blob: 150aa92e3ea23ed623028ad8f8a587f630c8f034 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include "impeller/geometry/gradient.h"
namespace impeller {
static void AppendColor(const Color& color, std::vector<uint8_t>* colors) {
auto converted = color.Premultiply().ToR8G8B8A8();
std::vector<uint8_t> CreateGradientBuffer(const std::vector<Color>& colors,
const std::vector<Scalar>& stops,
uint32_t* out_texture_size) {
uint32_t texture_size;
// TODO(jonahwilliams): we should add a display list flag to check if the
// stops were provided or not, then we can skip this step.
// TODO(jonahwilliams): Skia has a check for stop sizes below a certain
// threshold, we should make sure that we behave reasonably with them.
if (stops.size() == 2) {
texture_size = 2;
} else {
auto minimum_delta = 1.0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < stops.size(); i++) {
auto value = stops[i] - stops[i - 1];
if (value < minimum_delta) {
minimum_delta = value;
// Avoid creating textures that are absurdly large due to stops that are
// very close together.
// TODO(jonahwilliams): this should use a platform specific max texture
// size.
texture_size =
std::min((uint32_t)std::round(1.0 / minimum_delta) + 1, 1024u);
*out_texture_size = texture_size;
std::vector<uint8_t> color_stop_channels;
color_stop_channels.reserve(texture_size * 4);
if (texture_size == colors.size() && colors.size() <= 1024) {
for (auto i = 0u; i < colors.size(); i++) {
AppendColor(colors[i], &color_stop_channels);
} else {
Color previous_color = colors[0];
auto previous_stop = 0.0;
auto previous_color_index = 0;
// The first index is always equal to the first color, exactly.
AppendColor(previous_color, &color_stop_channels);
for (auto i = 1u; i < texture_size - 1; i++) {
auto scaled_i = i / texture_size;
Color next_color = colors[previous_color_index + 1];
auto next_stop = stops[previous_color_index + 1];
// We're almost exactly equal to the next stop.
if (ScalarNearlyEqual(scaled_i, next_stop)) {
AppendColor(next_color, &color_stop_channels);
previous_color = next_color;
previous_stop = next_stop;
previous_color_index += 1;
} else if (scaled_i < next_stop) {
// We're still between the current stop and the next stop.
auto t = (scaled_i - previous_stop) / (next_stop - previous_stop);
auto mixed_color = Color::lerp(previous_color, next_color, t);
AppendColor(mixed_color, &color_stop_channels);
} else {
// We've slightly overshot the next stop. In theory this only happens if
// we have scaled our texture such that not every stop gets their own
// index. For now I am simply ignoring the inbetween colors. Currently
// this requires a gradient with either an absurd number of textures
// or very small stops.
AppendColor(next_color, &color_stop_channels);
previous_color = next_color;
previous_stop = next_stop;
previous_color_index += 1;
// The last index is always equal to the last color, exactly.
AppendColor(colors.back(), &color_stop_channels);
return color_stop_channels;
} // namespace impeller