blob: 2b2e477a4c41e115f6299cd0ae542174e03c9857 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.ui;
/// A composable [SceneNode].
class SceneNode extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 {
SceneNode._create() {
String? _debugName;
/// Creates a scene node from the asset with key [assetKey].
/// The asset must be a file produced as the output of the `scenec` importer.
/// The constructed object should then be reused via the [shader]
/// method to create [Shader] objects that can be used by [Shader.paint].
static Future<SceneNode> fromAsset(String assetKey) {
// The flutter tool converts all asset keys with spaces into URI
// encoded paths (replacing ' ' with '%20', for example). We perform
// the same encoding here so that users can load assets with the same
// key they have written in the pubspec.
final String encodedKey = Uri(path: Uri.encodeFull(assetKey)).path;
final SceneNode? sceneNode = _ipsceneRegistry[encodedKey]?.target;
if (sceneNode != null) {
return Future<SceneNode>.value(sceneNode);
final SceneNode sceneNode = SceneNode._create();
return _futurize((_Callback<void> callback) {
final String error = sceneNode._initFromAsset(assetKey, callback);
if (error.isNotEmpty) {
return error;
assert(() {
sceneNode._debugName = assetKey;
return true;
_ipsceneRegistry[encodedKey] = WeakReference<SceneNode>(sceneNode);
return null;
}).then((_) => sceneNode);
static SceneNode fromTransform(Float64List matrix4) {
final SceneNode sceneNode = SceneNode._create();
return sceneNode;
void addChild(SceneNode sceneNode) {
void setTransform(Float64List matrix4) {
void setAnimationState(String animationName, bool playing, double weight, double timeScale) {
_setAnimationState(animationName, playing, weight, timeScale);
void seekAnimation(String animationName, double time) {
_seekAnimation(animationName, time);
// This is a cache of ipscene-backed scene nodes that have been loaded via
// SceneNode.fromAsset. It holds weak references to the SceneNodes so that the
// case where an in-use ipscene is requested again can be fast, but scenes
// that are no longer referenced are not retained because of the cache.
static final Map<String, WeakReference<SceneNode>> _ipsceneRegistry =
<String, WeakReference<SceneNode>>{};
static Future<void> _reinitializeScene(String assetKey) async {
final WeakReference<SceneNode>? sceneRef = _ipsceneRegistry == null
? null
: _ipsceneRegistry[assetKey];
// If a scene for the asset isn't already registered, then there's no
// need to reinitialize it.
if (sceneRef == null) {
final SceneNode? sceneNode =;
if (sceneNode == null) {
await _futurize((_Callback<void> callback) {
final String error = sceneNode._initFromAsset(assetKey, callback);
if (error.isNotEmpty) {
return error;
return null;
@FfiNative<Void Function(Handle)>('SceneNode::Create')
external void _constructor();
@FfiNative<Handle Function(Pointer<Void>, Handle, Handle)>('SceneNode::initFromAsset')
external String _initFromAsset(String assetKey, _Callback<void> completionCallback);
@FfiNative<Void Function(Pointer<Void>, Handle)>('SceneNode::initFromTransform')
external void _initFromTransform(Float64List matrix4);
@FfiNative<Void Function(Pointer<Void>, Handle)>('SceneNode::AddChild')
external void _addChild(SceneNode sceneNode);
@FfiNative<Void Function(Pointer<Void>, Handle)>('SceneNode::SetTransform')
external void _setTransform(Float64List matrix4);
@FfiNative<Void Function(Pointer<Void>, Handle, Handle, Handle, Handle)>('SceneScene::SetAnimationState')
external void _setAnimationState(String animationName, bool playing, double weight, double timeScale);
@FfiNative<Void Function(Pointer<Void>, Handle, Handle)>('SceneNode::SeekAnimation')
external void _seekAnimation(String animationName, double time);
/// Returns a fresh instance of [SceneShader].
SceneShader sceneShader() => SceneShader._(this, debugName: _debugName);
/// A [Shader] generated from a [SceneNode].
/// Instances of this class can be obtained from the
/// [SceneNode.sceneShader] method.
class SceneShader extends Shader {
SceneShader._(SceneNode node, { String? debugName }) : _debugName = debugName, super._() {
// ignore: unused_field
final String? _debugName;
void setCameraTransform(Float64List matrix4) {
/// Releases the native resources held by the [SceneShader].
/// After this method is called, calling methods on the shader, or attaching
/// it to a [Paint] object will fail with an exception. Calling [dispose]
/// twice will also result in an exception being thrown.
void dispose() {
@FfiNative<Void Function(Handle, Handle)>('SceneShader::Create')
external void _constructor(SceneNode node);
@FfiNative<Void Function(Pointer<Void>, Handle)>('SceneShader::SetCameraTransform')
external void _setCameraTransform(Float64List matrix4);
@FfiNative<Void Function(Pointer<Void>)>('SceneShader::Dispose')
external void _dispose();