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// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <impeller/branching.glsl>
/// Sample from a texture.
/// If `y_coord_scale` < 0.0, the Y coordinate is flipped. This is useful
/// for Impeller graphics backends that use a flipped framebuffer coordinate
/// space.
vec4 IPSample(sampler2D texture_sampler, vec2 coords, float y_coord_scale) {
if (y_coord_scale < 0.0) {
coords.y = 1.0 - coords.y;
return texture(texture_sampler, coords);
// These values must correspond to the order of the items in the
// 'Entity::TileMode' enum class.
const float kTileModeClamp = 0;
const float kTileModeRepeat = 1;
const float kTileModeMirror = 2;
const float kTileModeDecal = 3;
/// Remap a float using a tiling mode.
/// When `tile_mode` is `kTileModeDecal`, no tiling is applied and `t` is
/// returned. In all other cases, a value between 0 and 1 is returned by tiling
/// `t`.
/// When `t` is between [0 to 1), the original unchanged `t` is always returned.
float IPFloatTile(float t, float tile_mode) {
if (tile_mode == kTileModeClamp) {
t = clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0);
} else if (tile_mode == kTileModeRepeat) {
t = fract(t);
} else if (tile_mode == kTileModeMirror) {
float t1 = t - 1;
float t2 = t1 - 2 * floor(t1 * 0.5) - 1;
t = abs(t2);
return t;
/// Remap a vec2 using a tiling mode.
/// Runs each component of the vec2 through `IPFloatTile`.
vec2 IPVec2Tile(vec2 coords, float x_tile_mode, float y_tile_mode) {
return vec2(IPFloatTile(coords.x, x_tile_mode),
IPFloatTile(coords.y, y_tile_mode));
/// Sample a texture, emulating a specific tile mode.
/// This is useful for Impeller graphics backend that don't have native support
/// for Decal.
vec4 IPSampleWithTileMode(sampler2D tex,
vec2 coords,
float y_coord_scale,
float x_tile_mode,
float y_tile_mode) {
if (x_tile_mode == kTileModeDecal && (coords.x < 0 || coords.x >= 1) ||
y_tile_mode == kTileModeDecal && (coords.y < 0 || coords.y >= 1)) {
return vec4(0);
return IPSample(tex, IPVec2Tile(coords, x_tile_mode, y_tile_mode), y_coord_scale);
/// Sample a texture, emulating a specific tile mode.
/// This is useful for Impeller graphics backend that don't have native support
/// for Decal.
vec4 IPSampleWithTileMode(sampler2D tex,
vec2 coords,
float y_coord_scale,
float tile_mode) {
return IPSampleWithTileMode(tex, coords, y_coord_scale, tile_mode, tile_mode);