blob: fda2bb9ca32813da73df2d09889d21cab496f7a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:image/image.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart';
/// Provides the environment for a specific web browser.
abstract class BrowserEnvironment {
/// Name of the browser. Used in logging commands.
String get name;
/// The [Runtime] used by `package:test` to identify this browser type.
Runtime get packageTestRuntime;
/// The name of the configuration YAML file used to configure `package:test`.
/// The configuration file is expected to be a direct child of the `web_ui`
/// directory.
String get packageTestConfigurationYamlFile;
/// Prepares the OS environment to run tests for this browser.
/// This may include things like installing browsers, and starting web drivers,
/// iOS Simulators, and/or Android emulators.
/// Typically the browser environment is prepared once and supports multiple
/// browser instances.
Future<void> prepare();
/// Perform any necessary teardown steps
Future<void> cleanup();
/// Launches a browser instance.
/// The browser will be directed to open the provided [url].
/// If [debug] is true and the browser supports debugging, launches the
/// browser in debug mode by pausing test execution after the code is loaded
/// but before calling the `main()` function of the test, giving the
/// developer a chance to set breakpoints.
Future<Browser> launchBrowserInstance(Uri url, {bool debug = false});
/// An interface for running browser instances.
/// This is intentionally coarse-grained: browsers are controlled primary from
/// inside a single tab. Thus this interface only provides support for closing
/// the browser and seeing if it closes itself.
/// Any errors starting or running the browser process are reported through
/// [onExit].
abstract class Browser {
/// The Observatory URL for this browser.
/// Returns `null` for browsers that aren't running the Dart VM, or
/// if the Observatory URL can't be found.
Future<Uri>? get observatoryUrl => null;
/// The remote debugger URL for this browser.
/// Returns `null` for browsers that don't support remote debugging,
/// or if the remote debugging URL can't be found.
Future<Uri>? get remoteDebuggerUrl => null;
/// A future that completes when the browser exits.
/// If there's a problem starting or running the browser, this will complete
/// with an error.
Future<void> get onExit;
/// Closes the browser
/// Returns the same [Future] as [onExit], except that it won't emit
/// exceptions.
Future<void> close();
/// Returns whether this browser supports taking screenshots
bool get supportsScreenshots => false;
/// Capture a screenshot.
/// This will throw if the browser doesn't support screenshotting.
/// Please read the details for the implementing classes.
Future<Image> captureScreenshot(math.Rectangle<num> region) =>
throw Exception('This browser does not support screenshots');