blob: 7c2c535328f78a64f908f4cc516c519e5044311b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/formats.h"
#include "impeller/base/strings.h"
#include "impeller/base/validation.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/texture.h"
namespace impeller {
constexpr bool StoreActionNeedsResolveTexture(StoreAction action) {
switch (action) {
case StoreAction::kDontCare:
case StoreAction::kStore:
return false;
case StoreAction::kMultisampleResolve:
case StoreAction::kStoreAndMultisampleResolve:
return true;
bool Attachment::IsValid() const {
if (!texture || !texture->IsValid()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Attachment has no texture.";
return false;
if (StoreActionNeedsResolveTexture(store_action)) {
if (!resolve_texture || !resolve_texture->IsValid()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Store action needs resolve but no valid resolve "
"texture specified.";
return false;
if (resolve_texture) {
if (store_action != StoreAction::kMultisampleResolve &&
store_action != StoreAction::kStoreAndMultisampleResolve) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "A resolve texture was specified, but the store action "
"doesn't include multisample resolve.";
return false;
if (texture->GetTextureDescriptor().storage_mode ==
StorageMode::kDeviceTransient &&
store_action == StoreAction::kStoreAndMultisampleResolve) {
<< "The multisample texture cannot be transient when "
"specifying the StoreAndMultisampleResolve StoreAction.";
auto storage_mode = resolve_texture
? resolve_texture->GetTextureDescriptor().storage_mode
: texture->GetTextureDescriptor().storage_mode;
if (storage_mode == StorageMode::kDeviceTransient) {
if (load_action == LoadAction::kLoad) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "The LoadAction cannot be Load when attaching a device "
"transient " +
std::string(resolve_texture ? "resolve texture."
: "texture.");
return false;
if (store_action != StoreAction::kDontCare) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "The StoreAction must be DontCare when attaching a "
"device transient " +
std::string(resolve_texture ? "resolve texture."
: "texture.");
return false;
return true;
} // namespace impeller