blob: ff3d00d0e6fb12bea915335a4273fbf652528381 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/public/flutter_windows.h"
#include <thread>
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/testing/windows_test.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/testing/windows_test_config_builder.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/testing/windows_test_context.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
TEST(WindowsNoFixtureTest, GetTextureRegistrar) {
FlutterDesktopEngineProperties properties = {};
properties.assets_path = L"";
properties.icu_data_path = L"icudtl.dat";
auto engine = FlutterDesktopEngineCreate(&properties);
ASSERT_NE(engine, nullptr);
auto texture_registrar = FlutterDesktopEngineGetTextureRegistrar(engine);
EXPECT_NE(texture_registrar, nullptr);
TEST_F(WindowsTest, LaunchMain) {
auto& context = GetContext();
WindowsConfigBuilder builder(context);
ViewControllerPtr controller{builder.Run()};
ASSERT_NE(controller, nullptr);
// Run for 1 second, then shut down.
// TODO(cbracken): Support registring a native function we can use to
// determine that execution has made it to a specific point in the Dart
// code.
TEST_F(WindowsTest, LaunchCustomEntrypoint) {
auto& context = GetContext();
WindowsConfigBuilder builder(context);
ViewControllerPtr controller{builder.Run()};
ASSERT_NE(controller, nullptr);
// Run for 1 second, then shut down.
// TODO(cbracken): Support registring a native function we can use to
// determine that execution has made it to a specific point in the Dart
// code.
// Verify that engine launches with the custom entrypoint specified in the
// FlutterDesktopEngineRun parameter when no entrypoint is specified in
// FlutterDesktopEngineProperties.dart_entrypoint.
// TODO(cbracken):
TEST_F(WindowsTest, LaunchCustomEntrypointInEngineRunInvocation) {
auto& context = GetContext();
WindowsConfigBuilder builder(context);
EnginePtr engine{builder.InitializeEngine()};
ASSERT_NE(engine, nullptr);
ASSERT_TRUE(FlutterDesktopEngineRun(engine.get(), "customEntrypoint"));
// Run for 1 second, then shut down.
// TODO(cbracken): Support registring a native function we can use to
// determine that execution has made it to a specific point in the Dart
// code.
// Verify that engine fails to launch when a conflicting entrypoint in
// FlutterDesktopEngineProperties.dart_entrypoint and the
// FlutterDesktopEngineRun parameter.
// TODO(cbracken):
TEST_F(WindowsTest, LaunchConflictingCustomEntrypoints) {
auto& context = GetContext();
WindowsConfigBuilder builder(context);
EnginePtr engine{builder.InitializeEngine()};
ASSERT_NE(engine, nullptr);
ASSERT_FALSE(FlutterDesktopEngineRun(engine.get(), "conflictingEntrypoint"));
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter