(status);
String toString() => 'GetSizeResult(status=$status, size=$_size)';
class FromFileResult extends _Result {
final Handle? _handle;
final int? _numBytes;
Handle get handle => _handle!;
int get numBytes => _numBytes!;
const FromFileResult(final int status, [this._handle, this._numBytes])
: super(status);
String toString() =>
'FromFileResult(status=$status, handle=$_handle, numBytes=$_numBytes)';
class MapResult extends _Result {
final Uint8List? _data;
Uint8List get data => _data!;
const MapResult(final int status, [this._data]) : super(status);
String toString() => 'MapResult(status=$status, data=$_data)';
class System extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 {
// No public constructor - this only has static methods.
// Channel operations.
static HandlePairResult channelCreate([int options = 0])
native 'System_ChannelCreate';
static HandleResult channelFromFile(String path)
native 'System_ChannelFromFile';
static int connectToService(String path, Handle channel)
native 'System_ConnectToService';
static int channelWrite(Handle channel, ByteData data, List<Handle> handles)
native 'System_ChannelWrite';
static int channelWriteEtc(Handle channel, ByteData data, List<HandleDisposition> handleDispositions)
native 'System_ChannelWriteEtc';
static ReadResult channelQueryAndRead(Handle channel)
native 'System_ChannelQueryAndRead';
static ReadEtcResult channelQueryAndReadEtc(Handle channel)
native 'System_ChannelQueryAndReadEtc';
// Eventpair operations.
static HandlePairResult eventpairCreate([int options = 0])
native 'System_EventpairCreate';
// Socket operations.
static HandlePairResult socketCreate([int options = 0])
native 'System_SocketCreate';
static WriteResult socketWrite(Handle socket, ByteData data, int options)
native 'System_SocketWrite';
static ReadResult socketRead(Handle socket, int size)
native 'System_SocketRead';
// Vmo operations.
static HandleResult vmoCreate(int size, [int options = 0])
native 'System_VmoCreate';
static FromFileResult vmoFromFile(String path) native 'System_VmoFromFile';
static GetSizeResult vmoGetSize(Handle vmo) native 'System_VmoGetSize';
static int vmoSetSize(Handle vmo, int size) native 'System_VmoSetSize';
static int vmoWrite(Handle vmo, int offset, ByteData bytes)
native 'System_VmoWrite';
static ReadResult vmoRead(Handle vmo, int offset, int size)
native 'System_VmoRead';
static MapResult vmoMap(Handle vmo) native 'System_VmoMap';
// Time operations.
static int clockGetMonotonic() {
if (zirconFFIBindings == null) {
return _nativeClockGetMonotonic();
} else {
return zirconFFIBindings!.zircon_dart_clock_get_monotonic();
static int _nativeClockGetMonotonic() native 'System_ClockGetMonotonic';
// TODO(edcoyne): Remove this, it is required to safely do an API transition across repos.
static int reboot() { return -2; /*ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED*/ }