blob: 08cd5aa580be049c6a9294326255a7191c079172 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../dom.dart';
import '../shadow.dart';
import '../svg.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import 'dom_canvas.dart';
import 'painting.dart';
import 'path/path.dart';
import 'path_to_svg_clip.dart';
import 'surface.dart';
import 'surface_stats.dart';
/// Mixin used by surfaces that clip their contents using an overflowing DOM
/// element.
mixin _DomClip on PersistedContainerSurface {
/// The dedicated child container element that's separate from the
/// [rootElement] is used to compensate for the coordinate system shift
/// introduced by the [rootElement] translation.
DomElement? get childContainer => _childContainer;
DomElement? _childContainer;
void adoptElements(_DomClip oldSurface) {
_childContainer = oldSurface._childContainer;
oldSurface._childContainer = null;
DomElement createElement() {
final DomElement element = defaultCreateElement('flt-clip');
_childContainer = createDomElement('flt-clip-interior');
if (debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
// This creates an additional interior element. Count it too.
_childContainer!.style.position = 'absolute';
return element;
void discard() {
// Do not detach the child container from the root. It is permanently
// attached. The elements are reused together and are detached from the DOM
// together.
_childContainer = null;
void applyOverflow(DomElement element, ui.Clip? clipBehaviour) {
if (!debugShowClipLayers) {
// Hide overflow in production mode. When debugging we want to see the
// clipped picture in full.
if (clipBehaviour != ui.Clip.none) {
..overflow = 'hidden'
..zIndex = '0';
} else {
// Display the outline of the clipping region. When debugShowClipLayers is
// `true` we don't hide clip overflow (see above). This outline helps
// visualizing clip areas. = 'inset 0 0 10px green';
/// A surface that creates a rectangular clip.
class PersistedClipRect extends PersistedContainerSurface
with _DomClip
implements ui.ClipRectEngineLayer {
PersistedClipRect(PersistedClipRect? super.oldLayer, this.rect, this.clipBehavior);
final ui.Clip? clipBehavior;
final ui.Rect rect;
void recomputeTransformAndClip() {
transform = parent!.transform;
if (clipBehavior != ui.Clip.none) {
localClipBounds = rect;
} else {
localClipBounds = null;
projectedClip = null;
DomElement createElement() {
return super.createElement()..setAttribute('clip-type', 'rect');
void apply() {
..left = '${rect.left}px' = '${}px'
..width = '${rect.right - rect.left}px'
..height = '${rect.bottom -}px';
applyOverflow(rootElement!, clipBehavior);
// Translate the child container in the opposite direction to compensate for
// the shift in the coordinate system introduced by the translation of the
// rootElement. Clipping in Flutter has no effect on the coordinate system.
..left = '${-rect.left}px' = '${}px';
void update(PersistedClipRect oldSurface) {
if (rect != oldSurface.rect || clipBehavior != oldSurface.clipBehavior) {
localClipBounds = null;
bool get isClipping => true;
/// A surface that creates a rounded rectangular clip.
class PersistedClipRRect extends PersistedContainerSurface
with _DomClip
implements ui.ClipRRectEngineLayer {
PersistedClipRRect(ui.EngineLayer? oldLayer, this.rrect, this.clipBehavior)
: super(oldLayer as PersistedSurface?);
final ui.RRect rrect;
// TODO(yjbanov): can this be controlled in the browser?
final ui.Clip? clipBehavior;
void recomputeTransformAndClip() {
transform = parent!.transform;
if (clipBehavior != ui.Clip.none) {
localClipBounds = rrect.outerRect;
} else {
localClipBounds = null;
projectedClip = null;
DomElement createElement() {
return super.createElement()..setAttribute('clip-type', 'rrect');
void apply() {
final DomCSSStyleDeclaration style = rootElement!.style;
..left = '${rrect.left}px' = '${}px'
..width = '${rrect.width}px'
..height = '${rrect.height}px'
..borderTopLeftRadius = '${rrect.tlRadiusX}px'
..borderTopRightRadius = '${rrect.trRadiusX}px'
..borderBottomRightRadius = '${rrect.brRadiusX}px'
..borderBottomLeftRadius = '${rrect.blRadiusX}px';
applyOverflow(rootElement!, clipBehavior);
// Translate the child container in the opposite direction to compensate for
// the shift in the coordinate system introduced by the translation of the
// rootElement. Clipping in Flutter has no effect on the coordinate system.
..left = '${-rrect.left}px' = '${}px';
void update(PersistedClipRRect oldSurface) {
if (rrect != oldSurface.rrect || clipBehavior != oldSurface.clipBehavior) {
localClipBounds = null;
bool get isClipping => true;
class PersistedPhysicalShape extends PersistedContainerSurface
with _DomClip
implements ui.PhysicalShapeEngineLayer {
PersistedPhysicalShape(PersistedPhysicalShape? super.oldLayer, this.path,
this.elevation, int color, int shadowColor, this.clipBehavior)
: color = ui.Color(color),
shadowColor = ui.Color(shadowColor),
pathBounds = path.getBounds();
final SurfacePath path;
final ui.Rect pathBounds;
final double elevation;
final ui.Color color;
final ui.Color shadowColor;
final ui.Clip clipBehavior;
DomElement? _clipElement;
DomElement? _svgElement;
void recomputeTransformAndClip() {
transform = parent!.transform;
if (clipBehavior != ui.Clip.none) {
final ui.RRect? roundRect = path.toRoundedRect();
if (roundRect != null) {
localClipBounds = roundRect.outerRect;
} else {
final ui.Rect? rect = path.toRect();
if (rect != null) {
localClipBounds = rect;
} else {
localClipBounds = null;
} else {
localClipBounds = null;
projectedClip = null;
void _applyColor() {
rootElement!.style.backgroundColor = colorToCssString(color)!;
DomElement createElement() {
return super.createElement()..setAttribute('clip-type', 'physical-shape');
void discard() {
_clipElement = null;
_svgElement = null;
void apply() {
void _applyShape() {
// Handle special case of round rect physical shape mapping to
// rounded div.
final ui.RRect? roundRect = path.toRoundedRect();
if (roundRect != null) {
final String borderRadius =
'${roundRect.tlRadiusX}px ${roundRect.trRadiusX}px '
'${roundRect.brRadiusX}px ${roundRect.blRadiusX}px';
final DomCSSStyleDeclaration style = rootElement!.style;
..left = '${roundRect.left}px' = '${}px'
..width = '${roundRect.width}px'
..height = '${roundRect.height}px'
..borderRadius = borderRadius;
..left = '${-roundRect.left}px' = '${}px';
if (clipBehavior != ui.Clip.none) {
style.overflow = 'hidden';
applyCssShadow(rootElement, pathBounds, elevation, shadowColor);
} else {
final ui.Rect? rect = path.toRect();
if (rect != null) {
final DomCSSStyleDeclaration style = rootElement!.style;
..left = '${rect.left}px' = '${}px'
..width = '${rect.width}px'
..height = '${rect.height}px'
..borderRadius = '';
..left = '${-rect.left}px' = '${}px';
if (clipBehavior != ui.Clip.none) {
style.overflow = 'hidden';
applyCssShadow(rootElement, pathBounds, elevation, shadowColor);
} else {
final ui.Rect? ovalRect = path.toCircle();
if (ovalRect != null) {
final double rx = ovalRect.width / 2.0;
final double ry = ovalRect.height / 2.0;
final String borderRadius =
rx == ry ? '${rx}px ' : '${rx}px ${ry}px ';
final DomCSSStyleDeclaration style = rootElement!.style;
final double left = ovalRect.left;
final double top =;
..left = '${left}px' = '${top}px'
..width = '${rx * 2}px'
..height = '${ry * 2}px'
..borderRadius = borderRadius;
..left = '${-left}px' = '${-top}px';
if (clipBehavior != ui.Clip.none) {
style.overflow = 'hidden';
applyCssShadow(rootElement, pathBounds, elevation, shadowColor);
/// If code reaches this point, we have a path we want to clip against and
/// potentially have a shadow due to material surface elevation.
/// When there is no shadow we can simply clip a div with a background
/// color using a svg clip path.
/// Otherwise we need to paint svg element for the path and clip
/// contents against same path for shadow to work since box-shadow doesn't
/// take clip-path into account.
/// Webkit has a bug when applying clip-path on an element that has
/// position: absolute and transform
/// (
/// To place clipping rectangle correctly
/// we size the inner container to cover full pathBounds instead of sizing
/// to clipping rect bounds (which is the case for elevation == 0.0 where
/// we shift outer/inner clip area instead to position clip-path).
final SVGSVGElement svgClipPath = elevation == 0.0
? pathToSvgClipPath(path,
offsetX: -pathBounds.left,
scaleX: 1.0 / pathBounds.width,
scaleY: 1.0 / pathBounds.height)
: pathToSvgClipPath(path,
scaleX: 1.0 / pathBounds.right,
scaleY: 1.0 / pathBounds.bottom);
/// If apply is called multiple times (without update), remove prior
/// svg clip and render elements.
_clipElement = svgClipPath;
if (elevation == 0.0) {
setClipPath(rootElement!, createSvgClipUrl());
final DomCSSStyleDeclaration rootElementStyle = rootElement!.style;
..overflow = ''
..left = '${pathBounds.left}px' = '${}px'
..width = '${pathBounds.width}px'
..height = '${pathBounds.height}px'
..borderRadius = '';
..left = '-${pathBounds.left}px' = '-${}px';
setClipPath(childContainer!, createSvgClipUrl());
final DomCSSStyleDeclaration rootElementStyle = rootElement!.style;
..overflow = ''
..left = '${pathBounds.left}px' = '${}px'
..width = '${pathBounds.width}px'
..height = '${pathBounds.height}px'
..borderRadius = '';
..left = '-${pathBounds.left}px' = '-${}px'
..width = '${pathBounds.right}px'
..height = '${pathBounds.bottom}px';
final ui.Rect pathBounds2 = path.getBounds();
_svgElement = pathToSvgElement(
SurfacePaintData() = ui.PaintingStyle.fill
..color = color,
/// Render element behind the clipped content.
rootElement!.insertBefore(_svgElement!, childContainer);
final SurfaceShadowData shadow = computeShadow(pathBounds, elevation)!;
final ui.Color boxShadowColor = toShadowColor(shadowColor);
..filter = 'drop-shadow(${shadow.offset.dx}px ${shadow.offset.dy}px '
'${shadow.blurWidth}px '
'rgba(${}, ${}, '
'${}, ${boxShadowColor.alpha / 255}))'
..transform = 'translate(-${pathBounds2.left}px, -${}px)';
rootElement!.style.backgroundColor = '';
void update(PersistedPhysicalShape oldSurface) {
final bool pathChanged = oldSurface.path != path;
if (pathChanged) {
localClipBounds = null;
if (pathChanged ||
oldSurface.elevation != elevation ||
oldSurface.shadowColor != shadowColor ||
oldSurface.color != color) {
oldSurface._clipElement = null;
oldSurface._svgElement = null;
_clipElement = null;
_svgElement = null;
// Reset style on prior element since we may have switched between
// rect/rrect and arbitrary path.
setClipPath(rootElement!, '');
} else {
// Reuse clipElement from prior surface.
_clipElement = oldSurface._clipElement;
if (_clipElement != null) {
oldSurface._clipElement = null;
_svgElement = oldSurface._svgElement;
if (_svgElement != null) {
rootElement!.insertBefore(_svgElement!, childContainer);
oldSurface._svgElement = null;
/// A surface that clips it's children.
class PersistedClipPath extends PersistedContainerSurface
implements ui.ClipPathEngineLayer {
PersistedClipPath? super.oldLayer, this.clipPath, this.clipBehavior);
final ui.Path clipPath;
final ui.Clip clipBehavior;
DomElement? _clipElement;
DomElement createElement() {
return defaultCreateElement('flt-clippath');
void recomputeTransformAndClip() {
if (clipBehavior != ui.Clip.none) {
localClipBounds ??= clipPath.getBounds();
} else {
localClipBounds = null;
void apply() {
_clipElement = createSvgClipDef(childContainer!, clipPath);
void update(PersistedClipPath oldSurface) {
if (oldSurface.clipPath != clipPath) {
localClipBounds = null;
} else {
_clipElement = oldSurface._clipElement;
oldSurface._clipElement = null;
void discard() {
_clipElement = null;
bool get isClipping => true;
/// Creates an svg clipPath and applies it to [element].
SVGSVGElement createSvgClipDef(DomElement element, ui.Path clipPath) {
final ui.Rect pathBounds = clipPath.getBounds();
final SVGSVGElement svgClipPath = pathToSvgClipPath(clipPath,
scaleX: 1.0 / pathBounds.right, scaleY: 1.0 / pathBounds.bottom);
setClipPath(element, createSvgClipUrl());
// We need to set width and height for the clipElement to cover the
// bounds of the path since browsers such as Safari and Edge
// seem to incorrectly intersect the element bounding rect with
// the clip path. Chrome and Firefox don't perform intersect instead they
// use the path itself as source of truth.
..width = '${pathBounds.right}px'
..height = '${pathBounds.bottom}px';
return svgClipPath;