blob: 1e7efe0f1f8833bcb8f9f8a465382f89c12420d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/compiler/compiler_test.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace impeller {
namespace compiler {
namespace testing {
static fml::UniqueFD CreateIntermediatesDirectory() {
auto test_name = flutter::testing::GetCurrentTestName();
std::replace(test_name.begin(), test_name.end(), '/', '_');
std::replace(test_name.begin(), test_name.end(), '.', '_');
return fml::OpenDirectory(flutter::testing::OpenFixturesDirectory(),
true, // create if necessary
: intermediates_directory_(CreateIntermediatesDirectory()) {
CompilerTest::~CompilerTest() = default;
static std::string ReflectionHeaderName(const char* fixture_name) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << fixture_name << ".h";
return stream.str();
static std::string ReflectionCCName(const char* fixture_name) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << fixture_name << ".cc";
return stream.str();
static std::string ReflectionJSONName(const char* fixture_name) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << fixture_name << ".json";
return stream.str();
static std::string SPIRVFileName(const char* fixture_name) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << fixture_name << ".spv";
return stream.str();
static std::string SLFileName(const char* fixture_name,
TargetPlatform platform) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << fixture_name << "." << TargetPlatformSLExtension(platform);
return stream.str();
static std::string DepfileName(const char* fixture_name) {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << fixture_name << ".d";
return stream.str();
bool CompilerTest::ValidateDepfileEscaped(const char* fixture_name) const {
auto depfile_name = DepfileName(fixture_name);
auto mapping = std::make_unique<fml::FileMapping>(
fml::OpenFile(intermediates_directory_, depfile_name.c_str(), false,
std::string contents(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(mapping->GetMapping()),
bool escaped = false;
for (auto it = contents.begin(); it != contents.end(); it++) {
if (*it == '\\') {
escaped = true;
} else if (*it == '%' || *it == '#') {
if (!escaped) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Unescaped character " << *it << " in depfile.";
return false;
escaped = false;
} else {
escaped = false;
return true;
std::unique_ptr<fml::FileMapping> CompilerTest::GetReflectionJson(
const char* fixture_name) const {
auto filename = ReflectionJSONName(fixture_name);
auto fd = fml::OpenFileReadOnly(intermediates_directory_, filename.c_str());
return fml::FileMapping::CreateReadOnly(fd);
bool CompilerTest::CanCompileAndReflect(const char* fixture_name,
SourceType source_type) const {
auto fixture = flutter::testing::OpenFixtureAsMapping(fixture_name);
if (!fixture->GetMapping()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not find shader in fixtures: " << fixture_name;
return false;
SourceOptions source_options(fixture_name, source_type);
source_options.target_platform = GetParam();
source_options.working_directory = std::make_shared<fml::UniqueFD>(
source_options.entry_point_name = EntryPointFunctionNameFromSourceName(
fixture_name, SourceTypeFromFileName(fixture_name));
Reflector::Options reflector_options;
reflector_options.header_file_name = ReflectionHeaderName(fixture_name);
reflector_options.shader_name = "shader_name";
Compiler compiler(*fixture.get(), source_options, reflector_options);
if (!compiler.IsValid()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Compilation failed: " << compiler.GetErrorMessages();
return false;
auto spirv_assembly = compiler.GetSPIRVAssembly();
if (!spirv_assembly) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "No spirv was generated.";
return false;
if (!fml::WriteAtomically(intermediates_directory_,
*spirv_assembly)) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not write SPIRV intermediates.";
return false;
if (TargetPlatformNeedsSL(GetParam())) {
auto sl_source = compiler.GetSLShaderSource();
if (!sl_source) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "No SL source was generated.";
return false;
if (!fml::WriteAtomically(intermediates_directory_,
SLFileName(fixture_name, GetParam()).c_str(),
*sl_source)) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not write SL intermediates.";
return false;
if (TargetPlatformNeedsReflection(GetParam())) {
auto reflector = compiler.GetReflector();
if (!reflector) {
<< "No reflector was found for target platform SL compiler.";
return false;
auto reflection_json = reflector->GetReflectionJSON();
auto reflection_header = reflector->GetReflectionHeader();
auto reflection_source = reflector->GetReflectionCC();
if (!reflection_json) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Reflection JSON was not found.";
return false;
if (!reflection_header) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Reflection header was not found.";
return false;
if (!reflection_source) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Reflection source was not found.";
return false;
if (!fml::WriteAtomically(intermediates_directory_,
*reflection_header)) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not write reflection header intermediates.";
return false;
if (!fml::WriteAtomically(intermediates_directory_,
*reflection_source)) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not write reflection CC intermediates.";
return false;
if (!fml::WriteAtomically(intermediates_directory_,
*reflection_json)) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not write reflection json intermediates.";
return false;
auto mapping = compiler.CreateDepfileContents({fixture_name});
if (!fml::WriteAtomically(intermediates_directory_,
DepfileName(fixture_name).c_str(), *mapping)) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not write depfile.";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace impeller