blob: 1ec8c9d9141734d95b87c3d5b6ff1d2b52a36043 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/render_target.h"
#include "impeller/base/strings.h"
#include "impeller/base/validation.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/allocator.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/context.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/texture.h"
namespace impeller {
RenderTarget::RenderTarget() = default;
RenderTarget::~RenderTarget() = default;
bool RenderTarget::IsValid() const {
// Validate that there is a color attachment at zero index.
if (!HasColorAttachment(0u)) {
<< "Render target does not have color attachment at index 0.";
return false;
// Validate that all attachments are of the same size.
std::optional<ISize> size;
bool sizes_are_same = true;
auto iterator = [&](const Attachment& attachment) -> bool {
if (!size.has_value()) {
size = attachment.texture->GetSize();
if (size != attachment.texture->GetSize()) {
sizes_are_same = false;
return false;
return true;
if (!sizes_are_same) {
<< "Sizes of all render target attachments are not the same.";
return false;
// Validate that all attachments are of the same type and sample counts.
std::optional<TextureType> texture_type;
std::optional<SampleCount> sample_count;
bool passes_type_validation = true;
auto iterator = [&](const Attachment& attachment) -> bool {
if (!texture_type.has_value() || !sample_count.has_value()) {
texture_type = attachment.texture->GetTextureDescriptor().type;
sample_count = attachment.texture->GetTextureDescriptor().sample_count;
if (texture_type != attachment.texture->GetTextureDescriptor().type) {
passes_type_validation = false;
return false;
if (sample_count !=
attachment.texture->GetTextureDescriptor().sample_count) {
passes_type_validation = false;
return false;
return true;
if (!passes_type_validation) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Render target texture types are not of the same type "
"and sample count.";
return false;
return true;
void RenderTarget::IterateAllAttachments(
std::function<bool(const Attachment& attachment)> iterator) const {
for (const auto& color : colors_) {
if (!iterator(color.second)) {
if (depth_.has_value()) {
if (!iterator(depth_.value())) {
if (stencil_.has_value()) {
if (!iterator(stencil_.value())) {
SampleCount RenderTarget::GetSampleCount() const {
if (auto found = colors_.find(0u); found != colors_.end()) {
return found->second.texture->GetTextureDescriptor().sample_count;
return SampleCount::kCount1;
bool RenderTarget::HasColorAttachment(size_t index) const {
if (auto found = colors_.find(index); found != colors_.end()) {
return true;
return false;
std::optional<ISize> RenderTarget::GetColorAttachmentSize(size_t index) const {
auto found = colors_.find(index);
if (found == colors_.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
return found->second.texture->GetSize();
ISize RenderTarget::GetRenderTargetSize() const {
auto size = GetColorAttachmentSize(0u);
return size.has_value() ? size.value() : ISize{};
std::shared_ptr<Texture> RenderTarget::GetRenderTargetTexture() const {
auto found = colors_.find(0u);
if (found == colors_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return found->second.texture;
RenderTarget& RenderTarget::SetColorAttachment(ColorAttachment attachment,
size_t index) {
if (attachment) {
colors_[index] = attachment;
return *this;
RenderTarget& RenderTarget::SetDepthAttachment(DepthAttachment attachment) {
if (attachment) {
depth_ = std::move(attachment);
return *this;
RenderTarget& RenderTarget::SetStencilAttachment(StencilAttachment attachment) {
if (attachment) {
stencil_ = std::move(attachment);
return *this;
const std::map<size_t, ColorAttachment>& RenderTarget::GetColorAttachments()
const {
return colors_;
const std::optional<DepthAttachment>& RenderTarget::GetDepthAttachment() const {
return depth_;
const std::optional<StencilAttachment>& RenderTarget::GetStencilAttachment()
const {
return stencil_;
RenderTarget RenderTarget::CreateOffscreen(const Context& context,
ISize size,
std::string label,
StorageMode color_storage_mode,
LoadAction color_load_action,
StoreAction color_store_action,
StorageMode stencil_storage_mode,
LoadAction stencil_load_action,
StoreAction stencil_store_action) {
if (size.IsEmpty()) {
return {};
TextureDescriptor color_tex0;
color_tex0.format = PixelFormat::kDefaultColor;
color_tex0.size = size;
color_tex0.usage = static_cast<uint64_t>(TextureUsage::kRenderTarget) |
TextureDescriptor stencil_tex0;
stencil_tex0.format = PixelFormat::kDefaultStencil;
stencil_tex0.size = size;
stencil_tex0.usage =
ColorAttachment color0;
color0.clear_color = Color::BlackTransparent();
color0.load_action = color_load_action;
color0.store_action = color_store_action;
color0.texture = context.GetResourceAllocator()->CreateTexture(
color_storage_mode, color_tex0);
if (!color0.texture) {
return {};
color0.texture->SetLabel(SPrintF("%sColorTexture", label.c_str()));
StencilAttachment stencil0;
stencil0.load_action = stencil_load_action;
stencil0.store_action = stencil_store_action;
stencil0.clear_stencil = 0u;
stencil0.texture = context.GetResourceAllocator()->CreateTexture(
stencil_storage_mode, stencil_tex0);
if (!stencil0.texture) {
return {};
stencil0.texture->SetLabel(SPrintF("%sStencilTexture", label.c_str()));
RenderTarget target;
target.SetColorAttachment(std::move(color0), 0u);
return target;
} // namespace impeller