blob: 357498ad18cc35baa866682ec2fb500cc99df40f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "solid_stroke_contents.h"
#include <optional>
#include "impeller/entity/contents/clip_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/content_context.h"
#include "impeller/entity/entity.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/path_builder.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/render_pass.h"
namespace impeller {
SolidStrokeContents::SolidStrokeContents() {
SolidStrokeContents::~SolidStrokeContents() = default;
void SolidStrokeContents::SetColor(Color color) {
color_ = color;
const Color& SolidStrokeContents::GetColor() const {
return color_;
void SolidStrokeContents::SetPath(Path path) {
path_ = std::move(path);
std::optional<Rect> SolidStrokeContents::GetCoverage(
const Entity& entity) const {
if (color_.IsTransparent()) {
return std::nullopt;
auto path_bounds = path_.GetBoundingBox();
if (!path_bounds.has_value()) {
return std::nullopt;
auto path_coverage = path_bounds->TransformBounds(entity.GetTransformation());
Scalar max_radius = 0.5;
if (cap_ == Cap::kSquare) {
max_radius = max_radius * kSqrt2;
if (join_ == Join::kMiter) {
max_radius = std::max(max_radius, miter_limit_ * 0.5f);
Scalar determinant = entity.GetTransformation().GetDeterminant();
if (determinant == 0) {
return std::nullopt;
Scalar min_size = 1.0f / sqrt(std::abs(determinant));
Vector2 max_radius_xy = entity.GetTransformation().TransformDirection(
Vector2(max_radius, max_radius) * std::max(stroke_size_, min_size));
return Rect(path_coverage.origin - max_radius_xy,
Size(path_coverage.size.width + max_radius_xy.x * 2,
path_coverage.size.height + max_radius_xy.y * 2));
static VertexBuffer CreateSolidStrokeVertices(
const Path& path,
HostBuffer& buffer,
const SolidStrokeContents::CapProc& cap_proc,
const SolidStrokeContents::JoinProc& join_proc,
Scalar miter_limit,
const SmoothingApproximation& smoothing) {
using VS = SolidStrokeVertexShader;
VertexBufferBuilder<VS::PerVertexData> vtx_builder;
auto polyline = path.CreatePolyline();
VS::PerVertexData vtx;
// Normal state.
Point normal;
Point previous_normal; // Used for computing joins.
auto compute_normal = [&polyline, &normal, &previous_normal](size_t point_i) {
previous_normal = normal;
Point direction =
(polyline.points[point_i] - polyline.points[point_i - 1]).Normalize();
normal = {-direction.y, direction.x};
for (size_t contour_i = 0; contour_i < polyline.contours.size();
contour_i++) {
size_t contour_start_point_i, contour_end_point_i;
std::tie(contour_start_point_i, contour_end_point_i) =
switch (contour_end_point_i - contour_start_point_i) {
case 1: {
Point p = polyline.points[contour_start_point_i];
cap_proc(vtx_builder, p, {-1, 0}, smoothing);
cap_proc(vtx_builder, p, {1, 0}, smoothing);
case 0:
continue; // This contour has no renderable content.
// The first point's normal is always the same as
compute_normal(contour_start_point_i + 1);
const Point contour_first_normal = normal;
if (contour_i > 0) {
// This branch only executes when we've just finished drawing a contour
// and are switching to a new one.
// We're drawing a triangle strip, so we need to "pick up the pen" by
// appending transparent vertices between the end of the previous contour
// and the beginning of the new contour.
vtx.position = polyline.points[contour_start_point_i - 1];
vtx.normal = {};
vtx.pen_down = 0.0;
// Append two transparent vertices when "picking up" the pen so that the
// triangle drawn when moving to the beginning of the new contour will
// have zero volume. This is necessary because strokes with a transparent
// color affect the stencil buffer to prevent overdraw.
vtx.position = polyline.points[contour_start_point_i];
// Append two vertices at the beginning of the new contour
// so that the next appended vertex will create a triangle with zero
// volume.
vtx.pen_down = 1.0;
// Generate start cap.
if (!polyline.contours[contour_i].is_closed) {
cap_proc(vtx_builder, polyline.points[contour_start_point_i], -normal,
// Generate contour geometry.
for (size_t point_i = contour_start_point_i; point_i < contour_end_point_i;
point_i++) {
if (point_i > contour_start_point_i) {
// Generate line rect.
vtx.position = polyline.points[point_i - 1];
vtx.pen_down = 1.0;
vtx.normal = normal;
vtx.normal = -normal;
vtx.position = polyline.points[point_i];
vtx.normal = normal;
vtx.normal = -normal;
if (point_i < contour_end_point_i - 1) {
compute_normal(point_i + 1);
// Generate join from the current line to the next line.
join_proc(vtx_builder, polyline.points[point_i], previous_normal,
normal, miter_limit, smoothing);
// Generate end cap or join.
if (!polyline.contours[contour_i].is_closed) {
cap_proc(vtx_builder, polyline.points[contour_end_point_i - 1], normal,
} else {
join_proc(vtx_builder, polyline.points[contour_start_point_i], normal,
contour_first_normal, miter_limit, smoothing);
return vtx_builder.CreateVertexBuffer(buffer);
bool SolidStrokeContents::Render(const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass) const {
if (stroke_size_ < 0.0) {
return true;
using VS = SolidStrokePipeline::VertexShader;
using FS = SolidStrokePipeline::FragmentShader;
VS::VertInfo vert_info;
vert_info.mvp = Matrix::MakeOrthographic(pass.GetRenderTargetSize()) *
Scalar determinant = entity.GetTransformation().GetDeterminant();
if (determinant == 0) {
return true;
Scalar min_size = 1.0f / sqrt(std::abs(determinant));
vert_info.size = std::max(stroke_size_, min_size);
FS::FragInfo frag_info;
frag_info.color = color_.Premultiply();
Command cmd;
cmd.primitive_type = PrimitiveType::kTriangleStrip;
cmd.label = "Solid Stroke";
auto options = OptionsFromPassAndEntity(pass, entity);
if (!color_.IsOpaque()) {
options.stencil_compare = CompareFunction::kEqual;
options.stencil_operation = StencilOperation::kIncrementClamp;
cmd.pipeline = renderer.GetSolidStrokePipeline(options);
cmd.stencil_reference = entity.GetStencilDepth();
auto smoothing = SmoothingApproximation(
5.0 / (stroke_size_ * entity.GetTransformation().GetMaxBasisLength()),
0.0, 0.0);
cmd.BindVertices(CreateSolidStrokeVertices(path_, pass.GetTransientsBuffer(),
cap_proc_, join_proc_,
miter_limit_, smoothing));
VS::BindVertInfo(cmd, pass.GetTransientsBuffer().EmplaceUniform(vert_info));
FS::BindFragInfo(cmd, pass.GetTransientsBuffer().EmplaceUniform(frag_info));
if (!color_.IsOpaque()) {
return ClipRestoreContents().Render(renderer, entity, pass);
return true;
void SolidStrokeContents::SetStrokeSize(Scalar size) {
stroke_size_ = size;
Scalar SolidStrokeContents::GetStrokeSize() const {
return stroke_size_;
void SolidStrokeContents::SetStrokeMiter(Scalar miter_limit) {
if (miter_limit < 0) {
return; // Skia behaves like this.
miter_limit_ = miter_limit;
Scalar SolidStrokeContents::GetStrokeMiter() {
return miter_limit_;
void SolidStrokeContents::SetStrokeCap(Cap cap) {
cap_ = cap;
using VS = SolidStrokeVertexShader;
switch (cap) {
case Cap::kButt:
cap_proc_ = [](VertexBufferBuilder<VS::PerVertexData>& vtx_builder,
const Point& position, const Point& normal,
const SmoothingApproximation& smoothing) {};
case Cap::kRound:
cap_proc_ = [](VertexBufferBuilder<VS::PerVertexData>& vtx_builder,
const Point& position, const Point& normal,
const SmoothingApproximation& smoothing) {
SolidStrokeVertexShader::PerVertexData vtx;
vtx.position = position;
vtx.pen_down = 1.0;
Point forward(normal.y, -normal.x);
auto arc_points =
normal, normal + forward * PathBuilder::kArcApproximationMagic,
forward + normal * PathBuilder::kArcApproximationMagic, forward)
vtx.normal = normal;
vtx.normal = -normal;
for (const auto& point : arc_points) {
vtx.normal = point;
vtx.normal = (-point).Reflect(forward);
case Cap::kSquare:
cap_proc_ = [](VertexBufferBuilder<VS::PerVertexData>& vtx_builder,
const Point& position, const Point& normal,
const SmoothingApproximation& smoothing) {
SolidStrokeVertexShader::PerVertexData vtx;
vtx.position = position;
vtx.pen_down = 1.0;
Point forward(normal.y, -normal.x);
vtx.normal = normal;
vtx.normal = -normal;
vtx.normal = normal + forward;
vtx.normal = -normal + forward;
SolidStrokeContents::Cap SolidStrokeContents::GetStrokeCap() {
return cap_;
static Scalar CreateBevelAndGetDirection(
VertexBufferBuilder<SolidStrokeVertexShader::PerVertexData>& vtx_builder,
const Point& position,
const Point& start_normal,
const Point& end_normal) {
SolidStrokeVertexShader::PerVertexData vtx;
vtx.position = position;
vtx.pen_down = 1.0;
vtx.normal = {};
Scalar dir = start_normal.Cross(end_normal) > 0 ? -1 : 1;
vtx.normal = start_normal * dir;
vtx.normal = end_normal * dir;
return dir;
void SolidStrokeContents::SetStrokeJoin(Join join) {
join_ = join;
using VS = SolidStrokeVertexShader;
switch (join) {
case Join::kBevel:
join_proc_ = [](VertexBufferBuilder<VS::PerVertexData>& vtx_builder,
const Point& position, const Point& start_normal,
const Point& end_normal, Scalar miter_limit,
const SmoothingApproximation& smoothing) {
CreateBevelAndGetDirection(vtx_builder, position, start_normal,
case Join::kMiter:
join_proc_ = [](VertexBufferBuilder<VS::PerVertexData>& vtx_builder,
const Point& position, const Point& start_normal,
const Point& end_normal, Scalar miter_limit,
const SmoothingApproximation& smoothing) {
// 1 for no joint (straight line), 0 for max joint (180 degrees).
Scalar alignment = (start_normal.Dot(end_normal) + 1) / 2;
if (ScalarNearlyEqual(alignment, 1)) {
Scalar dir = CreateBevelAndGetDirection(vtx_builder, position,
start_normal, end_normal);
Point miter_point = (start_normal + end_normal) / 2 / alignment;
if (miter_point.GetDistanceSquared({0, 0}) >
miter_limit * miter_limit) {
return; // Convert to bevel when we exceed the miter limit.
// Outer miter point.
SolidStrokeVertexShader::PerVertexData vtx;
vtx.position = position;
vtx.pen_down = 1.0;
vtx.normal = miter_point * dir;
case Join::kRound:
join_proc_ = [](VertexBufferBuilder<VS::PerVertexData>& vtx_builder,
const Point& position, const Point& start_normal,
const Point& end_normal, Scalar miter_limit,
const SmoothingApproximation& smoothing) {
// 0 for no joint (straight line), 1 for max joint (180 degrees).
Scalar alignment = 1 - (start_normal.Dot(end_normal) + 1) / 2;
if (ScalarNearlyEqual(alignment, 0)) {
Scalar dir = CreateBevelAndGetDirection(vtx_builder, position,
start_normal, end_normal);
Point middle = (start_normal + end_normal).Normalize();
Point middle_handle = middle + Point(-middle.y, middle.x) *
PathBuilder::kArcApproximationMagic *
alignment * dir;
Point start_handle =
start_normal + Point(start_normal.y, -start_normal.x) *
PathBuilder::kArcApproximationMagic * alignment *
auto arc_points = CubicPathComponent(start_normal, start_handle,
middle_handle, middle)
SolidStrokeVertexShader::PerVertexData vtx;
vtx.position = position;
vtx.pen_down = 1.0;
for (const auto& point : arc_points) {
vtx.normal = point * dir;
vtx.normal = (-point * dir).Reflect(middle);
SolidStrokeContents::Join SolidStrokeContents::GetStrokeJoin() {
return join_;
} // namespace impeller