blob: 24f5fe5eb044e083deaa15e2f385581859413b47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../browser_detection.dart';
import '../dom.dart';
import '../svg.dart';
import 'path/path.dart';
import 'path/path_to_svg.dart';
/// Counter used for generating clip path id inside an svg <defs> tag.
int _clipIdCounter = 0;
/// Used for clipping and filter svg resources.
/// Position needs to be absolute since these svgs are sandwiched between
/// canvas elements and can cause layout shifts otherwise.
final SVGSVGElement kSvgResourceHeader = createSVGSVGElement()
..setAttribute('width', 0)
..setAttribute('height', 0) = 'absolute';
/// Converts Path to svg element that contains a clip-path definition.
/// Calling this method updates [_clipIdCounter]. The HTML id of the generated
/// clip is set to "svgClip${_clipIdCounter}", e.g. "svgClip123".
SVGSVGElement pathToSvgClipPath(ui.Path path,
{double offsetX = 0,
double offsetY = 0,
double scaleX = 1.0,
double scaleY = 1.0}) {
_clipIdCounter += 1;
final SVGSVGElement root = kSvgResourceHeader.cloneNode(false) as SVGSVGElement;
final SVGDefsElement defs = createSVGDefsElement();
final String clipId = 'svgClip$_clipIdCounter';
final SVGClipPathElement clipPath = createSVGClipPathElement();
defs.append(clipPath); = clipId;
final SVGPathElement svgPath = createSVGPathElement();
svgPath.setAttribute('fill', '#FFFFFF');
// Firefox objectBoundingBox fails to scale to 1x1 units, instead use
// no clipPathUnits but write the path in target units.
if (browserEngine != BrowserEngine.firefox) {
clipPath.setAttribute('clipPathUnits', 'objectBoundingBox');
svgPath.setAttribute('transform', 'scale($scaleX, $scaleY)');
svgPath.setAttribute('d', pathToSvg((path as SurfacePath).pathRef, offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY));
return root;
String createSvgClipUrl() => 'url(#svgClip$_clipIdCounter)';
/// Resets clip ids. Used for testing by [debugForgetFrameScene] API.
void resetSvgClipIds() {
_clipIdCounter = 0;