blob: 9918326c6bbec56736a6b881896faf0c714cf8b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ui/src/engine/fonts.dart';
import '../assets.dart';
import '../dom.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import 'layout_service.dart';
/// This class is responsible for registering and loading fonts.
/// Once an asset manager has been set in the framework, call
/// [downloadAssetFonts] with it to register fonts declared in the
/// font manifest. If test fonts are enabled, then call
/// [debugDownloadTestFonts] as well.
class HtmlFontCollection implements FontCollection {
FontManager? _assetFontManager;
FontManager? _testFontManager;
/// Reads the font manifest using the [assetManager] and downloads all of the
/// fonts declared within.
Future<void> downloadAssetFonts(AssetManager assetManager) async {
ByteData byteData;
try {
byteData = await assetManager.load('FontManifest.json');
} on AssetManagerException catch (e) {
if (e.httpStatus == 404) {
printWarning('Font manifest does not exist at `${e.url}` – ignoring.');
} else {
final List<dynamic>? fontManifest =
json.decode(utf8.decode(byteData.buffer.asUint8List())) as List<dynamic>?;
if (fontManifest == null) {
throw AssertionError(
'There was a problem trying to load FontManifest.json');
_assetFontManager = FontManager();
for (final Map<String, dynamic> fontFamily
in fontManifest.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()) {
final String? family = fontFamily.tryString('family');
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> fontAssets = fontFamily.castList<Map<String, dynamic>>('fonts');
for (final Map<String, dynamic> fontAsset in fontAssets) {
final String asset = fontAsset.readString('asset');
final Map<String, String> descriptors = <String, String>{};
for (final String descriptor in fontAsset.keys) {
if (descriptor != 'asset') {
descriptors[descriptor] = '${fontAsset[descriptor]}';
family!, 'url(${assetManager.getAssetUrl(asset)})', descriptors);
await _assetFontManager!.downloadAllFonts();
Future<void> loadFontFromList(Uint8List list, {String? fontFamily}) {
if (fontFamily == null) {
throw AssertionError('Font family must be provided to HtmlFontCollection.');
return _assetFontManager!._loadFontFaceBytes(fontFamily, list);
/// Downloads fonts that are used by tests.
Future<void> debugDownloadTestFonts() async {
_testFontManager = FontManager();
ahemFontFamily, 'url($ahemFontUrl)', const <String, String>{});
'url($robotoTestFontUrl)', const <String, String>{});
'url($robotoVariableTestFontUrl)', const <String, String>{});
await _testFontManager!.downloadAllFonts();
void registerDownloadedFonts() {
/// Unregister all fonts that have been registered.
void clear() {
_assetFontManager = null;
_testFontManager = null;
/// Manages a collection of fonts and ensures they are loaded.
class FontManager {
/// Fonts that started the downloading process. Once the fonts have downloaded
/// without error, they are moved to [_downloadedFonts]. Those fonts
/// are subsequently registered by [registerDownloadedFonts].
final List<Future<DomFontFace?>> _fontLoadingFutures = <Future<DomFontFace?>>[];
final List<DomFontFace> _downloadedFonts = <DomFontFace>[];
// Regular expression to detect a string with no punctuations.
// For example font family 'Ahem!' does not fall into this category
// so the family name will be wrapped in quotes.
static final RegExp notPunctuation =
RegExp(r'[a-z0-9\s]+', caseSensitive: false);
// Regular expression to detect tokens starting with a digit.
// For example font family 'Goudy Bookletter 1911' falls into this
// category.
static final RegExp startWithDigit = RegExp(r'\b\d');
/// Registers assets to Flutter Web Engine.
/// Browsers and browsers versions differ significantly on how a valid font
/// family name should be formatted. Notable issues are:
/// Safari 12 and Firefox crash if you create a [DomFontFace] with a font
/// family that is not correct CSS syntax. Font family names with invalid
/// characters are accepted on these browsers, when wrapped it in
/// quotes.
/// Additionally, for Safari 12 to work [DomFontFace] name should be
/// loaded correctly on the first try.
/// A font in Chrome is not usable other than inside a '<p>' tag, if a
/// [DomFontFace] is loaded wrapped with quotes. Unlike Safari 12 if a
/// valid version of the font is also loaded afterwards it will show
/// that font normally.
/// In Safari 13 the [DomFontFace] should be loaded with unquoted family
/// names.
/// In order to avoid all these browser compatibility issues this method:
/// * Detects the family names that might cause a conflict.
/// * Loads it with the quotes.
/// * Loads it again without the quotes.
/// * For all the other family names [DomFontFace] is loaded only once.
/// See also:
/// *
/// *
void downloadAsset(
String family,
String asset,
Map<String, String> descriptors,
) {
if (startWithDigit.hasMatch(family) ||
notPunctuation.stringMatch(family) != family) {
// Load a font family name with special characters once here wrapped in
// quotes.
_loadFontFace("'$family'", asset, descriptors);
// Load all fonts, without quoted family names.
_loadFontFace(family, asset, descriptors);
void _loadFontFace(
String family,
String asset,
Map<String, String> descriptors,
) {
Future<DomFontFace?> fontFaceLoad(DomFontFace fontFace) async {
try {
final DomFontFace loadedFontFace = await fontFace.load();
return loadedFontFace;
} catch (e) {
printWarning('Error while trying to load font family "$family":\n$e');
return null;
// try/catch because `new FontFace` can crash with an improper font family.
try {
final DomFontFace fontFace = createDomFontFace(family, asset, descriptors);
} catch (e) {
printWarning('Error while loading font family "$family":\n$e');
void registerDownloadedFonts() {
if (_downloadedFonts.isEmpty) {
Future<void> downloadAllFonts() async {
final List<DomFontFace?> loadedFonts = await Future.wait(_fontLoadingFutures);
// Loads a font from bytes, surfacing errors through the future.
Future<void> _loadFontFaceBytes(String family, Uint8List list) {
// Since these fonts are loaded by user code, surface the error
// through the returned future.
final DomFontFace fontFace = createDomFontFace(family, list);
return fontFace.load().then((_) {
// There might be paragraph measurements for this new font before it is
// loaded. They were measured using fallback font, so we should clear the
// cache.
}, onError: (dynamic exception) {
// Failures here will throw an DomException which confusingly
// does not implement Exception or Error. Rethrow an Exception so it can
// be caught in user code without depending on dart:html or requiring a
// catch block without "on".
throw Exception(exception.toString());