blob: 3d60b13e92601c708e3c74456c4f5360affc5036 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// See for
// documentation of APIs.
part of ui;
abstract class OffsetBase {
const OffsetBase(this._dx, this._dy)
: assert(_dx != null),
assert(_dy != null);
final double _dx;
final double _dy;
bool get isInfinite => _dx >= double.infinity || _dy >= double.infinity;
bool get isFinite => _dx.isFinite && _dy.isFinite;
bool operator <(OffsetBase other) => _dx < other._dx && _dy < other._dy;
bool operator <=(OffsetBase other) => _dx <= other._dx && _dy <= other._dy;
bool operator >(OffsetBase other) => _dx > other._dx && _dy > other._dy;
bool operator >=(OffsetBase other) => _dx >= other._dx && _dy >= other._dy;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is OffsetBase
&& other._dx == _dx
&& other._dy == _dy;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(_dx, _dy);
String toString() => 'OffsetBase(${_dx.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${_dy.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
class Offset extends OffsetBase {
const Offset(super.dx, super.dy);
factory Offset.fromDirection(double direction, [ double distance = 1.0 ]) {
return Offset(distance * math.cos(direction), distance * math.sin(direction));
double get dx => _dx;
double get dy => _dy;
double get distance => math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
double get distanceSquared => dx * dx + dy * dy;
double get direction => math.atan2(dy, dx);
static const Offset zero = Offset(0.0, 0.0);
// This is included for completeness, because [Size.infinite] exists.
static const Offset infinite = Offset(double.infinity, double.infinity);
Offset scale(double scaleX, double scaleY) => Offset(dx * scaleX, dy * scaleY);
Offset translate(double translateX, double translateY) => Offset(dx + translateX, dy + translateY);
Offset operator -() => Offset(-dx, -dy);
Offset operator -(Offset other) => Offset(dx - other.dx, dy - other.dy);
Offset operator +(Offset other) => Offset(dx + other.dx, dy + other.dy);
Offset operator *(double operand) => Offset(dx * operand, dy * operand);
Offset operator /(double operand) => Offset(dx / operand, dy / operand);
Offset operator ~/(double operand) => Offset((dx ~/ operand).toDouble(), (dy ~/ operand).toDouble());
Offset operator %(double operand) => Offset(dx % operand, dy % operand);
Rect operator &(Size other) => Rect.fromLTWH(dx, dy, other.width, other.height);
static Offset? lerp(Offset? a, Offset? b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (b == null) {
if (a == null) {
return null;
} else {
return a * (1.0 - t);
} else {
if (a == null) {
return b * t;
} else {
return Offset(_lerpDouble(a.dx, b.dx, t), _lerpDouble(a.dy, b.dy, t));
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Offset
&& other.dx == dx
&& other.dy == dy;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(dx, dy);
String toString() => 'Offset(${dx.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${dy.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
class Size extends OffsetBase {
const Size(super.width, super.height);
// Used by the rendering library's _DebugSize hack.
Size.copy(Size source) : super(source.width, source.height);
const Size.square(double dimension) : super(dimension, dimension); // ignore: use_super_parameters
const Size.fromWidth(double width) : super(width, double.infinity);
const Size.fromHeight(double height) : super(double.infinity, height);
const Size.fromRadius(double radius) : super(radius * 2.0, radius * 2.0);
double get width => _dx;
double get height => _dy;
double get aspectRatio {
if (height != 0.0) {
return width / height;
if (width > 0.0) {
return double.infinity;
if (width < 0.0) {
return double.negativeInfinity;
return 0.0;
static const Size zero = Size(0.0, 0.0);
static const Size infinite = Size(double.infinity, double.infinity);
bool get isEmpty => width <= 0.0 || height <= 0.0;
OffsetBase operator -(OffsetBase other) {
if (other is Size) {
return Offset(width - other.width, height - other.height);
if (other is Offset) {
return Size(width - other.dx, height - other.dy);
throw ArgumentError(other);
Size operator +(Offset other) => Size(width + other.dx, height + other.dy);
Size operator *(double operand) => Size(width * operand, height * operand);
Size operator /(double operand) => Size(width / operand, height / operand);
Size operator ~/(double operand) => Size((width ~/ operand).toDouble(), (height ~/ operand).toDouble());
Size operator %(double operand) => Size(width % operand, height % operand);
double get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
double get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
// Convenience methods that do the equivalent of calling the similarly named
// methods on a Rect constructed from the given origin and this size.
Offset topLeft(Offset origin) => origin;
Offset topCenter(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy);
Offset topRight(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy);
Offset centerLeft(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
Offset center(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
Offset centerRight(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height / 2.0);
Offset bottomLeft(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx, origin.dy + height);
Offset bottomCenter(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width / 2.0, origin.dy + height);
Offset bottomRight(Offset origin) => Offset(origin.dx + width, origin.dy + height);
bool contains(Offset offset) {
return offset.dx >= 0.0 && offset.dx < width && offset.dy >= 0.0 && offset.dy < height;
Size get flipped => Size(height, width);
static Size? lerp(Size? a, Size? b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (b == null) {
if (a == null) {
return null;
} else {
return a * (1.0 - t);
} else {
if (a == null) {
return b * t;
} else {
return Size(_lerpDouble(a.width, b.width, t), _lerpDouble(a.height, b.height, t));
// We don't compare the runtimeType because of _DebugSize in the framework.
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Size
&& other._dx == _dx
&& other._dy == _dy;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(_dx, _dy);
String toString() => 'Size(${width.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${height.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
class Rect {
const Rect.fromLTRB(this.left,, this.right, this.bottom)
: assert(left != null),
assert(top != null),
assert(right != null),
assert(bottom != null);
const Rect.fromLTWH(double left, double top, double width, double height)
: this.fromLTRB(left, top, left + width, top + height);
Rect.fromCircle({ required Offset center, required double radius })
: this.fromCenter(
center: center,
width: radius * 2,
height: radius * 2,
Rect.fromCenter({ required Offset center, required double width, required double height })
: this.fromLTRB(
center.dx - width / 2,
center.dy - height / 2,
center.dx + width / 2,
center.dy + height / 2,
Rect.fromPoints(Offset a, Offset b)
: this.fromLTRB(
math.min(a.dx, b.dx),
math.min(a.dy, b.dy),
math.max(a.dx, b.dx),
math.max(a.dy, b.dy),
final double left;
final double top;
final double right;
final double bottom;
double get width => right - left;
double get height => bottom - top;
Size get size => Size(width, height);
bool get hasNaN => left.isNaN || top.isNaN || right.isNaN || bottom.isNaN;
static const Rect zero = Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
static const double _giantScalar = 1.0E+9; // matches kGiantRect from layer.h
static const Rect largest = Rect.fromLTRB(-_giantScalar, -_giantScalar, _giantScalar, _giantScalar);
// included for consistency with Offset and Size
bool get isInfinite {
return left >= double.infinity
|| top >= double.infinity
|| right >= double.infinity
|| bottom >= double.infinity;
bool get isFinite => left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
bool get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
Rect shift(Offset offset) {
return Rect.fromLTRB(left + offset.dx, top + offset.dy, right + offset.dx, bottom + offset.dy);
Rect translate(double translateX, double translateY) {
return Rect.fromLTRB(left + translateX, top + translateY, right + translateX, bottom + translateY);
Rect inflate(double delta) {
return Rect.fromLTRB(left - delta, top - delta, right + delta, bottom + delta);
Rect deflate(double delta) => inflate(-delta);
Rect intersect(Rect other) {
return Rect.fromLTRB(
math.max(left, other.left),
math.min(right, other.right),
math.min(bottom, other.bottom),
Rect expandToInclude(Rect other) {
return Rect.fromLTRB(
math.min(left, other.left),
math.max(right, other.right),
math.max(bottom, other.bottom),
bool overlaps(Rect other) {
if (right <= other.left || other.right <= left) {
return false;
if (bottom <= || other.bottom <= top) {
return false;
return true;
double get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
double get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
Offset get topLeft => Offset(left, top);
Offset get topCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top);
Offset get topRight => Offset(right, top);
Offset get centerLeft => Offset(left, top + height / 2.0);
Offset get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
Offset get centerRight => Offset(right, top + height / 2.0);
Offset get bottomLeft => Offset(left, bottom);
Offset get bottomCenter => Offset(left + width / 2.0, bottom);
Offset get bottomRight => Offset(right, bottom);
bool contains(Offset offset) {
return offset.dx >= left && offset.dx < right && offset.dy >= top && offset.dy < bottom;
static Rect? lerp(Rect? a, Rect? b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (b == null) {
if (a == null) {
return null;
} else {
final double k = 1.0 - t;
return Rect.fromLTRB(a.left * k, * k, a.right * k, a.bottom * k);
} else {
if (a == null) {
return Rect.fromLTRB(b.left * t, * t, b.right * t, b.bottom * t);
} else {
return Rect.fromLTRB(
_lerpDouble(a.left, b.left, t),
_lerpDouble(,, t),
_lerpDouble(a.right, b.right, t),
_lerpDouble(a.bottom, b.bottom, t),
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is Rect
&& other.left == left
&& == top
&& other.right == right
&& other.bottom == bottom;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(left, top, right, bottom);
String toString() => 'Rect.fromLTRB(${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${bottom.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
class Radius {
const Radius.circular(double radius) : this.elliptical(radius, radius);
const Radius.elliptical(this.x, this.y);
final double x;
final double y;
static const Radius zero = Radius.circular(0.0);
Radius operator -() => Radius.elliptical(-x, -y);
Radius operator -(Radius other) => Radius.elliptical(x - other.x, y - other.y);
Radius operator +(Radius other) => Radius.elliptical(x + other.x, y + other.y);
Radius operator *(double operand) => Radius.elliptical(x * operand, y * operand);
Radius operator /(double operand) => Radius.elliptical(x / operand, y / operand);
Radius operator ~/(double operand) => Radius.elliptical((x ~/ operand).toDouble(), (y ~/ operand).toDouble());
Radius operator %(double operand) => Radius.elliptical(x % operand, y % operand);
static Radius? lerp(Radius? a, Radius? b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (b == null) {
if (a == null) {
return null;
} else {
final double k = 1.0 - t;
return Radius.elliptical(a.x * k, a.y * k);
} else {
if (a == null) {
return Radius.elliptical(b.x * t, b.y * t);
} else {
return Radius.elliptical(
_lerpDouble(a.x, b.x, t),
_lerpDouble(a.y, b.y, t),
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is Radius
&& other.x == x
&& other.y == y;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(x, y);
String toString() {
return x == y ? 'Radius.circular(${x.toStringAsFixed(1)})' :
'Radius.elliptical(${x.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
class RRect {
const RRect.fromLTRBXY(
double left,
double top,
double right,
double bottom,
double radiusX,
double radiusY,
) : this._raw(
top: top,
left: left,
right: right,
bottom: bottom,
tlRadiusX: radiusX,
tlRadiusY: radiusY,
trRadiusX: radiusX,
trRadiusY: radiusY,
blRadiusX: radiusX,
blRadiusY: radiusY,
brRadiusX: radiusX,
brRadiusY: radiusY,
uniformRadii: radiusX == radiusY,
double left,
double top,
double right,
double bottom,
Radius radius,
) : this._raw(
top: top,
left: left,
right: right,
bottom: bottom,
tlRadiusX: radius.x,
tlRadiusY: radius.y,
trRadiusX: radius.x,
trRadiusY: radius.y,
blRadiusX: radius.x,
blRadiusY: radius.y,
brRadiusX: radius.x,
brRadiusY: radius.y,
uniformRadii: radius.x == radius.y,
RRect.fromRectXY(Rect rect, double radiusX, double radiusY)
: this._raw(
left: rect.left,
right: rect.right,
bottom: rect.bottom,
tlRadiusX: radiusX,
tlRadiusY: radiusY,
trRadiusX: radiusX,
trRadiusY: radiusY,
blRadiusX: radiusX,
blRadiusY: radiusY,
brRadiusX: radiusX,
brRadiusY: radiusY,
uniformRadii: radiusX == radiusY,
RRect.fromRectAndRadius(Rect rect, Radius radius)
: this._raw(
left: rect.left,
right: rect.right,
bottom: rect.bottom,
tlRadiusX: radius.x,
tlRadiusY: radius.y,
trRadiusX: radius.x,
trRadiusY: radius.y,
blRadiusX: radius.x,
blRadiusY: radius.y,
brRadiusX: radius.x,
brRadiusY: radius.y,
uniformRadii: radius.x == radius.y,
double left,
double top,
double right,
double bottom, {
Radius topLeft =,
Radius topRight =,
Radius bottomRight =,
Radius bottomLeft =,
}) : this._raw(
top: top,
left: left,
right: right,
bottom: bottom,
tlRadiusX: topLeft.x,
tlRadiusY: topLeft.y,
trRadiusX: topRight.x,
trRadiusY: topRight.y,
blRadiusX: bottomLeft.x,
blRadiusY: bottomLeft.y,
brRadiusX: bottomRight.x,
brRadiusY: bottomRight.y,
uniformRadii: topLeft.x == topLeft.y &&
topLeft.x == topRight.x &&
topLeft.x == topRight.y &&
topLeft.x == bottomLeft.x &&
topLeft.x == bottomLeft.y &&
topLeft.x == bottomRight.x &&
topLeft.x == bottomRight.y,
Rect rect, {
Radius topLeft =,
Radius topRight =,
Radius bottomRight =,
Radius bottomLeft =,
}) : this._raw(
left: rect.left,
right: rect.right,
bottom: rect.bottom,
tlRadiusX: topLeft.x,
tlRadiusY: topLeft.y,
trRadiusX: topRight.x,
trRadiusY: topRight.y,
blRadiusX: bottomLeft.x,
blRadiusY: bottomLeft.y,
brRadiusX: bottomRight.x,
brRadiusY: bottomRight.y,
uniformRadii: topLeft.x == topLeft.y &&
topLeft.x == topRight.x &&
topLeft.x == topRight.y &&
topLeft.x == bottomLeft.x &&
topLeft.x == bottomLeft.y &&
topLeft.x == bottomRight.x &&
topLeft.x == bottomRight.y,
const RRect._raw({
this.left = 0.0, = 0.0,
this.right = 0.0,
this.bottom = 0.0,
this.tlRadiusX = 0.0,
this.tlRadiusY = 0.0,
this.trRadiusX = 0.0,
this.trRadiusY = 0.0,
this.brRadiusX = 0.0,
this.brRadiusY = 0.0,
this.blRadiusX = 0.0,
this.blRadiusY = 0.0,
bool uniformRadii = false,
}) : assert(left != null),
assert(top != null),
assert(right != null),
assert(bottom != null),
assert(tlRadiusX != null),
assert(tlRadiusY != null),
assert(trRadiusX != null),
assert(trRadiusY != null),
assert(brRadiusX != null),
assert(brRadiusY != null),
assert(blRadiusX != null),
assert(blRadiusY != null),
webOnlyUniformRadii = uniformRadii;
final double left;
final double top;
final double right;
final double bottom;
final double tlRadiusX;
final double tlRadiusY;
Radius get tlRadius => Radius.elliptical(tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY);
final double trRadiusX;
final double trRadiusY;
Radius get trRadius => Radius.elliptical(trRadiusX, trRadiusY);
final double brRadiusX;
final double brRadiusY;
Radius get brRadius => Radius.elliptical(brRadiusX, brRadiusY);
final double blRadiusX;
final double blRadiusY;
// webOnly
final bool webOnlyUniformRadii;
Radius get blRadius => Radius.elliptical(blRadiusX, blRadiusY);
static const RRect zero = RRect._raw();
RRect shift(Offset offset) {
return RRect._raw(
left: left + offset.dx,
top: top + offset.dy,
right: right + offset.dx,
bottom: bottom + offset.dy,
tlRadiusX: tlRadiusX,
tlRadiusY: tlRadiusY,
trRadiusX: trRadiusX,
trRadiusY: trRadiusY,
blRadiusX: blRadiusX,
blRadiusY: blRadiusY,
brRadiusX: brRadiusX,
brRadiusY: brRadiusY,
RRect inflate(double delta) {
return RRect._raw(
left: left - delta,
top: top - delta,
right: right + delta,
bottom: bottom + delta,
tlRadiusX: tlRadiusX + delta,
tlRadiusY: tlRadiusY + delta,
trRadiusX: trRadiusX + delta,
trRadiusY: trRadiusY + delta,
blRadiusX: blRadiusX + delta,
blRadiusY: blRadiusY + delta,
brRadiusX: brRadiusX + delta,
brRadiusY: brRadiusY + delta,
RRect deflate(double delta) => inflate(-delta);
double get width => right - left;
double get height => bottom - top;
Rect get outerRect => Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
Rect get safeInnerRect {
const double kInsetFactor = 0.29289321881; // 1-cos(pi/4)
final double leftRadius = math.max(blRadiusX, tlRadiusX);
final double topRadius = math.max(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY);
final double rightRadius = math.max(trRadiusX, brRadiusX);
final double bottomRadius = math.max(brRadiusY, blRadiusY);
return Rect.fromLTRB(
left + leftRadius * kInsetFactor,
top + topRadius * kInsetFactor,
right - rightRadius * kInsetFactor,
bottom - bottomRadius * kInsetFactor
Rect get middleRect {
final double leftRadius = math.max(blRadiusX, tlRadiusX);
final double topRadius = math.max(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY);
final double rightRadius = math.max(trRadiusX, brRadiusX);
final double bottomRadius = math.max(brRadiusY, blRadiusY);
return Rect.fromLTRB(
left + leftRadius,
top + topRadius,
right - rightRadius,
bottom - bottomRadius
Rect get wideMiddleRect {
final double topRadius = math.max(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY);
final double bottomRadius = math.max(brRadiusY, blRadiusY);
return Rect.fromLTRB(
top + topRadius,
bottom - bottomRadius
Rect get tallMiddleRect {
final double leftRadius = math.max(blRadiusX, tlRadiusX);
final double rightRadius = math.max(trRadiusX, brRadiusX);
return Rect.fromLTRB(
left + leftRadius,
right - rightRadius,
bool get isEmpty => left >= right || top >= bottom;
bool get isFinite => left.isFinite && top.isFinite && right.isFinite && bottom.isFinite;
bool get isRect {
return (tlRadiusX == 0.0 || tlRadiusY == 0.0)
&& (trRadiusX == 0.0 || trRadiusY == 0.0)
&& (blRadiusX == 0.0 || blRadiusY == 0.0)
&& (brRadiusX == 0.0 || brRadiusY == 0.0);
bool get isStadium {
return tlRadius == trRadius
&& trRadius == brRadius
&& brRadius == blRadius
&& (width <= 2.0 * tlRadiusX || height <= 2.0 * tlRadiusY);
bool get isEllipse {
return tlRadius == trRadius
&& trRadius == brRadius
&& brRadius == blRadius
&& width <= 2.0 * tlRadiusX
&& height <= 2.0 * tlRadiusY;
bool get isCircle => width == height && isEllipse;
double get shortestSide => math.min(width.abs(), height.abs());
double get longestSide => math.max(width.abs(), height.abs());
bool get hasNaN => left.isNaN || top.isNaN || right.isNaN || bottom.isNaN ||
trRadiusX.isNaN || trRadiusY.isNaN || tlRadiusX.isNaN || tlRadiusY.isNaN ||
brRadiusX.isNaN || brRadiusY.isNaN || blRadiusX.isNaN || blRadiusY.isNaN;
Offset get center => Offset(left + width / 2.0, top + height / 2.0);
// Returns the minimum between min and scale to which radius1 and radius2
// should be scaled with in order not to exceed the limit.
double _getMin(double min, double radius1, double radius2, double limit) {
final double sum = radius1 + radius2;
if (sum > limit && sum != 0.0) {
return math.min(min, limit / sum);
return min;
RRect scaleRadii() {
double scale = 1.0;
final double absWidth = width.abs();
final double absHeight = height.abs();
scale = _getMin(scale, blRadiusY, tlRadiusY, absHeight);
scale = _getMin(scale, tlRadiusX, trRadiusX, absWidth);
scale = _getMin(scale, trRadiusY, brRadiusY, absHeight);
scale = _getMin(scale, brRadiusX, blRadiusX, absWidth);
if (scale < 1.0) {
return RRect._raw(
top: top,
left: left,
right: right,
bottom: bottom,
tlRadiusX: tlRadiusX * scale,
tlRadiusY: tlRadiusY * scale,
trRadiusX: trRadiusX * scale,
trRadiusY: trRadiusY * scale,
blRadiusX: blRadiusX * scale,
blRadiusY: blRadiusY * scale,
brRadiusX: brRadiusX * scale,
brRadiusY: brRadiusY * scale,
return RRect._raw(
top: top,
left: left,
right: right,
bottom: bottom,
tlRadiusX: tlRadiusX,
tlRadiusY: tlRadiusY,
trRadiusX: trRadiusX,
trRadiusY: trRadiusY,
blRadiusX: blRadiusX,
blRadiusY: blRadiusY,
brRadiusX: brRadiusX,
brRadiusY: brRadiusY,
bool contains(Offset point) {
if (point.dx < left || point.dx >= right || point.dy < top || point.dy >= bottom) {
return false;
} // outside bounding box
final RRect scaled = scaleRadii();
double x;
double y;
double radiusX;
double radiusY;
// check whether point is in one of the rounded corner areas
// x, y -> translate to ellipse center
if (point.dx < left + scaled.tlRadiusX &&
point.dy < top + scaled.tlRadiusY) {
x = point.dx - left - scaled.tlRadiusX;
y = point.dy - top - scaled.tlRadiusY;
radiusX = scaled.tlRadiusX;
radiusY = scaled.tlRadiusY;
} else if (point.dx > right - scaled.trRadiusX &&
point.dy < top + scaled.trRadiusY) {
x = point.dx - right + scaled.trRadiusX;
y = point.dy - top - scaled.trRadiusY;
radiusX = scaled.trRadiusX;
radiusY = scaled.trRadiusY;
} else if (point.dx > right - scaled.brRadiusX &&
point.dy > bottom - scaled.brRadiusY) {
x = point.dx - right + scaled.brRadiusX;
y = point.dy - bottom + scaled.brRadiusY;
radiusX = scaled.brRadiusX;
radiusY = scaled.brRadiusY;
} else if (point.dx < left + scaled.blRadiusX &&
point.dy > bottom - scaled.blRadiusY) {
x = point.dx - left - scaled.blRadiusX;
y = point.dy - bottom + scaled.blRadiusY;
radiusX = scaled.blRadiusX;
radiusY = scaled.blRadiusY;
} else {
return true; // inside and not within the rounded corner area
x = x / radiusX;
y = y / radiusY;
// check if the point is outside the unit circle
if (x * x + y * y > 1.0) {
return false;
return true;
static RRect? lerp(RRect? a, RRect? b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (b == null) {
if (a == null) {
return null;
} else {
final double k = 1.0 - t;
return RRect._raw(
left: a.left * k,
top: * k,
right: a.right * k,
bottom: a.bottom * k,
tlRadiusX: a.tlRadiusX * k,
tlRadiusY: a.tlRadiusY * k,
trRadiusX: a.trRadiusX * k,
trRadiusY: a.trRadiusY * k,
brRadiusX: a.brRadiusX * k,
brRadiusY: a.brRadiusY * k,
blRadiusX: a.blRadiusX * k,
blRadiusY: a.blRadiusY * k,
} else {
if (a == null) {
return RRect._raw(
left: b.left * t,
top: * t,
right: b.right * t,
bottom: b.bottom * t,
tlRadiusX: b.tlRadiusX * t,
tlRadiusY: b.tlRadiusY * t,
trRadiusX: b.trRadiusX * t,
trRadiusY: b.trRadiusY * t,
brRadiusX: b.brRadiusX * t,
brRadiusY: b.brRadiusY * t,
blRadiusX: b.blRadiusX * t,
blRadiusY: b.blRadiusY * t,
} else {
return RRect._raw(
left: _lerpDouble(a.left, b.left, t),
top: _lerpDouble(,, t),
right: _lerpDouble(a.right, b.right, t),
bottom: _lerpDouble(a.bottom, b.bottom, t),
tlRadiusX: _lerpDouble(a.tlRadiusX, b.tlRadiusX, t),
tlRadiusY: _lerpDouble(a.tlRadiusY, b.tlRadiusY, t),
trRadiusX: _lerpDouble(a.trRadiusX, b.trRadiusX, t),
trRadiusY: _lerpDouble(a.trRadiusY, b.trRadiusY, t),
brRadiusX: _lerpDouble(a.brRadiusX, b.brRadiusX, t),
brRadiusY: _lerpDouble(a.brRadiusY, b.brRadiusY, t),
blRadiusX: _lerpDouble(a.blRadiusX, b.blRadiusX, t),
blRadiusY: _lerpDouble(a.blRadiusY, b.blRadiusY, t),
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is RRect
&& other.left == left
&& == top
&& other.right == right
&& other.bottom == bottom
&& other.tlRadiusX == tlRadiusX
&& other.tlRadiusY == tlRadiusY
&& other.trRadiusX == trRadiusX
&& other.trRadiusY == trRadiusY
&& other.blRadiusX == blRadiusX
&& other.blRadiusY == blRadiusY
&& other.brRadiusX == brRadiusX
&& other.brRadiusY == brRadiusY;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(left, top, right, bottom,
tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY, trRadiusX, trRadiusY,
blRadiusX, blRadiusY, brRadiusX, brRadiusY);
String toString() {
final String rect = '${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
'${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
'${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, '
if (tlRadius == trRadius &&
trRadius == brRadius &&
brRadius == blRadius) {
if (tlRadius.x == tlRadius.y) {
return 'RRect.fromLTRBR($rect, ${tlRadius.x.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
return 'RRect.fromLTRBXY($rect, ${tlRadius.x.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${tlRadius.y.toStringAsFixed(1)})';
return 'RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners('
'$rect, '
'topLeft: $tlRadius, '
'topRight: $trRadius, '
'bottomRight: $brRadius, '
'bottomLeft: $blRadius'
// Modeled after Skia's SkRSXform.
class RSTransform {
RSTransform(double scos, double ssin, double tx, double ty) {
..[0] = scos
..[1] = ssin
..[2] = tx
..[3] = ty;
factory RSTransform.fromComponents({
required double rotation,
required double scale,
required double anchorX,
required double anchorY,
required double translateX,
required double translateY,
}) {
final double scos = math.cos(rotation) * scale;
final double ssin = math.sin(rotation) * scale;
final double tx = translateX + -scos * anchorX + ssin * anchorY;
final double ty = translateY + -ssin * anchorX - scos * anchorY;
return RSTransform(scos, ssin, tx, ty);
final Float32List _value = Float32List(4);
double get scos => _value[0];
double get ssin => _value[1];
double get tx => _value[2];
double get ty => _value[3];