blob: 9fa98d64f0ba7abec36b9dfcb7dae392a99cfd02 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import 'common.dart';
const MethodCodec codec = StandardMethodCodec();
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
void testMain() {
group('$SurfaceFactory', () {
test('cannot be created with size less than 1', () {
expect(SurfaceFactory(-1).maximumSurfaces, 1);
expect(SurfaceFactory(0).maximumSurfaces, 1);
expect(SurfaceFactory(1).maximumSurfaces, 1);
expect(SurfaceFactory(2).maximumSurfaces, 2);
test('getOverlay', () {
final SurfaceFactory factory = SurfaceFactory(3);
expect(factory.baseSurface, isNotNull);
expect(factory.debugSurfaceCount, equals(1));
// Get a surface from the factory, it should be unique.
final Surface? newSurface = factory.getOverlay();
expect(newSurface, isNot(equals(factory.baseSurface)));
expect(factory.debugSurfaceCount, equals(2));
// Get another surface from the factory. Now we are at maximum capacity.
final Surface? anotherSurface = factory.getOverlay();
expect(anotherSurface, isNot(equals(factory.baseSurface)));
expect(factory.debugSurfaceCount, equals(3));
test('releaseSurface', () {
final SurfaceFactory factory = SurfaceFactory(3);
// Create a new surface and immediately release it.
final Surface? surface = factory.getOverlay();
// If we create a new surface, it should be the same as the one we
// just created.
final Surface? newSurface = factory.getOverlay();
expect(newSurface, equals(surface));
test('isLive', () {
final SurfaceFactory factory = SurfaceFactory(3);
expect(factory.isLive(factory.baseSurface), isTrue);
final Surface? surface = factory.getOverlay();
expect(factory.isLive(surface!), isTrue);
expect(factory.isLive(surface), isFalse);
test('hot restart', () {
void expectDisposed(Surface surface) {
expect(surface.htmlCanvas!.isConnected, isFalse);
final SurfaceFactory originalFactory = SurfaceFactory.instance;
expect(SurfaceFactory.debugUninitializedInstance, isNotNull);
// Cause the surface and its canvas to be attached to the page
originalFactory.baseSurface.acquireFrame(const ui.Size(10, 10));
expect(originalFactory.baseSurface.htmlCanvas!.isConnected, isTrue);
// Create a few overlay surfaces
final List<Surface> overlays = <Surface>[];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
..acquireFrame(const ui.Size(10, 10))
expect(originalFactory.debugSurfaceCount, 4);
// Trigger hot restart clean-up logic and check that we indeed clean up.
expect(SurfaceFactory.debugUninitializedInstance, isNull);
expect(originalFactory.debugSurfaceCount, 1);