blob: 9eb0ad0de2b2a2211c6d92b58015593be0200fea [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_blend_mode.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_color.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_color_filter.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_color_source.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_image_filter.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_mask_filter.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_path_effect.h"
namespace flutter {
enum class DlDrawStyle {
kFill, //!< fills interior of shapes
kStroke, //!< strokes boundary of shapes
kStrokeAndFill, //!< both strokes and fills shapes
kLastStyle = kStrokeAndFill,
kDefaultStyle = kFill,
inline DlDrawStyle ToDl(SkPaint::Style style) {
return static_cast<DlDrawStyle>(style);
inline SkPaint::Style ToSk(DlDrawStyle style) {
return static_cast<SkPaint::Style>(style);
enum class DlStrokeCap {
kButt, //!< no stroke extension
kRound, //!< adds circle
kSquare, //!< adds square
kLastCap = kSquare,
kDefaultCap = kButt,
inline DlStrokeCap ToDl(SkPaint::Cap cap) {
return static_cast<DlStrokeCap>(cap);
inline SkPaint::Cap ToSk(DlStrokeCap cap) {
return static_cast<SkPaint::Cap>(cap);
enum class DlStrokeJoin {
kMiter, //!< extends to miter limit
kRound, //!< adds circle
kBevel, //!< connects outside edges
kLastJoin = kBevel,
kDefaultJoin = kMiter,
inline DlStrokeJoin ToDl(SkPaint::Join join) {
return static_cast<DlStrokeJoin>(join);
inline SkPaint::Join ToSk(DlStrokeJoin join) {
return static_cast<SkPaint::Join>(join);
class DlPaint {
static constexpr DlColor kDefaultColor = DlColor::kBlack();
static constexpr float kDefaultWidth = 0.0;
static constexpr float kDefaultMiter = 4.0;
bool isAntiAlias() const { return isAntiAlias_; }
DlPaint& setAntiAlias(bool isAntiAlias) {
isAntiAlias_ = isAntiAlias;
return *this;
bool isDither() const { return isDither_; }
DlPaint& setDither(bool isDither) {
isDither_ = isDither;
return *this;
bool isInvertColors() const { return isInvertColors_; }
DlPaint& setInvertColors(bool isInvertColors) {
isInvertColors_ = isInvertColors;
return *this;
DlColor getColor() const { return color_; }
DlPaint& setColor(DlColor color) {
color_ = color;
return *this;
uint8_t getAlpha() const { return color_.argb >> 24; }
DlPaint& setAlpha(uint8_t alpha) {
color_.argb = alpha << 24 | (color_.argb & 0x00FFFFFF);
return *this;
DlPaint& setOpacity(SkScalar opacity) {
setAlpha(SkScalarRoundToInt(opacity * 0xff));
return *this;
DlBlendMode getBlendMode() const {
return static_cast<DlBlendMode>(blendMode_);
DlPaint& setBlendMode(DlBlendMode mode) {
blendMode_ = static_cast<unsigned>(mode);
return *this;
DlDrawStyle getDrawStyle() const {
return static_cast<DlDrawStyle>(drawStyle_);
DlPaint& setDrawStyle(DlDrawStyle style) {
drawStyle_ = static_cast<unsigned>(style);
return *this;
DlStrokeCap getStrokeCap() const {
return static_cast<DlStrokeCap>(strokeCap_);
DlPaint& setStrokeCap(DlStrokeCap cap) {
strokeCap_ = static_cast<unsigned>(cap);
return *this;
DlStrokeJoin getStrokeJoin() const {
return static_cast<DlStrokeJoin>(strokeJoin_);
DlPaint& setStrokeJoin(DlStrokeJoin join) {
strokeJoin_ = static_cast<unsigned>(join);
return *this;
float getStrokeWidth() const { return strokeWidth_; }
DlPaint& setStrokeWidth(float width) {
strokeWidth_ = width;
return *this;
float getStrokeMiter() const { return strokeMiter_; }
DlPaint& setStrokeMiter(float miter) {
strokeMiter_ = miter;
return *this;
std::shared_ptr<const DlColorSource> getColorSource() const {
return colorSource_;
const DlColorSource* getColorSourcePtr() const { return colorSource_.get(); }
DlPaint& setColorSource(std::shared_ptr<const DlColorSource> source) {
colorSource_ = source;
return *this;
DlPaint& setColorSource(const DlColorSource* source) {
colorSource_ = source ? source->shared() : nullptr;
return *this;
std::shared_ptr<const DlColorFilter> getColorFilter() const {
return colorFilter_;
const DlColorFilter* getColorFilterPtr() const { return colorFilter_.get(); }
DlPaint& setColorFilter(const std::shared_ptr<const DlColorFilter> filter) {
colorFilter_ = filter ? filter->shared() : nullptr;
return *this;
DlPaint& setColorFilter(const DlColorFilter* filter) {
colorFilter_ = filter ? filter->shared() : nullptr;
return *this;
std::shared_ptr<const DlImageFilter> getImageFilter() const {
return imageFilter_;
const DlImageFilter* getImageFilterPtr() const { return imageFilter_.get(); }
DlPaint& setImageFilter(const std::shared_ptr<const DlImageFilter> filter) {
imageFilter_ = filter;
return *this;
DlPaint& setImageFilter(const DlImageFilter* filter) {
imageFilter_ = filter ? filter->shared() : nullptr;
return *this;
std::shared_ptr<const DlMaskFilter> getMaskFilter() const {
return maskFilter_;
const DlMaskFilter* getMaskFilterPtr() const { return maskFilter_.get(); }
DlPaint& setMaskFilter(std::shared_ptr<DlMaskFilter> filter) {
maskFilter_ = filter;
return *this;
DlPaint& setMaskFilter(const DlMaskFilter* filter) {
maskFilter_ = filter ? filter->shared() : nullptr;
return *this;
std::shared_ptr<const DlPathEffect> getPathEffect() const {
return pathEffect_;
const DlPathEffect* getPathEffectPtr() const { return pathEffect_.get(); }
DlPaint& setPathEffect(std::shared_ptr<DlPathEffect> pathEffect) {
pathEffect_ = pathEffect;
return *this;
bool operator==(DlPaint const& other) const;
bool operator!=(DlPaint const& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
#define ASSERT_ENUM_FITS(last_enum, num_bits) \
static_assert(static_cast<int>(last_enum) < (1 << num_bits) && \
static_cast<int>(last_enum) * 2 >= (1 << num_bits))
static constexpr int kBlendModeBits = 5;
static constexpr int kDrawStyleBits = 2;
static constexpr int kStrokeCapBits = 2;
static constexpr int kStrokeJoinBits = 2;
ASSERT_ENUM_FITS(DlBlendMode::kLastMode, kBlendModeBits);
ASSERT_ENUM_FITS(DlDrawStyle::kLastStyle, kDrawStyleBits);
ASSERT_ENUM_FITS(DlStrokeCap::kLastCap, kStrokeCapBits);
ASSERT_ENUM_FITS(DlStrokeJoin::kLastJoin, kStrokeJoinBits);
union {
struct {
unsigned blendMode_ : kBlendModeBits;
unsigned drawStyle_ : kDrawStyleBits;
unsigned strokeCap_ : kStrokeCapBits;
unsigned strokeJoin_ : kStrokeJoinBits;
unsigned isAntiAlias_ : 1;
unsigned isDither_ : 1;
unsigned isInvertColors_ : 1;
DlColor color_;
float strokeWidth_;
float strokeMiter_;
std::shared_ptr<const DlColorSource> colorSource_;
std::shared_ptr<const DlColorFilter> colorFilter_;
std::shared_ptr<const DlImageFilter> imageFilter_;
std::shared_ptr<const DlMaskFilter> maskFilter_;
std::shared_ptr<const DlPathEffect> pathEffect_;
// missing (as compared to SkPaint):
// DlBlender - not planning on using that object in a pure DisplayList world
} // namespace flutter