blob: 7a3f908bfabe10ebbe69e6b258802783375c0cfd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' show stdout;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:async_helper/async_minitest.dart' as m;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart' as e;
/// The state that each [Test] may be in.
enum TestState {
/// Initial state of a [Test] after it has been allocated.
/// State of a [Test] when it is on the queue of a [TestSuite].
/// State of a [Test] when it has been started.
/// State of a [Test] when it has succeeded.
/// State of a [Test] when it has failed.
/// A test that a [TestSuite] can enqueue to run.
class Test {
/// Creates a [Test] with the given name, body, logger, and lifecycle.
this.body, {
StringSink? logger,
TestLifecycle? lifecycle,
}) :
_logger = logger ?? stdout,
_lifecycle = lifecycle ?? _DefaultTestLifecycle(name);
/// The name of the test.
final String name;
/// The body of the test.
final dynamic Function() body;
/// The logger that records information about the test.
final StringSink _logger;
/// The state that the test is in.
TestState state = TestState.allocated;
final TestLifecycle _lifecycle;
/// Runs the test.
/// Also signals the test's progress to the [TestLifecycle] object
/// that was provided when the [Test] was constructed, which will eventually
/// call the provided [onDone] callback.
void run({
void Function()? onDone,
}) {
m.test(name, () async {
await Future<void>(() async {
state = TestState.started;
_logger.writeln('Test "$name": Started');
try {
await body();
state = TestState.succeeded;
_logger.writeln('Test "$name": Passed');
} on e.ExpectException catch (e, st) {
state = TestState.failed;
_logger.writeln('Test "$name": Failed\n$e\n$st');
} finally {
_lifecycle.onDone(cleanup: onDone);
/// Callbacks for the lifecycle of a test.
abstract class TestLifecycle {
/// Called after a test has started.
void onStart();
/// Called when a test is finished.
/// The callback should ensure that the [cleanup] function should run
/// eventually if provided.
void onDone({void Function()? cleanup});
class _DefaultTestLifecycle implements TestLifecycle {
_DefaultTestLifecycle(String name) : _port = ReceivePort(name);
final ReceivePort _port;
void Function()? _cleanup;
void onStart() {
_port.listen((dynamic msg) {
if (_cleanup != null) {
void onDone({void Function()? cleanup}) {
_cleanup = cleanup;