blob: 15cc063c14597a8b834d1572fd50cc5ea663a3c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../dom.dart';
import '../frame_reference.dart';
import '../onscreen_logging.dart';
import '../semantics.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import '../vector_math.dart';
import 'picture.dart';
import 'scene.dart';
import 'surface_stats.dart';
/// When `true` prints statistics about what happened to the surface tree when
/// it was composited.
/// Also paints an on-screen overlay with the numbers visualized as a timeline.
const bool debugExplainSurfaceStats = false;
/// When `true` shows an overlay that contains stats about canvas reuse.
/// The overlay also includes a button to reset the stats.
const bool debugShowCanvasReuseStats = false;
/// When `true` renders the outlines of clip layers on the screen instead of
/// clipping the contents.
/// This is useful when visually debugging clipping behavior.
bool debugShowClipLayers = false;
/// The threshold for the canvas pixel count to screen pixel count ratio, beyond
/// which in debug mode a warning is issued to the console.
/// As we improve canvas utilization we should decrease this number. It is
/// unlikely that we will hit 1.0, but something around 3.0 should be
/// reasonable.
const double kScreenPixelRatioWarningThreshold = 6.0;
/// Performs any outstanding painting work enqueued by [PersistedPicture]s.
void commitScene(PersistedScene scene) {
if (paintQueue.isNotEmpty) {
try {
if (paintQueue.length > 1) {
// Sort paint requests in decreasing canvas size order. Paint requests
// attempt to reuse canvases. For efficiency we want the biggest pictures
// to find canvases before the smaller ones claim them.
paintQueue.sort((PaintRequest a, PaintRequest b) {
final double aSize = a.canvasSize.height * a.canvasSize.width;
final double bSize = b.canvasSize.height * b.canvasSize.width;
return bSize.compareTo(aSize);
for (final PaintRequest request in paintQueue) {
} finally {
paintQueue = <PaintRequest>[];
// After the update the retained surfaces are back to active.
if (retainedSurfaces.isNotEmpty) {
for (int i = 0; i < retainedSurfaces.length; i++) {
final PersistedSurface retainedSurface = retainedSurfaces[i];
retainedSurface, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention));
retainedSurface.state =;
retainedSurfaces = <PersistedSurface>[];
if (debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
debugPrintSurfaceStats(scene, debugFrameNumber);
assert(() {
final List<String> validationErrors = <String>[];
if (validationErrors.isNotEmpty) {
'${ e) => ' - $e\n').join()}');
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < frameReferences.length; i++) {
frameReferences[i].value = null;
frameReferences = <FrameReference<dynamic>>[];
if (debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
surfaceStats = <PersistedSurface, DebugSurfaceStats>{};
assert(() {
return true;
/// Signature of a function that receives a [PersistedSurface].
/// This is used to traverse surfaces using [PersistedSurface.visitChildren].
typedef PersistedSurfaceVisitor = void Function(PersistedSurface);
/// Controls the algorithm used to reuse a previously rendered surface.
enum PersistedSurfaceState {
/// A new or revived surface that does not have a
/// [PersistedSurface.rootElement].
/// Surfaces in this state acquire an element either by creating a new element
/// or by adopting an element from an [active] surface.
/// The surface has DOM resources that are attached to the live DOM tree.
/// During update surfaces in this state come from the previous frame. This is
/// also the state that all surfaces that are attached to the new frame's
/// scene acquire at the end of the frame.
/// In this state the surface has a non-null [PersistedSurface.rootElement].
/// The element may be adopted by a new surface by matching to it during
/// update (see [PersistedSurface.matchForUpdate]).
/// The surface object will be reused along with all its descendants.
/// This strategy relies on Flutter's retained-mode layer system (see
/// [EngineLayer]).
/// The surface's DOM elements will be reused and updated.
/// The surface in this state must have been rendered in a previous frame, it
/// must have non-null [PersistedSurface.rootElement], and there must be a new
/// surface that points to this surface via
/// [PersistedContainerSurface.oldLayer]. The new surface will adopt this
/// surface's DOM elements and update them.
/// This state indicates that all DOM resources of this surface have been
/// released and cannot be reused anymore.
/// There are two ways a surface may be released:
/// - When the surface is updated its DOM elements are adopted by a new
/// surface. This can happen either via [PersistedContainerSurface.oldLayer]
/// or by matching.
/// - When the surface is removed from the tree because it is no longer in the
/// scene, nor its elements are reused by another surface.
/// A surface may be revived from this state back into [created] state via
/// [PersistedSurface.revive].
class PersistedSurfaceException implements Exception {
PersistedSurfaceException(this.surface, this.message);
final PersistedSurface surface;
final String message;
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return '${surface.runtimeType}: $message';
return super.toString();
/// Verifies that the [surface] is in one of the valid states.
/// This function should be used inside an assertion expression.
bool debugAssertSurfaceState(
PersistedSurface surface, PersistedSurfaceState state1,
[PersistedSurfaceState? state2, PersistedSurfaceState? state3]) {
final List<PersistedSurfaceState?> validStates = <PersistedSurfaceState?>[state1, state2, state3];
if (validStates.contains(surface.state)) {
return true;
throw PersistedSurfaceException(
'is in an unexpected state.\n'
'Expected one of: ${validStates.whereType<PersistedSurfaceState>().join(', ')}\n'
'But was: ${surface.state}',
/// A node in the tree built by [SceneBuilder] that contains information used to
/// compute the fewest amount of mutations necessary to update the browser DOM.
abstract class PersistedSurface implements ui.EngineLayer {
/// Creates a persisted surface.
PersistedSurface(PersistedSurface? oldLayer)
: _oldLayer = FrameReference<PersistedSurface>(
oldLayer != null && oldLayer.isActive ? oldLayer : null);
/// The surface that is being updated using this surface.
/// If not null this surface will reuse the old surface's HTML [element].
/// This value is set to null at the end of the frame.
PersistedSurface? get oldLayer => _oldLayer.value;
final FrameReference<PersistedSurface> _oldLayer;
/// The index of this surface in its parent's [PersistedContainerSurface._children]
/// list.
/// This index is used to detect whether any child nodes moved within a
/// container layer. The index is cached by the child to avoid a linear
/// look-up in the parent's child list.
/// This index is updated by [PersistedContainerSurface.update].
int _index = -1;
/// Controls the algorithm that reuses the DOM resources owned by this
/// surface.
PersistedSurfaceState get state => _state;
set state(PersistedSurfaceState newState) {
assert(newState != null);
assert(newState != _state,
'Attempted to set state that the surface is already in. This likely indicates a bug in the compositor.');
_state = newState;
PersistedSurfaceState _state = PersistedSurfaceState.created;
bool _debugValidateStateTransition(PersistedSurfaceState newState) {
if (newState == PersistedSurfaceState.created) {
assert(isReleased, 'Only released surfaces may be revived.');
} else {
'Released surfaces may only be revived, but caught attempt to set $newState.');
if (newState == {
isCreated || isPendingRetention || isPendingUpdate,
'Surface is $state. Only created, pending retention, and pending update surfaces may be activated.',
if (newState == PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention) {
'Surface is not active. Only active surfaces may be retained.');
if (newState == PersistedSurfaceState.pendingUpdate) {
'Surface is not active. Only active surfaces may be updated.');
if (newState == PersistedSurfaceState.released) {
assert(isActive || isPendingUpdate,
'A surface may only be released if it is currently active or pending update, but it is in $state.');
return true;
/// Attempts to retain this surface along with its descendants.
/// If the surface is currently active this surface is retained. If the
/// surface is released, it means that the surface's DOM resources have been
/// reused before the request to retain it came in. In this case, the surface
/// is [revive]d and rebuilt from scratch.
void tryRetain() {
this,, PersistedSurfaceState.released));
// Request that the layer is retained, but only if it's still active. It
// could have been released.
if (isActive) {
state = PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention;
} else {
// The surface is released. This means that by the time addRetained was
// called this surface's DOM elements have been reused for something else.
// In this case, we reset the surface back to "created" state.
/// Turns a previously released surface and all its descendants into a
/// [PersistedSurfaceState.created] one.
/// This is used to rebuild surfaces that were released before a request to
/// retain came in.
void revive() {
assert(debugAssertSurfaceState(this, PersistedSurfaceState.released));
state = PersistedSurfaceState.created;
/// The surface is in the [PersistedSurfaceState.created] state;
bool get isCreated => _state == PersistedSurfaceState.created;
/// The surface is in the [] state;
bool get isActive => _state ==;
/// The surface is in the [PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention] state;
bool get isPendingRetention =>
_state == PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention;
/// The surface is in the [PersistedSurfaceState.pendingUpdate] state;
bool get isPendingUpdate => _state == PersistedSurfaceState.pendingUpdate;
/// The surface is in the [PersistedSurfaceState.released] state;
bool get isReleased => _state == PersistedSurfaceState.released;
/// The root element that renders this surface to the DOM.
/// This element can be reused across frames. See also, [childContainer],
/// which is the element used to manage child nodes.
DomElement? rootElement;
/// Whether this surface can update an existing [oldSurface].
bool canUpdateAsMatch(PersistedSurface oldSurface) {
return oldSurface.isActive && runtimeType == oldSurface.runtimeType;
/// The element that contains child surface elements.
/// By default this is the same as the [rootElement]. However, specialized
/// surface implementations may choose to override this and provide a
/// different element for nesting children.
DomElement? get childContainer => rootElement;
/// This surface's immediate parent.
PersistedContainerSurface? parent;
/// Visits immediate children.
/// Does not recurse.
void visitChildren(PersistedSurfaceVisitor visitor);
/// Computes how expensive it would be to update an [existingSurface]'s DOM
/// resources using this surface's data.
/// The returned value is a score between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. 0.0 is the
/// perfect score, meaning that the update is free. 1.0 is the worst score,
/// indicating that the DOM resources cannot be reused, and if an update is
/// performed, will result in reallocation.
/// Values that fall strictly between 0.0 and 1.0 are used to communicate
/// the efficiency of updates, with lower scores having better efficiency
/// compared to higher scores. For example, when matching a picture with a
/// bitmap canvas the score is higher for a canvas that's bigger in size than
/// a smaller canvas that also fits the picture.
double matchForUpdate(covariant PersistedSurface? existingSurface);
/// Creates a new element and sets the necessary HTML and CSS attributes.
/// This is called when we failed to locate an existing DOM element to reuse,
/// such as on the very first frame.
void build() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
final DomElement? existingElement = rootElement;
if (existingElement != null) {
throw PersistedSurfaceException(
'Attempted to build a $runtimeType, but it already has an HTML '
'element ${existingElement.tagName}.',
assert(debugAssertSurfaceState(this, PersistedSurfaceState.created));
rootElement = createElement();
assert(rootElement != null);
if (debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
state =;
/// Instructs this surface to adopt HTML DOM elements of another surface.
/// This is done for efficiency. Instead of creating new DOM elements on every
/// frame, we reuse old ones as much as possible. This method should only be
/// called when [isTotalMatchFor] returns true for the [oldSurface]. Otherwise
/// adopting the [oldSurface]'s elements could lead to correctness issues.
void adoptElements(covariant PersistedSurface oldSurface) {
assert(oldSurface.rootElement != null);
assert(() {
if (oldSurface.isPendingUpdate) {
final PersistedContainerSurface self =
this as PersistedContainerSurface;
assert(identical(self.oldLayer, oldSurface));
return true;
rootElement = oldSurface.rootElement;
if (debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
// We took ownership of the old element.
oldSurface.rootElement = null;
// Make sure the old surface object is no longer usable.
oldSurface.state = PersistedSurfaceState.released;
/// Updates the attributes of this surface's element.
/// Attempts to reuse [oldSurface]'s DOM element, if possible. Otherwise,
/// creates a new element by calling [build].
void update(covariant PersistedSurface oldSurface) {
assert(oldSurface != null);
assert(!identical(oldSurface, this));
assert(debugAssertSurfaceState(this, PersistedSurfaceState.created));
if (assertionsEnabled) {
rootElement!.setAttribute('flt-layer-state', 'updated');
state =;
assert(rootElement != null);
/// Reuses a [PersistedSurface] rendered in the previous frame.
/// This is different from [update], which reuses another surface's elements,
/// i.e. it was not requested to be retained by the framework.
/// This is also different from [build], which constructs a brand new surface
/// sub-tree.
void retain() {
assert(rootElement != null);
if (isPendingRetention) {
// Adding to the list of retained surfaces so that at the end of the frame
// it is set to active state. We do not set the state to active
// immediately. Otherwise, another surface could match on it and steal
// this surface's DOM elements.
if (assertionsEnabled) {
rootElement!.setAttribute('flt-layer-state', 'retained');
if (debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
/// Removes the [element] of this surface from the tree and makes this
/// surface released.
/// This method may be overridden by concrete implementations, for example, to
/// recycle the resources owned by this surface.
void discard() {
assert(rootElement != null);
// TODO(yjbanov): it may be wasteful to recursively disassemble the DOM tree
// node by node. It should be sufficient to detach the root
// of the tree and let the browser handle the rest. Note,
// element.isConnected might be a poor choice to drive this
// decision because it is sensitive to the timing of when a
// scene's element is attached to the document. We might want
// to use a custom tracking mechanism, such as pass a boolean
// to `discard`, which would be `true` for the root, and
// `false` for children. Or, which might be cleaner, we could
// split this method into two methods. One method will detach
// the DOM, and the second method will disassociate the
// surface from the DOM and release it irrespective of
// whether the DOM itself gets detached or not.
rootElement = null;
state = PersistedSurfaceState.released;
void dispose() {}
void debugValidate(List<String> validationErrors) {
if (rootElement == null) {
validationErrors.add('${debugIdentify(this)} has null rootElement.');
if (!isActive) {
validationErrors.add('${debugIdentify(this)} is in the wrong state.\n'
'It is in the live DOM tree expectec to be in ${}.\n'
'However, it is currently in $state.');
/// Creates a DOM element for this surface.
DomElement createElement();
/// Creates a DOM element for this surface preconfigured with common
/// attributes, such as absolute positioning and debug information.
DomElement defaultCreateElement(String tagName) {
final DomElement element = createDomElement(tagName); = 'absolute';
if (assertionsEnabled) {
element.setAttribute('flt-layer-state', 'new');
return element;
/// Sets the HTML and CSS properties appropriate for this surface's
/// implementation.
/// For example, [PersistedTransform] sets the "transform" CSS attribute.
void apply();
/// The effective transform at this surface level.
/// This value is computed by concatenating transforms of all ancestor
/// transforms as well as this layer's transform (if any).
/// The value is update by [recomputeTransformAndClip].
Matrix4? transform;
/// The intersection at this surface level.
/// This value is the intersection of clips in the ancestor chain, including
/// the clip added by this layer (if any).
/// The value is update by [recomputeTransformAndClip].
ui.Rect? projectedClip;
/// Bounds of clipping performed by this layer.
ui.Rect? localClipBounds;
/// The inverse of the local transform that this surface applies to its children.
/// The default implementation is identity transform. Concrete
/// implementations may override this getter to supply a different transform.
Matrix4? get localTransformInverse => null;
/// Recomputes [transform] and [globalClip] fields.
/// The default implementation inherits the values from the parent. Concrete
/// surface implementations may override this with their custom transform and
/// clip behaviors.
/// This method is called by the [preroll] method.
void recomputeTransformAndClip() {
transform = parent!.transform;
localClipBounds = null;
projectedClip = null;
/// Performs computations before [build], [update], or [retain] are called.
/// The computations prepare data needed for efficient scene diffing. For
/// example, as part of a preroll we compute transforms and cull rects, which
/// are used to find the best matching canvases.
/// This method recursively walks the surface tree calling `preroll` on all
/// descendants.
void preroll(PrerollSurfaceContext prerollContext) {
/// Prints this surface into a [buffer] in a human-readable format.
void debugPrint(StringBuffer buffer, int indent) {
if (rootElement != null) {
buffer.write('${' ' * indent}<${rootElement!.tagName.toLowerCase()} ');
} else {
buffer.write('${' ' * indent}<$runtimeType recycled ');
debugPrintChildren(buffer, indent);
if (rootElement != null) {
.writeln('${' ' * indent}</${rootElement!.tagName.toLowerCase()}>');
} else {
buffer.writeln('${' ' * indent}</$runtimeType>');
void debugPrintAttributes(StringBuffer buffer) {
if (rootElement != null) {
buffer.write('@${rootElement!.hashCode} ');
void debugPrintChildren(StringBuffer buffer, int indent) {}
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
final StringBuffer log = StringBuffer();
debugPrint(log, 0);
return log.toString();
} else {
return super.toString();
/// A surface that doesn't have child surfaces.
abstract class PersistedLeafSurface extends PersistedSurface {
PersistedLeafSurface() : super(null);
void visitChildren(PersistedSurfaceVisitor visitor) {
// Does not have children.
/// A surface that has a flat list of child surfaces.
abstract class PersistedContainerSurface extends PersistedSurface {
/// Creates a container surface.
/// `oldLayer` points to the surface rendered in the previous frame that's
/// being updated by this layer.
PersistedContainerSurface(PersistedSurface? oldLayer) : super(oldLayer) {
assert(oldLayer == null || runtimeType == oldLayer.runtimeType);
final List<PersistedSurface> _children = <PersistedSurface>[];
void visitChildren(PersistedSurfaceVisitor visitor) {
/// Adds a child to this container.
void appendChild(PersistedSurface child) {
child.parent = this;
void preroll(PrerollSurfaceContext prerollContext) {
final int length = _children.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
void recomputeTransformAndClip() {
transform = parent!.transform;
localClipBounds = null;
projectedClip = null;
void build() {;
// Memoize length for efficiency.
final int len = _children.length;
// Memoize container element for efficiency. [childContainer] is polymorphic
final DomElement? containerElement = childContainer;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
final PersistedSurface child = _children[i];
if (child.isPendingRetention) {
assert(child.rootElement != null);
} else if (child is PersistedContainerSurface && child.oldLayer != null) {
final PersistedSurface oldLayer = child.oldLayer!;
assert(oldLayer.rootElement != null);
oldLayer, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingUpdate));
child.update(oldLayer as PersistedContainerSurface);
} else {
assert(debugAssertSurfaceState(child, PersistedSurfaceState.created));
assert(child.rootElement == null);;
child._index = i;
double matchForUpdate(PersistedContainerSurface? existingSurface) {
assert(existingSurface!.runtimeType == runtimeType);
// Intermediate container nodes don't have many resources worth comparing,
// so we always return 1.0 to signal that it doesn't matter which one to
// choose.
// TODO(yjbanov): while the container doesn't have own resources, imperfect
// matching can lead to unnecessary reparenting of DOM
// subtrees. One trick we could try is to look at children's
// oldLayer values and see if we can use those to match
// intermediate surfaces better.
return 1.0;
void update(PersistedContainerSurface oldSurface) {
assert(runtimeType == oldSurface.runtimeType);
assert(debugAssertSurfaceState(oldSurface, PersistedSurfaceState.released));
if (oldSurface._children.isEmpty) {
} else if (_children.length == 1) {
} else if (_children.isEmpty) {
} else {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
// Children should override if they are performing clipping.
// Used by BackdropFilter to locate it's ancestor clip element.
bool get isClipping => false;
void _debugValidateContainerUpdate(PersistedContainerSurface oldSurface) {
// At the end of this all children should have an element each, and it
// should be attached to this container's element.
assert(() {
for (int i = 0; i < oldSurface._children.length; i++) {
final PersistedSurface oldChild = oldSurface._children[i];
assert(!oldChild.isActive && !oldChild.isCreated,
'Old child is in incorrect state ${oldChild.state}');
if (oldChild.isReleased) {
assert(oldChild.rootElement == null);
assert(oldChild.childContainer == null);
return true;
void _debugValidateContainerNewState() {
assert(() {
for (int i = 0; i < _children.length; i++) {
final PersistedSurface newChild = _children[i];
assert(newChild._index == i);
assert(newChild.rootElement != null);
assert(newChild.rootElement!.parent == childContainer);
return true;
/// This is a fast path update for the case when an empty container is being
/// populated with children.
/// This method does not do any matching.
void _updateZeroToMany(PersistedContainerSurface oldSurface) {
// Memoizing variables for efficiency.
final DomElement? containerElement = childContainer;
final int length = _children.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final PersistedSurface newChild = _children[i];
if (newChild.isPendingRetention) {
newChild, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention));
} else if (newChild is PersistedContainerSurface &&
newChild.oldLayer != null) {
final PersistedContainerSurface oldLayer =
newChild.oldLayer! as PersistedContainerSurface;
oldLayer, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingUpdate));
debugAssertSurfaceState(oldLayer, PersistedSurfaceState.released));
} else {;
newChild._index = i;
assert(newChild.rootElement != null);
/// Called to release children that were not reused this frame.
static void _discardActiveChildren(PersistedContainerSurface surface) {
final int length = surface._children.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
final PersistedSurface child = surface._children[i];
// Only release active children that are currently active (i.e. they are
// not pending retention or update).
if (child.isActive) {
assert(!child.isCreated && !child.isActive);
/// This is a fast path update for the common case when there's only one child
/// active in this frame.
void _updateManyToOne(PersistedContainerSurface oldSurface) {
assert(_children.length == 1);
final PersistedSurface newChild = _children[0];
newChild._index = 0;
// Retained child is moved to the correct location in the tree; all others
// are released.
if (newChild.isPendingRetention) {
assert(newChild.rootElement != null);
// Move the HTML node if necessary.
if (newChild.rootElement!.parent != childContainer) {
newChild, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention));
// Updated child is moved to the correct location in the tree; all others
// are released.
if (newChild is PersistedContainerSurface && newChild.oldLayer != null) {
newChild.oldLayer!, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingUpdate));
assert(newChild.rootElement == null);
assert(newChild.oldLayer!.rootElement != null);
final PersistedContainerSurface oldLayer =
newChild.oldLayer! as PersistedContainerSurface;
// Move the HTML node if necessary.
if (oldLayer.rootElement!.parent != childContainer) {
assert(debugAssertSurfaceState(oldLayer, PersistedSurfaceState.released));
assert(debugAssertSurfaceState(newChild, PersistedSurfaceState.created));
PersistedSurface? bestMatch;
double bestScore = 2.0;
for (int i = 0; i < oldSurface._children.length; i++) {
final PersistedSurface candidate = oldSurface._children[i];
if (!newChild.canUpdateAsMatch(candidate)) {
final double score = newChild.matchForUpdate(candidate);
if (score < bestScore) {
bestMatch = candidate;
bestScore = score;
if (bestMatch != null) {
// Move the HTML node if necessary.
if (newChild.rootElement!.parent != childContainer) {
debugAssertSurfaceState(bestMatch, PersistedSurfaceState.released));
} else {;
// Child nodes that were not used this frame that are still active and not
// explicitly retained or updated are discarded.
for (int i = 0; i < oldSurface._children.length; i++) {
final PersistedSurface oldChild = oldSurface._children[i];
if (!identical(oldChild, bestMatch) && oldChild.isActive) {
assert(!oldChild.isCreated && !oldChild.isActive);
/// This is the general case when multiple children are matched against
/// multiple children.
void _updateManyToMany(PersistedContainerSurface oldSurface) {
assert(_children.isNotEmpty && oldSurface._children.isNotEmpty);
// Memoize container element for efficiency. [childContainer] is polymorphic
final DomElement? containerElement = childContainer;
final Map<PersistedSurface?, PersistedSurface> matches =
// This pair of lists maps from _children indices to oldSurface._children indices.
// These lists are initialized lazily, only when we discover that we will need to
// move nodes around. Otherwise, these lists remain null.
List<int>? indexMapNew;
List<int>? indexMapOld;
// Whether children need to move around the DOM. It is common for children
// to be updated/retained but never move. Knowing this allows us to bypass
// the expensive logic that figures out the minimal number of moves.
bool requiresDomInserts = false;
for (int topInNew = 0; topInNew < _children.length; topInNew += 1) {
final PersistedSurface newChild = _children[topInNew];
// The old child surface that `newChild` was updated or retained from.
PersistedSurface? matchedOldChild;
// Whether the child is getting a new parent. This happens in the
// following situations:
// - It's a new child and is being attached for the first time.
// - It's an existing child is being updated or retained and at the same
// time moved to another parent.
bool isReparenting = true;
if (newChild.isPendingRetention) {
isReparenting = newChild.rootElement!.parent != containerElement;
matchedOldChild = newChild;
newChild, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention));
} else if (newChild is PersistedContainerSurface &&
newChild.oldLayer != null) {
final PersistedContainerSurface oldLayer =
newChild.oldLayer! as PersistedContainerSurface;
isReparenting = oldLayer.rootElement!.parent != containerElement;
matchedOldChild = oldLayer;
oldLayer, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingUpdate));
debugAssertSurfaceState(oldLayer, PersistedSurfaceState.released));
} else {
matchedOldChild = matches[newChild];
if (matchedOldChild != null) {
isReparenting =
matchedOldChild.rootElement!.parent != containerElement;
matchedOldChild, PersistedSurfaceState.released));
} else {;
int indexInOld = -1;
if (matchedOldChild != null && !isReparenting) {
matchedOldChild._index != -1,
'Invalid index ${matchedOldChild._index} of child layer ${matchedOldChild.runtimeType}',
indexInOld = matchedOldChild._index;
// indexInOld != topInNew indicates that at least one child has moved and
// therefore we'll need to find the minimum moves necessary to update the
// child list.
if (!requiresDomInserts && indexInOld != topInNew) {
requiresDomInserts = true;
indexMapNew = <int>[];
indexMapOld = <int>[];
// Because up until this moment we haven't been populating the
// indexMapNew and indexMapOld, we backfill them with indices up until
// the current index.
for (int backfill = 0; backfill < topInNew; backfill++) {
if (requiresDomInserts && indexInOld != -1) {
newChild._index = topInNew;
assert(newChild.rootElement != null);
// Avoid calling `_insertChildDomNodes` unnecessarily. Only call it if we
// actually need to move DOM nodes around.
if (requiresDomInserts) {
assert(indexMapNew!.length == indexMapOld!.length);
_insertChildDomNodes(indexMapNew, indexMapOld!);
} else {
// The fast path, where nothing needs to move, should not intialize the
// mapping lists at all.
assert(indexMapNew == null);
assert(indexMapOld == null);
// Remove elements that were not reused this frame.
/// Performs the minimum number of DOM moves necessary to put all children in
/// the right place in the DOM.
void _insertChildDomNodes(List<int>? indexMapNew, List<int> indexMapOld) {
final List<int?> stationaryIndices =
// Convert to stationary new indices
for (int i = 0; i < stationaryIndices.length; i++) {
stationaryIndices[i] = indexMapNew![stationaryIndices[i]!];
DomHTMLElement? refNode;
final DomElement? containerElement = childContainer;
for (int i = _children.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
final int indexInNew = indexMapNew!.indexOf(i);
final bool isStationary =
indexInNew != -1 && stationaryIndices.contains(i);
final PersistedSurface child = _children[i];
final DomHTMLElement childElement =
child.rootElement! as DomHTMLElement;
assert(childElement != null);
if (!isStationary) {
if (refNode == null) {
} else {
containerElement!.insertBefore(childElement, refNode);
refNode = childElement;
assert(child.rootElement!.parent == childContainer);
Map<PersistedSurface?, PersistedSurface> _matchChildren(
PersistedContainerSurface oldSurface) {
final int newUnfilteredChildCount = _children.length;
final int oldUnfilteredChildCount = oldSurface._children.length;
// Extract new nodes that need to be matched.
final List<PersistedSurface> newChildren = <PersistedSurface>[];
for (int i = 0; i < newUnfilteredChildCount; i++) {
final PersistedSurface child = _children[i];
// If child has an old layer, it means it's scheduled for an explicit
// update, and therefore there's no need to try to match it.
if (child.isCreated && child.oldLayer == null) {
// Extract old nodes that can be matched against.
final List<PersistedSurface?> oldChildren = <PersistedSurface?>[];
for (int i = 0; i < oldUnfilteredChildCount; i++) {
final PersistedSurface child = oldSurface._children[i];
if (child.isActive) {
final int newChildCount = newChildren.length;
final int oldChildCount = oldChildren.length;
if (newChildCount == 0 || oldChildCount == 0) {
// Nothing to match.
return const <PersistedSurface, PersistedSurface>{};
final List<_PersistedSurfaceMatch> allMatches = <_PersistedSurfaceMatch>[];
// This is worst-case O(N*M) but it only happens when:
// - most of the children are newly created (N)
// - the old container is not empty (M)
// The choice here is between recreating all DOM nodes from scratch, or try
// finding matches and reusing their elements.
for (int indexInNew = 0; indexInNew < newChildCount; indexInNew += 1) {
final PersistedSurface newChild = newChildren[indexInNew];
for (int indexInOld = 0; indexInOld < oldChildCount; indexInOld += 1) {
final PersistedSurface? oldChild = oldChildren[indexInOld];
final bool childAlreadyClaimed = oldChild == null;
if (childAlreadyClaimed || !newChild.canUpdateAsMatch(oldChild)) {
matchQuality: newChild.matchForUpdate(oldChild),
newChild: newChild,
oldChildIndex: indexInOld,
allMatches.sort((_PersistedSurfaceMatch m1, _PersistedSurfaceMatch m2) {
return m1.matchQuality!.compareTo(m2.matchQuality!);
final Map<PersistedSurface?, PersistedSurface> result =
<PersistedSurface?, PersistedSurface>{};
for (int i = 0; i < allMatches.length; i += 1) {
final _PersistedSurfaceMatch match = allMatches[i];
// This may be null if it has been claimed.
final PersistedSurface? matchedChild = oldChildren[match.oldChildIndex!];
// Whether the new child hasn't found a match yet.
final bool newChildNeedsMatch = result[match.newChild] == null;
if (matchedChild != null && newChildNeedsMatch) {
oldChildren[match.oldChildIndex!] = null;
result[match.newChild] = matchedChild; // claim it
assert(result.length == Set<PersistedSurface>.from(result.values).length);
return result;
void retain() {
final int len = _children.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
void revive() {
final int len = _children.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
void discard() {
void debugValidate(List<String> validationErrors) {
for (int i = 0; i < _children.length; i++) {
final PersistedSurface child = _children[i];
if (child.parent != this) {
'${debugIdentify(child)} parent is ${debugIdentify(child.parent)} but expected the parent to be ${debugIdentify(this)}');
for (int i = 0; i < _children.length; i++) {
void debugPrintChildren(StringBuffer buffer, int indent) {
super.debugPrintChildren(buffer, indent);
for (int i = 0; i < _children.length; i++) {
_children[i].debugPrint(buffer, indent + 1);
/// A custom class used by [PersistedContainerSurface._matchChildren].
class _PersistedSurfaceMatch {
/// The child in the new scene who we are trying to match to an existing
/// child.
final PersistedSurface? newChild;
/// The index pointing at the old child that matched [newChild] in the old
/// child list.
/// The indirection is intentional because when matches are traversed old
/// children are claimed and nulled out in the array.
final int? oldChildIndex;
/// The score of how well [newChild] matched the old child as computed by
/// [PersistedSurface.matchForUpdate].
final double? matchQuality;
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return '_PersistedSurfaceMatch(${newChild!.runtimeType}#${newChild!.hashCode}: $oldChildIndex, quality: $matchQuality)';
} else {
return super.toString();
/// Data used during preroll to pass rendering hints efficiently to children
/// by optimizing (prevent parent lookups) and in cases like svg filters
/// drive the decision on whether canvas elements can be used to render.
class PrerollSurfaceContext {
/// Number of active color filters in parent surfaces.
int activeColorFilterCount = 0;
/// Number of active shader masks in parent surfaces.
int activeShaderMaskCount = 0;