blob: 66ad2cf1826a8bd669a939e44b6e92649b60dd2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/texture_vk.h"
namespace impeller {
TextureVK::TextureVK(TextureDescriptor desc,
ContextVK* context,
std::unique_ptr<TextureInfoVK> texture_info)
: Texture(desc),
texture_info_(std::move(texture_info)) {}
TextureVK::~TextureVK() {
if (!IsWrapped() && IsValid()) {
const auto& texture = texture_info_->allocated_texture;
vmaDestroyImage(*texture.allocator, texture.image, texture.allocation);
void TextureVK::SetLabel(std::string_view label) {
context_->SetDebugName(GetImage(), label);
bool TextureVK::OnSetContents(const uint8_t* contents,
size_t length,
size_t slice) {
if (IsWrapped()) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot set contents of a wrapped texture";
return false;
if (!IsValid() || !contents) {
return false;
const auto& desc = GetTextureDescriptor();
// Out of bounds access.
if (length != desc.GetByteSizeOfBaseMipLevel()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "illegal to set contents for invalid size";
return false;
// currently we are only supporting 2d textures, no cube textures etc.
auto mapping = texture_info_->allocated_texture.allocation_info.pMappedData;
memcpy(mapping, contents, length);
return true;
bool TextureVK::OnSetContents(std::shared_ptr<const fml::Mapping> mapping,
size_t slice) {
// Vulkan has no threading restrictions. So we can pass this data along to the
// client rendering API immediately.
return OnSetContents(mapping->GetMapping(), mapping->GetSize(), slice);
bool TextureVK::IsValid() const {
switch (texture_info_->backing_type) {
case TextureBackingTypeVK::kUnknownType:
return false;
case TextureBackingTypeVK::kAllocatedTexture:
return texture_info_->allocated_texture.image;
case TextureBackingTypeVK::kWrappedTexture:
return texture_info_->wrapped_texture.swapchain_image;
ISize TextureVK::GetSize() const {
return GetTextureDescriptor().size;
TextureInfoVK* TextureVK::GetTextureInfo() const {
return texture_info_.get();
bool TextureVK::IsWrapped() const {
return texture_info_->backing_type == TextureBackingTypeVK::kWrappedTexture;
vk::Image TextureVK::GetImage() const {
switch (texture_info_->backing_type) {
case TextureBackingTypeVK::kUnknownType:
FML_CHECK(false) << "Unknown texture backing type";
case TextureBackingTypeVK::kAllocatedTexture:
return texture_info_->allocated_texture.image;
case TextureBackingTypeVK::kWrappedTexture:
return texture_info_->wrapped_texture.swapchain_image->GetImage();
} // namespace impeller