blob: e1b1e0402482755b05287c274be07965b23b902f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser()
final List<Replacer> uiPatterns = <Replacer>[
AllReplacer(RegExp(r'library\s+ui;'), 'library dart.ui;'),
AllReplacer(RegExp(r'part\s+of\s+ui;'), 'part of dart.ui;'),
'''), r'''
import 'dart:_engine' as engine;
export 'dart:_engine'
List<Replacer> generateApiFilePatterns(String libraryName, List<String> extraImports) {
return <Replacer>[
AllReplacer(RegExp('library\\s+$libraryName;'), '''
library dart._$libraryName;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert' hide Codec;
import 'dart:developer' as developer;
import 'dart:js_util' as js_util;
import 'dart:_js_annotations';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
// Replace exports of engine files with "part" directives.
'''), (Match match) => '''
part '$libraryName/${}';
List<Replacer> generatePartsPatterns(String libraryName) {
return <Replacer>[
AllReplacer(RegExp('part\\s+of\\s+$libraryName;'), 'part of dart._$libraryName;'),
// Remove library-level JS annotations.
AllReplacer(RegExp(r'\n@JS(.*)\nlibrary .+;'), ''),
// Remove library directives.
AllReplacer(RegExp(r'\nlibrary .+;'), ''),
// Remove imports/exports from all part files.
AllReplacer(RegExp(r'\nimport\s*.*'), ''),
AllReplacer(RegExp(r'\nexport\s*.*'), ''),
final List<Replacer> stripMetaPatterns = <Replacer>[
AllReplacer(RegExp(r"import\s*'package:meta/meta.dart';"), ''),
AllReplacer('@required', ''),
AllReplacer('@protected', ''),
AllReplacer('@mustCallSuper', ''),
AllReplacer('@immutable', ''),
AllReplacer('@visibleForTesting', ''),
const Set<String> rootLibraryNames = <String>{
final Map<Pattern, String> extraImportsMap = <Pattern, String>{
RegExp('skwasm_(stub|impl)'): "import 'dart:_skwasm_stub' if (dart.library.ffi) 'dart:_skwasm_impl';",
'engine': "import 'dart:_engine';",
'web_unicode': "import 'dart:_web_unicode';",
'web_locale_keymap': "import 'dart:_web_locale_keymap' as locale_keymap;",
// Rewrites the "package"-style web ui library into a dart:ui implementation.
// So far this only requires a replace of the library declarations.
void main(List<String> arguments) {
final ArgResults results = argParser.parse(arguments);
final Directory directory = Directory(results['output-dir'] as String);
final String inputDirectoryPath = results['input-dir'] as String;
String Function(String source)? preprocessor;
List<Replacer> replacementPatterns;
String? libraryName;
if (results['ui'] as bool) {
replacementPatterns = uiPatterns;
} else {
libraryName = results['library-name'] as String;
if (libraryName == null) {
throw Exception('library-name must be specified if not rewriting ui');
preprocessor = (String source) => preprocessPartFile(source, libraryName!);
replacementPatterns = generatePartsPatterns(libraryName);
for (final String inputFilePath in results['source-file'] as Iterable<String>) {
String pathSuffix = inputFilePath.substring(inputDirectoryPath.length);
if (libraryName != null) {
pathSuffix = path.join(libraryName, pathSuffix);
final String outputFilePath = path.join(directory.path, pathSuffix);
processFile(inputFilePath, outputFilePath, preprocessor, replacementPatterns);
if (results['api-file'] != null) {
if (libraryName == null) {
throw Exception('library-name must be specified if api-file is specified');
final String inputFilePath = results['api-file'] as String;
final String outputFilePath = path.join(
directory.path, path.basename(inputFilePath));
final List<String> extraImports = getExtraImportsForLibrary(libraryName);
replacementPatterns = generateApiFilePatterns(libraryName, extraImports);
(String source) => validateApiFile(inputFilePath, source, libraryName!),
if (results['stamp'] != null) {
File(results['stamp'] as String).writeAsStringSync('stamp');
List<String> getExtraImportsForLibrary(String libraryName) {
// Only our root libraries should have extra imports.
if (!rootLibraryNames.contains(libraryName)) {
return <String>[];
final List<String> extraImports = <String>[];
for (final MapEntry<Pattern, String> entry in extraImportsMap.entries) {
// A library shouldn't import itself.
if (entry.key.matchAsPrefix(libraryName) == null) {
return extraImports;
void processFile(String inputFilePath, String outputFilePath, String Function(String source)? preprocessor, List<Replacer> replacementPatterns) {
final File inputFile = File(inputFilePath);
final File outputFile = File(outputFilePath)
..createSync(recursive: true);
String processSource(String source, String Function(String source)? preprocessor, List<Replacer> replacementPatterns) {
if (preprocessor != null) {
source = preprocessor(source);
for (final Replacer replacer in stripMetaPatterns) {
source = replacer.perform(source);
for (final Replacer replacer in replacementPatterns) {
source = replacer.perform(source);
return source;
// Enforces a particular structure in top level api files for sublibraries.
// Code in api files must only be made of the library directive, exports,
// and code comments. Imports are disallowed. Instead, the required imports are
// added by this script during the rewrite.
String validateApiFile(String apiFilePath, String apiFileCode, String libraryName) {
final List<String> expectedLines = <String>[
'library $libraryName;',
final List<String> lines = apiFileCode.split('\n');
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) {
final int lineNumber = i + 1;
final String line = lines[i].trim();
if (line.isEmpty) {
// Emply lines are OK
if (expectedLines.contains(line)) {
// Expected; let it pass.
if (line.startsWith('//')) {
// Comments are OK
if (line.startsWith('export')) {
// Exports are OK
throw Exception(
'on line $lineNumber: unexpected code in $apiFilePath. This file '
'may only contain comments and exports. Found:\n'
return apiFileCode;
String preprocessPartFile(String source, String libraryName) {
return 'part of $libraryName;\n$source';
/// Responsible for performing string replacements.
abstract class Replacer {
/// Performs the replacement in the provided [text].
String perform(String text);
/// Replaces all occurrences of a pattern with a fixed string.
class AllReplacer implements Replacer {
/// Creates a new tuple with the given [pattern] and [replacement] string.
AllReplacer(this._pattern, this._replacement);
/// The pattern to be replaced.
final Pattern _pattern;
/// The replacement string.
final String _replacement;
String perform(String text) {
return text.replaceAll(_pattern, _replacement);
/// Uses a callback to replace each occurrence of a pattern.
class MappedReplacer implements Replacer {
MappedReplacer(this._pattern, this._replace);
/// The pattern to be replaced.
final RegExp _pattern;
/// A callback to replace each occurrence of [_pattern].
final String Function(Match match) _replace;
String perform(String text) {
return text.replaceAllMapped(_pattern, _replace);